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Sex at the time of Periods

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Started by #444253 at 07,Apr,15 05:39
How many peoples love to have sex while your partner is on Periods??

Similar topics: 1.Cock Piercing   2.Ladies of the site: What is a typical man like in bed?   3.Naked for long periods of time.   4.Men's brains hardwired for promiscuity   5.Temporarily Exposed  

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By #502711 at 14,May,17 07:29
I'm not scared of a little ****. Creates a bit of friction though. But nothing lube doesn't fix.

By phart at 08,Nov,16 18:11 other posts of phart 
that is why the shower was a handy place to do it. Duh,why deny the woman what her body is craving? My girlfriend said it seemed to shorten the time of cramps and stuff, anything to get that "grumpyness" out of her. I miss all of it,4 months since I had any,with or without ketchup on the weeny.
she proposed taking the dirt road to paradise 1 night but I didn't take her up on it. probably should of.
By #485312 at 13,May,17 04:51
yeah you should have, getting to fuck her arse would have felt just as good if not better *lix*

By #472386 at 15,Aug,16 11:50
We don't slow down for periods, she's often at her horniest tbh. It's a bit messier than usual but who cares if she's loving it
By #485312 at 08,Nov,16 01:22
yeah just break out the red towels and take a wet washer with you...*lix*

By #519017 at 07,Nov,16 16:50
Usually miss sex when she's having her period, but she's happy to HJ me or for me to masturbate in bed next to her.

By #497672 at 14,Aug,16 15:15
My wife and I have fucked every day (except illness) since we married 46 years ago, so I guess we have to be included in fucking during periods too.

By #121361 at 09,Apr,15 04:30
wE LOVE it [deleted image]
By leopoldij at 14,Aug,16 08:16 other posts of leopoldij 

By hytiger at 14,Aug,16 01:30 other posts of hytiger 
When the river runs red, take the dirt path!

By #350462 at 13,Aug,16 13:44
A period stops nothing but a sentence I get ketchup on my hotdog

By #485312 at 16,Aug,15 12:07
hell yeah, everyday of the month is a good day for sex *lix*

By #378894 at 10,Apr,15 18:57
Love it. Have some pics of bloody dick and pussy that I haven't posted on my page because not everyone is into it, but it's always good.

By #220845 at 09,Apr,15 09:12
My ex liked it

By #462085 at 07,Apr,15 05:52
Italian it is

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