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mutilation, genital mutilation, circumcision all the same?

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Started by #264686 at 25,Aug,14 04:30
Some people say it is?

Similar topics: 1.Circumcised or intact?   2.STOP NEONATAL GENITAL MUTILATION   3.Circumcisions a More Serious Thread   4.Circumcision   5.cock mutilation  

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By JeffinKS at 26,Aug,14 13:10 other posts of JeffinKS 
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By #264686 at 20,Sep,14 02:28
Very good post.

By #264686 at 26,Aug,14 05:55
i do not understand the anger at people that say “let the person decide if they want it or not”.

- reason for religion, who says that anyone will be the same religion as their parent?
- reason for religion – lots of “things” are done by parents in the name of religion. would you think they are all ok in the name of religion, it’s for religion? really?

Lonewolf copied what mutilation is, for people who are unaware. BTW - thanks.

this entire thread I’ve not stated male or female “mutilation, genital mutilation, circumcision” why would one sex be defended and not the other?

if a person wants to do this to themselves, i feel they have that right – but no one has that right to do this to anyone else.
By bella! at 26,Aug,14 06:46 other posts of bella! 
Your last sentence says it all; if a person wants to do this to themselves, I feel that they have that right - but no one has that right to do this to anyone else.

This says to me that you are angry adult, angry that your parents made this choice 50+ years ago and that this anger keeps you incapable of forgiving a moving on. I hope that your parents were wise enough to put a lock on the door between your room in the basement and their room on the main floor. You seem like someone who might have the tendency to want to creep upstairs and place a pillow over their faces while they sl.eep.
By #264686 at 26,Aug,14 08:01
Why make personal attacks?
By bella! at 26,Aug,14 13:43 other posts of bella! 
From the very beginning, I felt you wanted to stir the pot. You posted the same topic in March and it went nowhere. Look at your response to me early on, you encouraged me to add a "side" to your post. Waldo, get out of your parent's basement, enjoy what's left of the rest of your life. I'm finished posting here. Peace out!
By #443664 at 26,Aug,14 14:20
Are you pro circumcision Bella? Just wondering since you seem to be favouring it in a lot of posts and making out guys are pathetic if they feel resentment for their parents letting a knife happy quack mutilate them.
By bella! at 26,Aug,14 14:50 other posts of bella! 
As I said, I am not a man nor have I been blessed with bearing ch.ildren so I have never had a need to consider circumcision.

I don't recall posting in any "cut/uncut" thread and calling any man pathetic. I am a woman and do not "walk in your shoes".

Should I hold it against my parents that they made me take ballet lessons, signed me up for swimming classes and enrolled me in Girl Scouts which required me to wear that ugly green outfit and beret every damn Tuesday? Those choices that my parents made were nothing like circumcision but realize, parents do make choices for their ch.ildren based on what they know and their beliefs. So 20, 30, 40 years after all these choices have been made for me, I can live my life in peace or I can ruminate over the choices that I did not make and be resentful. I do what is best for me......
By #264686 at 28,Aug,14 03:32
What it should say is.

If you want to do this to yourself you should. But you should not cut, or have cut, another person.

male / female or ambiguous. This person has the right to choose what is "modified" on their body!

I do not want to fight with you Bella. I just don't understand a point of view that thinks it is alright to alter another persons body.
By bella! at 28,Aug,14 05:00 other posts of bella! 
I cannot and will not attempt to diminish any anger, anguish or dispute loss of sensation that any man suffers relating to circumcision as I have not walked in your shoes. There will be aspects of a females life that you will never understand such as a monthly menstrual cycle that lasts 4 to 7+ days of each month for 30 to 40 years of our lifetime OR experience the pain related to pushing a 7 to 10 pound baby out of your body.

I certainly agree, I would prefer to keep all of my standard issued body parts, but alas, at the tender age of 5, almost 6, my parents made a decision that I should have a tonsillectomy. Tonsillectomies ( back in the day ) were quite a BL00DY procedure. I wanted to keep all of my teeth but I now have 3 crowns and my latest body modification was less than 3 months ago, when I underwent a total knee replacement. Yes, I am an adult that made that conscious decision to have that procedure.

Will is correct, in our country a vast majority of males were circumcised at birth. I am not aware if any man that I have been with who feels as passionate as any member posting in this thread. To my knowledge, circumcision has not affected anyone that I know, therefore it has not affected me.
By #264686 at 31,Aug,14 01:08
thank's for posting.........

I cannot and will not attempt to diminish any anger, anguish or dispute loss of sensation that any man suffers relating to circumcision as I have not walked in your shoes. There will be aspects of a females life that you will never understand such as a monthly menstrual cycle that lasts 4 to 7+ days of each month for 30 to 40 years of our lifetime OR experience the pain related to pushing a 7 to 10 pound baby out of your body.

Male or female circumcision are both OK? And the other stuff is this a matter of point?? What? You had a baby?

I certainly agree, I would prefer to keep all of my standard issued body parts, but alas, at the tender age of 5, almost 6, my parents made a decision that I should have a tonsillectomy. Tonsillectomies (back in the day) were quite a BL00DY procedure. I wanted to keep all of my teeth but I now have 3 crowns and my latest body modification was less than 3 months ago, when I underwent a total knee replacement. Yes, I am an adult that made that conscious decision to have that procedure.

Tonsillectomy? And if that had not been done? Tonsillectomy is the same as circumcision because? You’ll have to connect that, I had no idea they are the same?

“I wanted to keep all of my teeth but I now have 3 crowns” hmmmm? And that’s the same as circumcision in what way?

Will is correct, in our country a vast majority of males were circumcised at birth. I am not aware if any man that I have been with who feels as passionate as any member posting in this thread. To my knowledge, circumcision has not affected anyone that I know; therefore it has not affected me.

I’ll find a link on “issues” from circumcision.

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It’s good that you do not know anyone that has suffered from this, but that does not mean that no one has.

I guess when it affects you in some way you might have a thought on the subject?

By #467242 at 25,Aug,14 18:42
It is mutilation, if you look around you can find pics of horribly botched circumcisions that leave little to no foreskin making it painful for the individual if they have an erection....

The choice should be up to the individual when they become an adult, not of some quack with pruning shears.
By #264686 at 30,Aug,14 00:29
I agree with you!

the person should decide if they want it done to themselves!

By JeffinKS at 28,Aug,14 22:27 other posts of JeffinKS 
What is lost due to circumcision?

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By #303133 at 26,Aug,14 14:35
Here's the thing that some of you militant anti-circ guys don't get:
Many of us circumcised guys don't care.
Perhaps it is because our cocks are not the centers of our universes.
The overwhelming majority of us have dicks that work quite well.
We do not feel "mutilated" or that our lives are tragically damaged by lack of a foreskin.
Many of us find an uncut penis to be less attractive.
We don't spend our days in an angry haze as we fret and fume over the "injustice" done to us as infants.
You anti-circ folk talk like those of us who are circumcised are misbegotten cripples who just waste away, living a joyless existence due to our insensitive and useless foreskin-deprived cocks.
It just ain't so...

Now, here's the part where you get angry and start making personal and judgmental comments. I expect that sort of behavior because there really is no possibility of reasoning with fanatics.
By #6568 at 27,Aug,14 12:34 may not care and good for you if you don't,....but MANY men DO care, and for their entire lives just because there was an ethos of mutilation when they were innocent and defenceless.
By #303133 at 27,Aug,14 13:06
I understand that many men do care, oldbugle, and I meant no disrespect by my comment.
However, I live in a country where the vast majority of the men are circumcised. Virtually all of the guys in my generation...and two to three generations before that...are cut. It is the norm.
I have had many male friends through out my life, and had a handful of male sexual partners. All of them were circumcised.
None of them ever mentioned a longing for a foreskin or expressed resentment over their cut status. Not a single one. (Trust me on this...even with my friends who aren't sexual intimates, the subjects of sex, sexuality and dicks comes up.)None of us ever complained that circumcision had rendered our equipment insensitive, unsightly or nonfunctional.
It wasn't until I started reading this very forum that I realized that there were actually men with such anger issues on the subject.
Contrary to much of the propaganda spread by the anti-circ ranks, most of us cut guys have peckers that work extremely well.
Of all the cut guys I have known in my life, not a single one of them (including myself) was as obsessed with their dick as are the most vocal "IT'S MUTILATION!" folk in this forum.
By JeffinKS at 27,Aug,14 14:07 other posts of JeffinKS 
most men will not talk about being circumcised and whether or not they are happy about it. it is like some deep dark ****. have you asked any of your male friends about how they feel about being circumcised? I am not asking if you cock works or not, we all know it does. what I am asking is just the basic question, do you like the fact it was done to you? have you ever wondered what it would feel like to have your foreskin and the sensory nerve endings? I am NOT saying my life was "ruined" or that my cock rules my life... I am just not happy that some one who doesn't have a foreskin never gave it a thought. my mother said it was her preference to see circumcised penis's HER PREFERENCE! and that is why I was circumcised as a infant.

most circumcised men will say they are ok... that it works fine. but if you ask them if the choice was theirs... would they do it, and they almost always say NO....
By #264686 at 28,Aug,14 03:51
Hell no they won't to him anyways -

By #264686 at 28,Aug,14 03:08
Chill out, circ is ok. That is if you want it done To Your Self. But I do not think it is ok to have it done to someone else.

all this other stuff you post is from ???? I do not see anything in this thread like the stuff you go on about?

I am not anti-circ? But I think if you want circ you should do it. but no one should do that to someone else - that's all I wrote. Because if you cut on another person its not a choice THEY made.

By bella! at 25,Aug,14 04:37 other posts of bella! 
Weren't you able to find any threads with interesting dialogue? Just search cut or uncut.
By #264686 at 25,Aug,14 04:40
Not anything current? What are your thoughts on the subject bella?
By bella! at 25,Aug,14 05:05 other posts of bella! 
I'm not a man nor have I been blessed with bearing a ch.ild. I think that circumcision is a very personal and passionate topic and each man/member has their own opinion. Is there any right or wrong answer to circumcision?
By #264686 at 25,Aug,14 05:44
Yes there is. I alone have the right to cut off parts of my body - and you have the right to chop off parts of yours. But I do not have the right to chop off parts of your body. And, you do not have the right to chop off parts of my body.

I thank that makes it easy? If you are my mom, or if I am your dad. There is no right to cut off another persons body parts.

but, that's just how I feel?

please add a side to that?
By bella! at 25,Aug,14 06:22 other posts of bella! 
Your profile states you live in the United States but doesn't say how old you are. Based on your response, my guess is that you are quite young.

Do you really think that parents set out to fu@k up the life of their male ch.ildren? Circumcision is not an uncommon practice in the States. In the Jewish religion, a circumcision is performed because it is a commandment from God.

As I said, circumcision is a very personal and passionate topic for many men and I DO NOT feel that there is a right or wrong answer. I hope that your parents haven't ruined your life, most parents do the best they can do.
By #264686 at 25,Aug,14 06:38
I'll have to give what you wrote some time to think about?

btw - I'm unsure if it matters my age? This is about hurting another person? The age of the person hurt at another hand does not matter (I do not think that it does).

I can call what i do to you in the name of? But, does that make it any more right / less wrong?

I feel that a person is the only one that has a right to "modify" themself.

btw - you are right. I am almost 50 years young.

did anyone mean to hurt another? Is that an acceptable excuse? I'm sure there are a lot of people that wished it true.
By #445126 at 25,Aug,14 11:21
I agree with bella! I think this is a passionate and very personal issue. I do believe that as society changes and adapts, this practice will change. I am circumcised and am grateful that I am. I know others that wish they weren't. Often parents have their boys circumcised because for many years in the US it was considered a healthier choice. Just as a parent decides is a **** had his/her tonsils out, or an appendectomy, we make decision for our **** based on the knowledge we can assimilate at the time. I think there is not right or wrong here, but I do think the tide is changing on what is acceptable and Americans will choose circumcision less unless it is for religious purposes.
By #303133 at 25,Aug,14 14:00
The thing that always strikes me in these discussions is how often guys scream: "MY PARENTS RUINED MY LIFE!" when they talk about being circumcised.
Seriously? Your entire life has been ruined?
If your entire life revolves around your penis, you probably have more than just a lack of foreskin to worry about.
By #264686 at 26,Aug,14 05:50
i missed the post "MY PARENTS RUINED MY LIFE!" the poster must have deleted it?

i hope they read your reply though - i'm sure what you posted will in some way help them get the help you feel they need
By #303133 at 27,Aug,14 11:51
Oh, please.
If you are not being disingenuous, then you obviously have not read the other seventy-two thousand threads about circumcision posted on this forum.
By #264686 at 28,Aug,14 03:14
Go flame the other posters - you are the only one posting that here.

some people did not want that done to them. You are the only one posting the other stuff here, in this thread. And then you try to defend what no one has said?

I'm not anti-circ, but you should decide that you want it done - not someone else for their reason. It should be for your reason you have it done.

By thesevenpointfive at 25,Aug,14 16:21 other posts of thesevenpointfive 
There is nothing wrong with being cut, sure you could argue that small **** have no say in the matter, which what annoy people. But if you want to be cut and like the felling, then no problem. Mutilation, love the word, as its a piece of skin, that does not effect you having sex or masturbation. Mutilation, is shoving a pin in to the head.
By JeffinKS at 25,Aug,14 21:04 other posts of JeffinKS 
noun: mutilation; plural noun: mutilations

the action of mutilating or being mutilated.
"a culture which found any mutilation of the body abhorrent"
the infliction of serious damage on something.
"the mutilation of the English language"

did you catch that? the infliction of serious damage on something I.E removing 15 square inches of skin and 20,000 special nerves.....
By #6568 at 27,Aug,14 12:47
The Concise English Dict. lists 'mutilate' as,"to deprive of"...or remove.

By JeffinKS at 25,Aug,14 14:10 other posts of JeffinKS 
unless it is medically needed... and NO phimosis is NOT a medical emergency, it can be treated with out cutting off the foreskin. this practice needs to be stopped. even some of the Jewish faith are NOT circumcising...
and Justwill...
"The thing that always strikes me in these discussions is how often guys scream: "MY PARENTS RUINED MY LIFE!" when they talk about being circumcised.
Seriously? Your entire life has been ruined? "
every time I look at my penis, I am reminded that at some point in my life I was strapped down and had part of MY body cut off at the will of another...
Since I have restored my foreskin and have experienced the overwhelming increase in pleasure I can only imagine what it would be like if I was still intact..
By #303133 at 25,Aug,14 16:32
Sure, I get it.
When I was working as a therapist in a group home for troubled ch*ldren, I met a boy who, from the age of 6 through 13, was prostituted by his parents to hundreds of guys.
Just think how his life would have been "ruined" if they had had him circumcised...
By JeffinKS at 25,Aug,14 21:00 other posts of JeffinKS 
how is that even the same? your comparing apples to oranges..
I mean come on really?
why not compare male circumcision to female circumcision by your reasoning it would be the same thing right?
By bella! at 25,Aug,14 21:18 other posts of bella! 
Gosh, this is a discussion where no one will be right or wrong. Think of all the things that babies and ch.ildren go through growing up. Babies cut teeth and are irritable for the longest time, then there ch.ildhood illnesses mostly seems to be when the little darlings start school....... Maybe it's good that I don't have any recollection of those things. Nor do I have any recollection of my umbilical cord being cut to set me free from my mother.

Circumcision is apples and oranges compared to what I've illustrated but it's a choice that your parents made for you as well as the choice that many new parents make each day. I just don't see how or why men/ch.ildren are able to carry this anger with them into and through their adult years.
By JeffinKS at 25,Aug,14 21:36 other posts of JeffinKS 
Bella.. you are a dear friend but,
as a female you are protected under the law. female circumcision is outlawed but when it comes to baby boys... everyone doesn't give it a second thought to strap them down and cut up a perfectly healthy penis. the trauma inflicted has been shown to cause permanent changes in the brain. I know of two people that after trying for years to conceive finally had a baby boy, when he was born they agreed to have him circumcised thinking it was the right thing to do. the circumcision went bad and the baby died from complications.... they were devastated....
why is it so hard to just leave then alone? just bring the WHOLE baby home.
By #6568 at 27,Aug,14 12:38
Well put!!.....and so right!

By #264686 at 26,Aug,14 06:07
“I just don't see how or why men/ch.ildren are able to carry this anger with them…..”

i am at least satisfied that you acknowledge that people carry an anger that this was done to them - that says that you do recognize the anger, i’m sorry you do not feel it has validity.

By #303133 at 25,Aug,14 22:22
I am not comparing anything to anything. Just trying to put a little perspective on the "ruined my life" issue, that's all.
His parents strapped him to a table and let guys fuck him...hundreds of times.
Yours made your penis less sensitive.
Who do you think has a stronger claim to a "ruined life"?
By JeffinKS at 25,Aug,14 22:41 other posts of JeffinKS 
OK... I rarely get into circumcision discussions on here just for this reason. did circumcision "ruin" my life? no
did it diminish my enjoyment sexually? hell yes it did. do I feel betrayed by the people that were supposed to protect me from harm, hell yes I do.
with that being said, I took control and restored my foreskin... it may not be perfect but it has helped me heal the emotional wound I have dealt with all my life... I know you don't understand and don't expect you to.

By #416899 at 25,Aug,14 08:25
I think citcumcision is the cutting of foreskin of penis. MUTILATION IS CUTTING OF WHOLE PENIS.
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