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Cumming concerned or not?

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Started by Blade at 25,Apr,15 01:33  other posts of Blade
When you cum, in general, are you concerned with catching the cum,and making sure you don't get it on anything, or do you like to just kick back, and let the cum fly, not caring if you get it on anyone/anything around? Or are you someplace in the middle?

Similar topics: 1.Size concern   2.Sucking Cum Out -- Shooting In The Mouth   3.women measuring their breasts   4.Mouth cumming vids   5.Cum without cumming.  

New Comment

By Mrfrisky at 28,Apr,15 00:51 other posts of Mrfrisky 
Let it fly baby.

By #445126 at 27,Apr,15 10:18
Maybe I am old fashioned - which might come from being old (I realize that) - but I much prefer to deposit mine.
By pifad at 27,Apr,15 15:31 other posts of pifad 
I have just the receptacle for you Stud

By #289712 at 26,Apr,15 12:52
If I'm flying solo I try to contain it, but during sex at times it can end up anywhere, especially if I am getting a blowjob. My girl doesn't like me to cum in her mouth, so she will be sucking it solidly right through orgasm build up, to the edge of release, then lick the under side/frenulum area as the cum blasts out of my penis. It can end up all over the place.

By #295694 at 25,Apr,15 04:10
I prefer to let my cum fall onto my body where ever it may shoot.

By leopoldij at 25,Apr,15 03:07 other posts of leopoldij 
Depends where I'm cumming. At work I try to be cautious. Otherwise I don't care much. Unless I'm wearing something I don't want to stain. On those rare occasions I cum on a girl's face or mouth, I let myself completely loose.

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