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Why does he keep visiting my page?

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Started by #303133 at 18,Oct,14 20:02
It's more than a bit odd.
A "prominent member" (and a major participant in the Star Chamber) visits my page on a regular basis.
We are not friends.
He never leaves a comment.
Whatever could he be up to?????
Anyone else getting regular visits from this particular "creeper"?

Similar topics: 1.Please Take A Look, Comment   2.Have you paid for sex?   3.Females using this site   4.A new page   5.Hell algorithm ranks trending members…??  

New Comment

By #275407 at 17,Dec,18 18:02
In my case, I visit all members on a daily basis looking for milk points. Not so much looking at there pictures. So maybe that's why you get visits all the time. I used to hit everyone's excitement meter and after hitting the meter several times and don't get one back, I don't hit their meter anymore. This site is about showing yourself off and if it is a concern to any member about someone looking at them, maybe you shouldn't be here, if it bothers you that much, there's also a block botton.
By mr_blue at 17,Dec,18 19:29 other posts of mr_blue 
yeah,some people just take,take,take....then when you stop voting on them they pm you and ask why no more votes....
Funny how when you stop doing something people get in contact with you...

And this thread is about JohnS creeping on members pages... when he was on his mission to rid the site of anyone who didn't agree with him....
By #275407 at 17,Dec,18 20:53
I don't mind if people visit my page and don't leave a message, johnS never bothered me either, probobly because I liked his dirty dog,

By #562152 at 01,Dec,18 16:51
What is "the star chamber"?
By Ravioli_Max at 02,Dec,18 06:15 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
What the page currently says:

Abuse Reports
main page
The primary goal of this page - to quickly delete members posting **** shit when admin is away and to resolve doubtful situations.
If your account is older than 2 years you can participate here.
Abuse gets +1 if you agree and -1 if you disagree. Once it gets -5 or gets older than 10 days the abuse gets deleted as invalid, once it gets +5 the member gets deleted for the violation.

No guidelines. If you do not have any common sense you should not participate here! If you "freeze" deletion of something really important like chil.d porn you are banned from the site no matter what.

There are no pending abuse reports at the moment
Check if there are any suspicious possibly previously banned members

The URL of the page:

--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

The starred-out word is, "illega.l".

By Ravioli_Max at 02,Dec,18 06:25 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
You have been a member since July 14, 2018 so you will either not be able to see the page at all, or you will be able to see the page but not be able to participate in having a say in the voting if a member should be deleted off the site or not.

By Ravioli_Max at 02,Dec,18 06:58 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
"The Star Chamber" is a nickname given to it by our own unicorn, the site unicorn. JustWill used to be known as The Unicorn on this site. He once kindly long ago explained to me exactly why he called it that. Maybe he will explain it to you too, if you ask politely, I don't know. Google says this: "The English court of Star Chamber was created by King Henry VII in 1487 and was named for a room with stars painted on the ceiling in the royal palace of Westminster where the court sat. The Star Chamber was an instrument of the monarch and consisted of royal councillors and two royal judges."

I'm thinking his naming of it is something in connection to JohnS, who was an active participant in being on "The Review Panel" of the Abuse Reports page. And he did not care for JohnS. I'm not trying to sound gossipy or stir anything up, I'm just trying to skim the surface of lightly explaining. He could do a much better job of it than I can.

And ma'am, please, please do not say anything bad about JustWill in replies to me here...I like you but I also like JustWill...would **** to see fighting or slamming start under my threads.
--------------------------------------- added after 31 seconds

The starred-out word is h.ate.
By #562152 at 02,Dec,18 10:57
Thanks, I know about the abuse panel to ban members. I didn't know about the knick names. My old twowarmtts account was 3 yrs old but I participated in only 3 cases. I didn't like the fact that there's no way to defend yourself.
By Ravioli_Max at 03,Dec,18 01:11 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
You're welcome, but I wish other folks would explain this. Above where it says, "Drama Queens Fighting", there is a search may want to type in star+chamber and see what comes up.
By #562152 at 03,Dec,18 01:16
By Ravioli_Max at 03,Dec,18 02:11 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
Thank you. And about the voting on that, to get somebody thrown off the site...unless something is or obviously a fake, like it was found that pictures of a porn star were used, (but hey, it is possible real adult-content models and porn movie stars could come here) isn't a person supposed to be contacted first and given a chance to either explain or remove a picture before they are kicked off the site and their page content deleted? I bet whomever happens to be participating in "The Review Panel" at the moment gets a lot of defiance and sass from contacted newcomers who do not yet realize that site members actually have the power to wipe out their stuff.
By #562152 at 03,Dec,18 02:17
I was and still am somewhat ignorant how things work. I suspect some is colored by gossip

By #491031 at 29,Aug,15 17:23
I'm betting that this question was never actually given a satisfactory answer...

By Ray10754 at 30,Oct,14 17:01 other posts of Ray10754 
WOW I must be special! I got another visit today That makes twice in one week !
By #303133 at 30,Oct,14 17:58
Funny thing,Ray: He's started using "Star Chamber" like it's a complimentary title.
By Ray10754 at 30,Oct,14 19:19 other posts of Ray10754 
LOL yes I noticed that! Some people just don't have a clue.

By Ray10754 at 28,Oct,14 16:00 other posts of Ray10754 
WOO HOO Got me another visit today

By #196416 at 19,Oct,14 02:10
I also am blessed by the visit's
By #303133 at 19,Oct,14 02:31
"Blessed" is an interesting choice of words, my friend. Like saying "I have been blessed with herpes."
By #474162 at 20,Oct,14 13:14
It's all in the way you look at it, for many herpes is the gift that keeps on giving.
By #303133 at 20,Oct,14 18:30
Okay. Now I know what to get you for Xmas...
By bella! at 20,Oct,14 20:18 other posts of bella! 
Vatrex, that's such an odd gift!

By #170523 at 22,Oct,14 04:33
I am not sure why he would visit me,I haven't posted anything on the forum for two weeks.
By #303133 at 22,Oct,14 12:10
Sure, but you might have posted something on your page that is perceived as possible grounds for deletion in the Star Chamber. You, sir, are on the "LIST"!
By #170523 at 23,Oct,14 02:49
I have posted only pics of myself on my page,as are the rules of this site,if someone posts pics of another person and with out that person's consent that member is in violation of the rules of this site.The admin told me that,I was trying to make a case for OYSTER and got crushed.I personally don't care what a members posts on their page but rules two plus years ago should still apply now.
By #303133 at 23,Oct,14 11:53
However, ALL members need to be monitored on a regular basis to make sure that they have not violated any rules. If you haven't violated a rule, you might be guilty of being a "silly wanker" or "inactive". Both, I have been told, are grounds for review in the Star Chamber...
By Ray10754 at 24,Oct,14 17:01 other posts of Ray10754 
Got a visit today !! anyone else get one??

By Sickboy at 20,Oct,14 20:39 other posts of Sickboy 
just got my first visit in a long time!

By Ray10754 at 18,Oct,14 22:12 other posts of Ray10754 
It has been over a week since the last visit But Im sure it wont be much longer till he dose!!
By #303133 at 18,Oct,14 22:15
Just letting you know that you are being watched, I guess...
By Ray10754 at 18,Oct,14 23:49 other posts of Ray10754 
I have been watched by bigger and more important people in the past with no problems. He sure isnt a problem for me!!

By #358797 at 18,Oct,14 21:27
I get the usual visit as well. Every few days or so...

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