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Tips and tricks,*Ask a member*

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Started by #444014 at 25,Jun,14 22:01
Ask a member.....

There are many members who are holding a wealth of knowledge.Put it to the test.

Are you looking for an answer to a problem ?
Why not ask the members if they can help.
Are you an avid enthusiast or professional with a good tip to share or trade secr3t ?
Do you have a home remedy to resolve an issue ?

Example: I have been helping a buddy to do some painting recently.He had some paint that had some bits in it. I used some old pantyhose/tights to strain the paint to remove the bits.

Similar topics: for eating pussy   2.Self-bondage techniques and tricks to help me squirt!!   4.Nerves before taking dick?   5.Question for circumcised men - masturbating without lube  

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By #215672 at 08,Sep,14 06:31
if you lock you keys in the car, if your partner has a remote put the remote to the phone and you hold yours near the car, partner press unlock into phone you car will open
By #451452 at 29,Sep,14 10:43
Does not work.

By _avg_ at 28,Jun,14 03:50 other posts of _avg_ 
The 'gas pump' icon on your car will show you which side your fuel tank is on -- right if the 'arm' (hose) is on the right, or left if on the left.

In the US, even-numbered highways run East-West and odd-numbered highways run North-South.

Similarly, house numbers are even on the North and odd on the South sides of the street, usually.
By #455846 at 28,Jun,14 15:38
thats interesting actually do you do a lot of 'touring' and hire cars ?

By #451452 at 03,Aug,14 22:18
3 digit interstate highways are "by pass" highways around congested areas. Hawaii has interstate highways, even though they don't leave an island let alone a state.

By #444014 at 03,Aug,14 15:53
One of my buddies has had problems with his phone when he has been onsite....He has hit the I do not like this topic and cannot rectify this issue....

Can any mobile users help out, as to how my buddy can resolve this please ?
By bella! at 03,Aug,14 16:18 other posts of bella! 
I don't believe that it has anything to do with the device he was on. I mentioned that the "workaround" is that he type in the words; GREAT SONGS in the search option and this would find the topic but suggested that he send a PM to admin as I'm sure he will be able to provide the permanent fix.
By Sickboy at 03,Aug,14 19:26 other posts of Sickboy 
It wasn't me but thanks Bella, the workaround, worked! and for the record It Wasn't Me!
By bella! at 03,Aug,14 20:05 other posts of bella! 
There's someone else that did the same thing? Go figure! Did you send a PM to admin?
By Sickboy at 03,Aug,14 20:35 other posts of Sickboy 
I did but it was on a completely different subject

By leopoldij at 27,Jun,14 20:22 other posts of leopoldij 
I got a question. On long train or bus journeys I feel I have to masturbate, but I don't want to do that in the toilet room.
How Should I do it?
By Sickboy at 27,Jun,14 20:28 other posts of Sickboy 
just don't ....Simple.
--------------------------------------- added after 99 seconds

or there is this old Jedi mind trick!
By #44980 at 28,Jun,14 03:14
Jerk me you will!!

By #303133 at 01,Jul,14 13:47
"have to masturbate"?
What are you, a fuckin' monkey? Show some self-restraint and keep it in your pants.
By leopoldij at 01,Jul,14 16:19 other posts of leopoldij 
yes, aren't we all fucking monkeys? i don't want to show any self-restraint.
By #444014 at 02,Jul,14 20:21
Self restraint helps separate us from Apes...

No fuckin' monkeys
By Sickboy at 02,Jul,14 20:41 other posts of Sickboy 
Stop disrespecting Monkeys they have more restraint!! have you seen planet of the Apes!

By _avg_ at 26,Jun,14 03:33 other posts of _avg_ 
Dude, I love life hacks.... too bad I can't remember like any of them!!

http //imgur com/gallery/4vtsr
http //imgur com/gallery/EXpFB
http //imgur com/gallery/e9ikw
By #444014 at 27,Jun,14 00:37
I will definitely try the cable/cord tidy trick.
By _avg_ at 28,Jun,14 03:31 other posts of _avg_ 
Seriously, I wish more people would read these...some are friggin genius!

By Sickboy at 27,Jun,14 20:48 other posts of Sickboy 
The Best Way To Clean Windows Or Mirrors:.......

Get yourself some newspaper and window cleaner(if you don't have this a little washing up liquid (Fairy is the best!)and warm water) then spray or wash windows/mirror, get newspaper wipe Windows/mirror. Then get another bit of newspaper and buff!........hope this translate cuz I have had a few!! lol.............

Ps if this doesn't work buy a squigy( not sure of the spelling!) And Applicator and do it yourself!....or pay someone to do it for you!.....think of the little business man!!

By #428387 at 26,Jun,14 11:07
I got a tip for the conservationist amongst us.
To conserve water only use enough to cover your vegetables .The same applies when taking a bath. And you can put two different vegetables in the water at the same time.This also applies when taking a bath.You could save even further and let the neighbor put there vegetables in your water .
By Rose at 26,Jun,14 19:07 other posts of Rose 

By #358797 at 26,Jun,14 02:38
Um... I drilled two holes in the back of my trashcan close to the bottom... Got rid of the suction when I pull the bags out... Does that count? Lol.
By #455846 at 26,Jun,14 12:31
great one... I ve also done that

By leopoldij at 26,Jun,14 14:46 other posts of leopoldij 
it does!!!

By #444014 at 26,Jun,14 00:15
Anyone know how to clean a sticky keyboard ?
By #358797 at 26,Jun,14 02:08
Depends on how sticky it is.

Back when I was all fancy schmancy and had me one of them pooter thingies, I had to pop the keys off with a butter knife and clean them with a cotton swab dipped in soapy water.
Unfortunately, I'm a dipshit and popped them all off, cleaned them all up, wiped down the rest of the keyboard with a baby wipe and couldn't remember where the fuck half of the buttons went. Had to use my old school flip phone and have my mom text me a picture of her keyboard. Lmfao.

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