There is no but. It is *not* fat.
[deleted image]
But it is good.
By #488147 at 24,Apr,15 19:55
Look good to me and love the piercing
By #471043 at 13,Apr,15 12:44
[URonly registered users can see external links/>ss8d90ama9vpic.html][/URL]L=/9[deleted image]ss8d90ama9vpic.html][/URL]org/9[deleted image]ss8d90ama9vpic.html][/URL]L=/9[deleted image]ss8d90ama9vpic.html][/URL]
[deleted image]
But it is good.
You can see my FUPA (fat upper pussy area) in this photo.
Do you have a fat pussy? Can we see if?