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Started by bella! at 13,Sep,12 14:40  other posts of bella!
Similar topics: 1.Anybody else here miss *Revealed? 2.MEMBERS Y0U MISS...... 3.members you *would* miss 4.Sad News to Report 5.FORMER MEMBERS YOU MISS New CommentComments: |
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(this member nick was JustWill, the account was recently deleted by the user)
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(this member nick was Mongo, the account was recently deleted by the user)
Good riddance cunt. Never come back here. Cunt
bjuk must have known about it, look at all the points he's holding in the treasure chests that are displayed in his gift banner. And as a point of interest, he only has three member's verifications now. buckfizz is one of them and he's been MIA for a long time. bjuk needs to reach out to someone soon because in a hot minute buckfizz's profile is going to be purged due to inactivity which means bjuk will lose his green tick.
Looks like the other profiles are gone, too
● Blair_+_Chelsea
● TheWife+Hubby
● LoveToMasturbate
Esta la Vista carnale.
Jamie, I'm not fluent in any foreign language so I rely on Google Translate for help. Google tells me that "Esta la Vista carnale." translates to; This is the carnal view.
Member #358797, Arexa, has deleted her account. She will be missed by many. Wishing you well, happy trails to you, until we meet again.
Apparently, her profile was deleted by the system due to no pictures and inactivity for 90 days. mr_blue posted a forum topic about Arexa's departure and even said that profiles are deleted in 90 days if there's no pictures but HotFuckerBoy didn't seem clear that that was what happened. admin confirmed that profiles with no pictures are deleted after 90 days of inactivity.
#240 wrote (06,Feb,24 10:34):
Hey Everyone! It's shaven_dude here, letting you know my run for over 15 years here has been great. But it's time to delete my account and have a real relationship for the first time in over a decade. Peace and love to everyone!!! shaven_dude
What a "class act"!
(this member nick was strakar, the account was recently deleted by the user)
He will be back at some point. A good cunt for sure.
So, like are any of his points still around?? JK
Gee, after I posted that I detected him lurking on my page and then blacklisted him, he deleted the above profile.
How many profiles does the fucktard have?
Let's hope her fat cunt is never allowed back.
There are a number of threads that have already been used to besmirch the current membership, therefore I see no sense or benefit to bring a negative "flavor" to this thread. With that in mind, I deleted your post, WOODY58 .
--------------------------------------- added after 459 hours
And again and again Lol
I have an idea who's snagging her pictures and taunting her and it's unfortunate that the assholes are not "spanked" by admin.
My guess, with crimsonnoose, if she called herself "ugly", she was probably hoping that someone would step up and praise her positive attributes.
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When I was a little boy I like girls
Personally, I don't particularly like being around men or women who are that needy. It just drains me of my "energy" when someone is so negative. But was her behavior that drastic or different from someone who thinks they're God's gift to humanity?
She's been blacklisted by 1 who said she was a "drama queen" and she's blacklisted 5. I'm guessing the 5 that's she's blacklisted are 5 that were cruel toward Crimsonnoose. Has she blacklisted you?
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This account is not verified yet.
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I sent to you
This member does not exist
--------------------------------------- added after 99 hours
She's back again /member.php?w=681734
Also, he was complaining about not getting pizza in a timely manner.
I've actually have screenshots of recent conversations between the two of them that she sent me and in my opinion, not only was he abusive with his name calling toward her, he had threatened her. I'm glad that I kept screenshots of what she sent so that I'm able to back up what I've posted.
You know what else appears to be odd? A relatively new member(s), member #558543, Blokensheila have gone POOF! I wonder if that is purely coincidental?
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
Looks like her account was purged along with her 15000 points and not having any pictures on her page.
Then again, who was Tushy??
LatinLover gone...
I noticed that when I saw that an old thread was resurrected. /forum/thread.php?id=16653#35
I see that he left a short message on my wall and transferred some points to me at 19:07. It's 19:45 and he's gone.
Member #551147, Scorps, aka Scorpio69 deleted his profile this evening. Hey, Scorps, get involed in some projects and give your head a rest. When you are feeling up to it, please come back, people are going to miss you.
Why couldn't be Lix or the Saggy Granny that deleted!?? Fuck!