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Started by #303133 at 23,Sep,14 02:53
...would anyone like to take a guess as to which prominent member uses his position on the Evaluation Panel as a way to get people banished from the site because they sent him a mean PM?
If you can't be impartial, prominent member, you have no business voting on the panel!
Please see my other reply to you on it. Who is on it? anybody with an account old enough, can be on it. A member who used to be here named JohnS was a very active participant in it. In fact I believe he had either over 13,000 points amassed, or was that over 31,000 points, which I believe (if my memory serves me well, mind you) he said he earned through hard work...and that must have included all he did over at "The Star Chamber", as it was nicknamed.
Ohhh THAT'S what it means. Thank you!
I thought the TTS could stand for Transgender/Transsexual but I thought...that can't be right. Meaning I thought maybe it meant you had two sexual partners who were nice, warm people in spirit, in personality, and who were also Transgender/Transsexual people...thank you very much for explaining what it means.
By #487013 at 02,Dec,18 16:09
If you've been a member for two years or more, you have the ability to vote in favor or against people that have been referred to admin for violating the site rules in some way. In the past (and maybe even now) some felt that certain members used to to further their agendas against those they didn't like to get them off the site.
I'm not sure what's going on but I assure you that when member #482237, twowarmtts, was here before, she had a full understanding of the Evaluation Panel, the process and who voted. You have to scroll down a bit, but she voted to delete a member by the screen name of BlastMyVag because the member was rude to her.
You are right but I didn't know it was named the evaluation panel or any other names. I remember Blast my Vag. Yesterday, we had a private conversation. In it I told you I have a slight touch of Alshymer. There's many things I forget. You seem to be indignant of my memory problems or you are trying to pick a fight. Why?
Seriously, I'm not trying to pick anything, I would be happy as a pig in slop if things calmed down.
By #562152 at 04,Dec,18 01:27
Me too but those other members will not let me be. We started chatting about Admin this morning. Look at what happened. Should I block them all again? They are being abusive. I know they are your friends but put yourself in my shoes. Would you let them do this to you?
You called me an asshole and a moron,should I cry for sympathy?
You call people asshole and moron,you are the one calling people are being abusive...
And you keep poking people with a stick and then ask them to let you be?
You want it all.....and you crack me up,you start shit,then cry...
By #562152 at 04,Dec,18 02:15
I don't care. Weather I'm wrong or right, it's between you and me. You leave my family alone. They are not part of this. I'm warning you.
you are Charlie and Jerome are all the same person,like bonbon52....
You do care.... don't accuse me of being something I am not, don't talk shit to me about other members....
By #68656 at 23,Sep,14 08:42
And you had no right, along with the others, to attack myself, Bella, Monted and various other members on an esoteric private group and not give those members any right of reply.
Please do not try to weasel your way out, if you will not admit you were the "mole" and betrayed your fellow group members then it is now public knowlege. Shame on you.
As for you Ray, shame on you for falling for the nonsense of that group, you were once a valued member of SYD until you sold out, that also applies to you Daffy and especially to you Sinaff, remember all of you along with the two females attacked me and Bella in a fashion that can only be described as unethical.
Then to try and save face all of you put on false facades, tried to make out you are the victims and Monty and I the "bad guys".
If you read this Peach, please consider well before you accept their invitation to join that group.
Leaving the best for last, shame on you for making Routemaster and Big9 the scapeoats for being the "mole" and to the devious gentleman shame on you for the blatant fabrications you wrote about Curveball. That gentleman has more morals and ethics than all of you put together.
The blue man should put his money where his mouth is and close that group as he proposed a few days ago.
Any problems with me, submit a case to the webmaster.
To John S I have NO SHAME!! As for being a valued member here I have No problems, no one bothers me in any way other than you with your hidious remarks/If you feel I am not a valued member then so be it,it is your opinion and yours alone!You have no problem aattacking people weather it is here in t he fourms,or on the evaluation panel, how ever you are afraid to reply to any and all questions asked of you. You are the one that should feel shame!People that live in Glass houses realy should't be throwing stones and not expect to have them thrown back. Time for you to grow up and get a life.If you are calling out the so called MOLE of the group then provide proof!! Oh waite, I am asking you to reply to a direct question, What was I thinking ??
By #444014 at 23,Sep,14 11:10
The mole thing is are the one who reveals it to everyone.
You say we give no right of reply...We have asked you repeatedly to answer questions.You have failed to do that.
I am the moderator of the group....I can invite and remove who I choose...Get over it.
It is a private group....we have discussed members,yes....and said some not so pleasant things...but what do you expect John ? When you have to get involved in things that are not your business,that you will hear nice things..
The things you have said about me in private are pretty you have a mole......ha..
Shall I publish what you said about bella and monted ?
Grow up...
Routemaster is a brilliant guy....and I should have never invited him...he is here to look at cock..not get involved in the politics of this site..
You seem to think I give a shit about the mole....I always knew that you would get butthurt...
You are missing the issues here...anything I have said in private I will say to your face,but as you don't answer anything and only add comments to inflame the situation...I have to put in the group to make sure you get the message..
Keep baiting people John..
How many times have you tried to get rid of me now ?
I have at least report one that I know of.
You brain is working overtime to dig yourself out of all the shit.
I am entitled and it is my right to have an opinion.You have all the group messages..
Put them all up and the chips fall where they may.
Let people think for themselves John and stop being a control freak. --------------------------------------- added after 30 minutes
Don't try and bait me by deliberately mis-spelling members names know why.Don't play stupid on this particular point.
What I said about bella and you was 'you act like a married couple' There you go....oh so unethical...I have seen your use of language....I would call that unethical.
I'm sure members and former members have opinions and theories about me.... I DO NOT care. Very few have taken the time to get to know me and that's their loss. I've rubbed members the wrong way because their I've told them their 'bros before ho's' mentality is unbecoming, another member for asking whether they were going to spend their time hunting for fakes rather than developing friendships and yes, JohnS, for coming into the forum and writing my opinion(s) that he had a different set of privileges. For those egregious offences, I have also been the topic of conversations both public and private.
I do not hide behind confidential emails or private group. Please, by all means, feel free to publish whatever you like.
By #444014 at 23,Sep,14 12:10
I do remember what you have said to me..
Look what happened....I follow a bit of advice, make friends ,then get shit for that too....I can't catch a break .
And I do respect you for being forthright, I have said this to you.
I stopped reporting as there is no point to the panel in its present format....the panel is just democracy at work and unless you fit the right group, the reports get dismissed.
I did not mention names, but I know what I've said/done to piss members, past and present, off. Like I said, some members choose to dislike me that don't really know me and that just an indication of how shallow they are.
By #491031 at 29,Aug,15 17:54
For anyone who doesn't know by now, the "mole" was poolboy.
Just didn't want folks to lose sle*p over the mystery...
really JohnS, you are the VICKY POLLARD of this site...
yes, but no but yes but no... it's not me, and then he did this, but no, and i said, and yes, but, she said i would, but i didn't, and now it's, no would be, but that's not even possible..!
JohnS, you will be casted for Little Britain very soon, and you will be a HIT!!
JohnS, I would be happy to hear how you truly feel about me. Please feel free to post your opinions right here. I would rather have it come from you rather than to hear it from another person.
By #303133 at 23,Sep,14 16:08
While we are on the subject of questions you are too cowardly to answer, john, here's another:
We are not friends.
You leave no messages.
We only "communicate" here in the forum.
I can only come up with two reasons for your frequent visits:
A. You find it hard to get through a day without seeing my cock.
B. You are hunting for reasons to put me up for deletion in the "Star Chamber".
Given your recent behavior, option "B" seems the most likely. Is that how you spend your time here--stalking victims for your own little grudge hunt? How many other members do you target in this way?
If you don't mind me saying, you do have a delightful looking dong. It's very dong like.
On to other matters, I do miss the picture of the Mona Lisa as well as the pie chart. Although your dong is an eye pleasing appendage, it's just not enough to satisfy the entire page.
By #303133 at 23,Sep,14 20:02
I took down Mona because a search of the internet would show that she is posted all over the fucking place, and I didn't want John to report me for web derived images.
I took down the pie chart because I thought that might be why he visited my page so often. (Bright colors attract gadflies.)
I left my cock there because, frankly, I really like my cock.
We are very much attached to each other. --------------------------------------- added after 36 minutes
Now, there are two (count 'em---TWO!) identical pictures of my dick on my page. One has the logo of another site and the user name I post under tagged in the lower left corner (watermark ?) They are both still MY dick.
Despite what John and his henchmen on the referral panel would have people believe, just because a personal photo is not posted EXCLUSIVELY on SYD, that does not mean that it is web derived OR a violation of site rules.
Say it isn't sooooo! You post on using the name Ian007, like Ian Fleming author of all those 007 books, like SeanConnery007? That is too fricken creepy for me!
By #303133 at 23,Sep,14 21:00
Just another example of my stalker's "creativity".
It has stalked me from one site to another!
I am telling you, bella, I think it wants to skin me and make its own "Will" suit...
but i cannot even comprehend what this is about... --------------------------------------- added after 34 seconds
really JohnS, you are the VICKY POLLARD of this site...
yes, but no but yes but no... it's not me, and then he did this, but no, and i said, and yes, but, she said i would, but i didn't, and now it's, no would be, but that's not even possible..!
JohnS, you will be casted for Little Britain very soon, and you will be a HIT!!
--------------------------------------- added after 46 seconds
The 2 was because it's the second time here
I thought the TTS could stand for Transgender/Transsexual but I thought...that can't be right. Meaning I thought maybe it meant you had two sexual partners who were nice, warm people in spirit, in personality, and who were also Transgender/Transsexual people...thank you very much for explaining what it means.
You call people asshole and moron,you are the one calling people are being abusive...
And you keep poking people with a stick and then ask them to let you be?
You want it all.....and you crack me up,you start shit,then cry...
You do care.... don't accuse me of being something I am not, don't talk shit to me about other members....
Please do not try to weasel your way out, if you will not admit you were the "mole" and betrayed your fellow group members then it is now public knowlege. Shame on you.
As for you Ray, shame on you for falling for the nonsense of that group, you were once a valued member of SYD until you sold out, that also applies to you Daffy and especially to you Sinaff, remember all of you along with the two females attacked me and Bella in a fashion that can only be described as unethical.
Then to try and save face all of you put on false facades, tried to make out you are the victims and Monty and I the "bad guys".
If you read this Peach, please consider well before you accept their invitation to join that group.
Leaving the best for last, shame on you for making Routemaster and Big9 the scapeoats for being the "mole" and to the devious gentleman shame on you for the blatant fabrications you wrote about Curveball. That gentleman has more morals and ethics than all of you put together.
The blue man should put his money where his mouth is and close that group as he proposed a few days ago.
Any problems with me, submit a case to the webmaster.
You say we give no right of reply...We have asked you repeatedly to answer questions.You have failed to do that.
I am the moderator of the group....I can invite and remove who I choose...Get over it.
It is a private group....we have discussed members,yes....and said some not so pleasant things...but what do you expect John ? When you have to get involved in things that are not your business,that you will hear nice things..
The things you have said about me in private are pretty you have a mole......ha..
Shall I publish what you said about bella and monted ?
Grow up...
Routemaster is a brilliant guy....and I should have never invited him...he is here to look at cock..not get involved in the politics of this site..
You seem to think I give a shit about the mole....I always knew that you would get butthurt...
You are missing the issues here...anything I have said in private I will say to your face,but as you don't answer anything and only add comments to inflame the situation...I have to put in the group to make sure you get the message..
Keep baiting people John..
How many times have you tried to get rid of me now ?
I have at least report one that I know of.
You brain is working overtime to dig yourself out of all the shit.
I am entitled and it is my right to have an opinion.You have all the group messages..
Put them all up and the chips fall where they may.
Let people think for themselves John and stop being a control freak.
--------------------------------------- added after 30 minutes
Don't try and bait me by deliberately mis-spelling members names know why.Don't play stupid on this particular point.
What I said about bella and you was 'you act like a married couple' There you go....oh so unethical...I have seen your use of language....I would call that unethical.
I do not hide behind confidential emails or private group. Please, by all means, feel free to publish whatever you like.
Look what happened....I follow a bit of advice, make friends ,then get shit for that too....I can't catch a break
And I do respect you for being forthright, I have said this to you.
I stopped reporting as there is no point to the panel in its present format....the panel is just democracy at work and unless you fit the right group, the reports get dismissed.
Just didn't want folks to lose sle*p over the mystery...
yes, but no but yes but no... it's not me, and then he did this, but no, and i said, and yes, but, she said i would, but i didn't, and now it's, no would be, but that's not even possible..!
JohnS, you will be casted for Little Britain very soon, and you will be a HIT!!
We are not friends.
You leave no messages.
We only "communicate" here in the forum.
I can only come up with two reasons for your frequent visits:
A. You find it hard to get through a day without seeing my cock.
B. You are hunting for reasons to put me up for deletion in the "Star Chamber".
Given your recent behavior, option "B" seems the most likely. Is that how you spend your time here--stalking victims for your own little grudge hunt? How many other members do you target in this way?
On to other matters, I do miss the picture of the Mona Lisa as well as the pie chart. Although your dong is an eye pleasing appendage, it's just not enough to satisfy the entire page.
I took down the pie chart because I thought that might be why he visited my page so often. (Bright colors attract gadflies.)
I left my cock there because, frankly, I really like my cock.
We are very much attached to each other.
--------------------------------------- added after 36 minutes
Now, there are two (count 'em---TWO!) identical pictures of my dick on my page. One has the logo of another site and the user name I post under tagged in the lower left corner (watermark ?) They are both still MY dick.
Despite what John and his henchmen on the referral panel would have people believe, just because a personal photo is not posted EXCLUSIVELY on SYD, that does not mean that it is web derived OR a violation of site rules.
It has stalked me from one site to another!
I am telling you, bella, I think it wants to skin me and make its own "Will" suit...
Here's something else to give thought to;
It puts the lotion on the skin.........
but i cannot even comprehend what this is about...
--------------------------------------- added after 34 seconds
really JohnS, you are the VICKY POLLARD of this site...
yes, but no but yes but no... it's not me, and then he did this, but no, and i said, and yes, but, she said i would, but i didn't, and now it's, no would be, but that's not even possible..!
JohnS, you will be casted for Little Britain very soon, and you will be a HIT!!