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What makes you happy...

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Started by #483768 at 04,Mar,15 01:37
Yes I know it's a sex site and there are a lot of male female male bisexual gay ...and whatever topics here ...BUT what makes you happy,Sure sex is likely high on the list but what else...I love people ...clothed even...I am into cooking...Cars ...My new pup ...still under construction...What makes or breaks your life...I know some of you will think me nuts ...It would not be the first time ... Feelings are so important to your life...

Similar topics: 1.You have a nice happy trail ? Got pics of your happy trail (either shirtless or of you lifting your t-shirt) ?   2.Best sex advice!   3.Happy St George's Day   4.Just uploaded some new pics, tell me what you think please :)   5.What makes cum (jizz, spunk, throat goo) so hot? Cum junkies testify! :)  

New Comment

By #204766 at 26,Jul,15 02:23
Completing a game makesx. Me happy

By #24318 at 25,Jul,15 19:56

By #472683 at 05,Mar,15 07:49
Being alive! I experienced a true miracle recently, for which I'm immensely grateful.

Unbeknownst to me, I had a chronic bleed near my brain, under the dura mater, the first of the meninges (from which we get the word "meningitis"). It became "acute", meaning the thing blew, and it was a HUGE bleed. It pushed my brain to the right side ("midline shift") by 11 mm. I have cerebral swelling, also. I "should" have died or become seriously brain damaged, but while I had some neurological deficits and what became the most crushing head pain ever, I walked and talked into the ER. I ended up getting airlifted by helicopter to a specialty unit. I had a craniotomy (brain surgery), and I was in the ICU. I walked out four days later. I just got the 12 staples removed from my head, but I have a lot of recovery ahead of me. As my brain heals, I'm pretty sick. I cannot drive until I'm cleared by the neurosurgeon.

But I'm so happy to be here!!!!! I love you, friends, and friends still to meet.
[deleted image]
By #316057 at 05,Mar,15 10:49
Hope your Felling better Hun..

By #451452 at 06,Mar,15 06:40
Hoping for a rapid, complete recovery. That must have been terrifying. Follow the Drs orders, get plenty of rest and keep up your always welcome happy spirits.

By Ravioli_Max at 06,Mar,15 22:30 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
Heavens...I'm so sorry. I hope you heal beautifully and experience complete, total, full recovery.

--------------------------------------- added after 32 seconds

And that is a rose.
By #472683 at 07,Mar,15 23:45
Awwww. Thank you so much, Sweetness.
By Ravioli_Max at 08,Mar,15 02:59 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
You're welcome Steffi.

By #24318 at 25,Jul,15 19:53
You are a strong person..... im really happy for you... hope we will meet someday just take it are great...should be more peope on this world like you......xx

By pifad at 04,Mar,15 01:42 other posts of pifad 
I like cooking, baking, making candy, gardening and socializing.
By bella! at 04,Mar,15 04:37 other posts of bella! 
Cooking, baking, gardening......? If you dust, vacuum and wash windows, you would be PERFECT!
By pifad at 05,Mar,15 02:58 other posts of pifad 
I do that as well Bella. All the food shopping and cooking too
By bella! at 05,Mar,15 03:03 other posts of bella! 
I think I'm in love with you, sunshine!
By pifad at 05,Mar,15 03:14 other posts of pifad 
Atta girl

By #57759 at 25,Jul,15 17:47
he would make a fine woman
By bella! at 25,Jul,15 18:45 other posts of bella! 
Dr. nice!

By #491615 at 19,Jul,15 06:14
I was a very selfish person for many years. Everything was about Me and for Me. Then it all changed about 10 years ago when My first **** was born. Now I get Joy and Happyness from watching My **** Explore and Discover their World !! I think at times I am more exicted then they are.
By #485312 at 19,Jul,15 12:40
yeah kidz change the way you see the world, they are a true gift *lix*

By #460403 at 18,Jul,15 18:49
TRAVELING, going through different cities and countries, experiencing everything each city has to offer and get in contact with the locals
By bella! at 19,Jul,15 12:19 other posts of bella! 
Please visit Michigan!

By #485312 at 18,Jul,15 03:53
puppies, hotties and happiness *lix*

By #294596 at 11,Mar,15 20:46
I know this isn't the "politically correct" answer for this particular question, but honestly sucking cock makes me the happiest person I can be. I have had lots of hobbies over the years and experienced many different things, but giving a blowjob is the one thing that brings me the most joy. It is the one and only thing that I actually experience unhappiness if I go without it for a period of time. When I know that I am going to get to suck cock soon I become downright giddy to the point that I amaze myself at just how happily excited I am. It is my one true love in life.

By #358797 at 07,Mar,15 17:25
Vodka, nicotine and nail polish....
By #444014 at 07,Mar,15 17:31
In one shot ??????
By #358797 at 09,Mar,15 12:39
That would taste gross. I like my vodka in one hand, and my nicotine in the other.... Unless I'm painting my nails... Then the vodka can sit on the counter...

By #471280 at 09,Mar,15 04:47
Vodka and make-up of any kind, oh helyeh
By #358797 at 09,Mar,15 12:41
Haha. I have waaaaaay too much makeup.

By #431354 at 07,Mar,15 15:21
What makes me happy is no internet Idiot can make me unhappy! My life is great>>>> smiles love ya all
By bella! at 07,Mar,15 17:09 other posts of bella! 
Yeah, right!
By #431354 at 08,Mar,15 01:32
Yes it is right>>>> you dont controll a thing about my happiness
By bella! at 08,Mar,15 02:09 other posts of bella! 
That's good to hear!

If you don't let anyone rain on your day, what caused you to get your knickers in a knot and shit on my page? That speaks loudly about who you are. BTW, who were you calling an idiot on dick21's page?

Not only are you not being truthful to others, you're trying to fool yourself. You are a strange old fool.
By #431354 at 08,Mar,15 02:53
The gifts on your page states exactly what every member thinks of you and you earned them justly as well you know You have every right to assume what you like that is your problem....not mine I don't speak loudly nor do I lower myself to others tactics. Have a great life.. because I am
By bella! at 08,Mar,15 04:07 other posts of bella! 
Those gifts were given justly because that's what every member thinks of me? Oh, when did you become the spokesperson for every member? Do you have as many followers as you think? Maybe you do, only you would know how many fakes you created! Old man, YOUR internet crown has squeezed your head too hard!

By #471280 at 06,Mar,15 19:27
Standing in the ocean.
By Ravioli_Max at 07,Mar,15 04:20 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
Yeah, you love that a lot.

By #149019 at 06,Mar,15 19:56

By Ravioli_Max at 05,Mar,15 20:57 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
Getting a new book, making a new drawing or writing a poem, writing political commentary, cooking.
By #472683 at 06,Mar,15 00:43
I LOVE the first three!
By Ravioli_Max at 06,Mar,15 06:00 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
What are your favorite foods and book titles?

By #292354 at 05,Mar,15 04:24
music, making it and listening to it.
Video games. Lots of video games.
Drawing, digital painting, and concept art.
By #472648 at 05,Mar,15 18:06
Is your username Kyuss related?
By #292354 at 06,Mar,15 00:47
Is that actually one of their song titles? My username isn't related but it's pretty I must go look up that song.

By Ravioli_Max at 05,Mar,15 22:04 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
Harry, congratulations on getting a new dog. Which breed is it?

By Odin_york_pa at 04,Mar,15 14:12 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
My happiest times are on a 4 wheeler trip though the mountains. You hear about how riding a motorcycle makes you feel free, well the same is for me blasting through the woods or climbing some hills. I tend to space out and take it the smells, sights and the feeling of being out in the wilderness. There is nothing like in the world. specially if doing it naked. Then when we are done for the day it's just a bunch of us sitting around the camp fire kicking back a few and telling stories. Man I can't wait for this snow to melt lol. Like another post, the sound of my son's voice is unmatched by anything. His laugh when he was little was amazing. This year he graduates high school and will be off to the military.Just to see him smile and be happy is something that you can not describe.

By #85103 at 04,Mar,15 01:47
What a lovely question!
I have waaaaay too many things to list, but at the moment I love seeing and hearing my b@by neice and nephews laugh more than anything.
Generally, knowing I've made someone smile is something that always makes me happy. Yeah, I know it's mushy, but I don't care!
By bella! at 04,Mar,15 04:45 other posts of bella! 
What's wrong with being mushy? NOTHING!

There's something about a b@by when they laugh. Their laughs are so infectious that you can't help but be caught up in that moment and smile or laugh along with them.

By #181785 at 04,Mar,15 04:00
I love surfing, cars, and being with my grand kids!

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