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cock mutilation

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Started by #460523 at 10,Mar,18 00:14
Why would you do that to your dick?

Similar topics: 1.Circumcised or intact?   2.STOP NEONATAL GENITAL MUTILATION   3.mutilation, genital mutilation, circumcision all the same?   4.STOP POSTNATAL VOCABULARY MUTILATION   5.Circumcisions a More Serious Thread  

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By #502711 at 10,Mar,18 04:20
I like my cock too much to slice it up
By 3fdfd at 10,Mar,18 04:59 other posts of 3fdfd 
Gotta agree with you. Getting the foreskin chopped off is bad enough

By leopoldij at 12,Mar,18 01:31 other posts of leopoldij 
Correct. Why the hell would anyone mutilate his cock unless he had serious mental issues?

By #549651 at 12,Mar,18 01:40
I'm glad that you feel that way, Aussie as I for one wouldn't want to see your dick altered whatsoever.

I'm not sure myself, either. Perhaps it's a feeling of uniqueness or simply that it's appealing. I've only seen pix. I can't even imagine how one would even go about such a thing. Have met men that got circumcised as adults and feel that would even be too over the top for me. I respect everyone's choices, but I could never do anything like that to any part of my body.
By #502711 at 12,Mar,18 04:06
People can do whatever they want. I just don't understand why women seem to prefer the mutilated penis over the natural one. I guess it's because most guys have circumcised dicks & they seem to think uncircumcised dicks are weird. Go figure. Anyway if a girl finds that an uncircumcised dick weird, then that must mean they've seen a TON of dicks & she probably has herpes.

By phart at 12,Mar,18 02:35 other posts of phart 
I would say they are nuts frankly. Some pics I see I can't even figure out how they piss without soaking the whole restroom.
How would you fuck with a dick sliced down the middle like a split fence rail?

By leopoldij at 10,Mar,18 00:22 other posts of leopoldij 
Why would anyone do that? Even if it caused him some pleasure (i can't see how) most people would be disgusted by the sight.

By #460523 at 10,Mar,18 00:17
The cutting open the side of you dicks

By #460523 at 10,Mar,18 00:16
and I am not talking about circumcised or not

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