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abusive members...why do it?

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Started by #355940 at 16,Mar,15 22:25
just got this in PM

Mar 16, 18:17 #phimosis#: why you have such an ugly dick your glans looks disgusting your balls look really small,, you think you're hot, or what?

get a life phimosis

Similar topics: 1.Losing Points   2.Purging inactive members   3.Are folks getting more mean than usual on SYD/SYC lately?   4.We seem to be getting more abusive on some form posts.   5.abusive sex  

New Comment

By #485312 at 03,May,15 09:23
'8808255515' is another rude one, he's left rude comments on my page a few times now...this week he called me a gutter holed bitch...another wanker with a manners problem...*lix*

By #266499 at 03,May,15 03:39
i had same exact messg a few months ago i replied thanks

By leopoldij at 16,Mar,15 23:33 other posts of leopoldij 
Why? I just explained it in another thread:

I just saw this:

Number of members who befriended #phimosis#: 19

Number of members who blacklisted #phimosis#: 318

He's probably suffering from only registered users can see external links that makes him ill-behaved. Why doesn't he get a treatment? It's an easy operation, just like circumcision, I think.
By #485312 at 30,Apr,15 09:59
l think that operation is called a lobotomy *lix*
By leopoldij at 01,May,15 01:36 other posts of leopoldij 
Ha ha

By #480031 at 18,Mar,15 01:37
He certainly seems to have "issues"

By #7976 at 17,Mar,15 21:57
If they're abusive here, just imagine what they're like in person.

By Cutewilly at 17,Mar,15 14:33 other posts of Cutewilly 
They're most probably jealous and just mask it by making insults. Just ignore them.

By Odin_york_pa at 17,Mar,15 03:01 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I also got this losers' message. I just ignore ignorance and go about my life, ain't nobody got time for that
By #358797 at 17,Mar,15 03:45
only registered users can see external links
By Odin_york_pa at 17,Mar,15 14:12 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
Ah, you got that reference Hadn't seen that autotune remix yet. Funny stuff!
By #358797 at 17,Mar,15 14:33
Yessir, I did.

Adult Discussion Forum