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The "Ageist" nonsense

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Started by #491031 at 23,Jun,15 17:03
I frequently see members getting berated and brow-beaten because they express a desire to communicate with people in their own age range.
A typical complaint runs along the lines of: "You should remove the ageist image as it is discriminatory and offensive to a large percentage of members."
What a bunch of rubbish!
Provided that the member has expressed his/her desire in a polite and respectful way, there is nothing at all wrong with them seeking contact with their peer group.
What's next?
Removing pussy pics because they might be offensive to gay members?
Telling female members that refusing to chat with guys who bombard them with "I wanna fuck you now" messages is discriminatory?
Where does the petty nit-picking end?

Similar topics: 1.'Joanne',..'peter 402',...John bridges etc..   2.Obsession with penis size   3.Unfortunate, ageist comment.   4.The Toilet Seat Issue   5.New on Netflix: American Circumcision  

New Comment

By #477982 at 26,Jun,15 11:11
Shit a brick - there's someone out there for every one - think of the unlikely attractions you have had and or fulfilled (met a lovely woman on a train once with Beautiful Ears ) - I think the whole beauty of sites like this is that you honestly put yourself out there at whatever level of honesty you feel comfortable with, and people either respond or not, and then there's the people who want to blow a whistle and Just Will people to line up behind their own particular prejudice... Female nymphomaniacs and Swedish hiking girls with insatiable appetites is my own particular fetish - where are you, Heidi?
By #491031 at 26,Jun,15 15:43
Who, exactly, are these "Just Will" people you speak of, and what is their particular prejudice?
By bella! at 26,Jun,15 16:18 other posts of bella! 
You know, there was a member by that name that left several months ago. A super nice guy and loved him some that that sarcasm! He was one of my very first friends 3.5 years ago. To know him was to love him, he is missed by so many. If anyone took a shot at him, his friends had his back. Believe that!

By #124665 at 25,Jun,15 02:44
I ONLY converse with 45 year old British transsexuals with stinky wristwatches and a 62 holed Doc Marten fetish. Red laces only! I have hundreds in my friends list, this is no issue. I have no idea who this Grandma is or if she poached a native Australian dingus for a testical necklace to match her asshat. Her wrists smell of Eternity and she is not welcome in my party chatroom

By #460385 at 24,Jun,15 20:18
Wow, this just keeps getting better and better. You mean to tell me that because somebody suggest that they only want to talk two young members that puts them in jeopardy of being deleted.Why should people even care about this. Shouldn't that be the members right to pick and choose who they want to speak with. Jesus if your feelings get hurt that easy you probably shouldn't be on this site. What about the girls who post on their profile that they only want to speak to guys with big black cocks. Why does anybody care what another member wants to do or who they want to talk with. This forum I believe should be renamed as a bitch session for people who don't get their way or have a vendetta against other members. You know how many members have declined to chat with me because my dick is not big enough. My feelings don't get hurt I just move on.
By admin at 24,Jun,15 20:35 other posts of admin 
Sometimes on this site people appear who try to fish for pics or sex with people under 18. Since they are banned almost instantaneously when they clearly state the desired age they tend to use euphemisms like young, fresh etc.

Normally young does not mean under 18, indeed, but thanks to those people some members are being too suspicious and some, regrettably, just use this as a possible cause to get another member they don't like banned. Problem is - there is usually no way to tell if the one who reports has some kind of hidden agenda or is sincere in their suspicions.
By bella! at 24,Jun,15 23:03 other posts of bella! 
Of course you are correct in identifying a possible scenario, admin.

The reported member that I'm referring to was either 21 or 22 years old and received messages from much older members. He was simply trying to identify the group of members he would feel comfortable interacting with. He confided in me that receiving messages from older members made him feel shame and shame was the word he used. It's been a while since I was 21 or 22 years age but my guess is that he is looking to interact with members who aren't the age of his father or grandfather. A very sincere request made without malice or a hidden agenda.

Hey redneck, try using the reply option once in a while.

By #460385 at 24,Jun,15 14:03
And what the hell is a dingus. I must be a moron for not knowing that one.
By #491031 at 24,Jun,15 14:53
How to recognize a dingus:

1. Take off your pants
2. Look down
3. Find the tubular meat structure located just above your balls
4. Congratulations! You've seen a dingus.
By #460385 at 24,Jun,15 16:39
That's not what Google said.
By #491031 at 24,Jun,15 20:36
Google LIES!!!!!!!!
By jayman73 at 24,Jun,15 22:37 other posts of jayman73 
Yes, it does. I remember attending a library program and there was an author reading a portion of his book about The Civil War. One line this guy actually said aloud was "She pulled down his trousers down and began to carefully inspect his dingus. Then gently kissing his mighty dingus." Again, this guy said this out loud for all to here. When the term dingus was mentioned here, that was the first thing I thought of.

So there you go. Always trust a Unicorn!

By #460385 at 24,Jun,15 21:01
The most offensive thing I have found on this site. Is not being part of the inner circle or "click" that exist. And with the deletion process being such an easy task. This will be my last time in the forum in fear of being deleted. Soon enough the "click" will be all that's left. With that being said. Over a year ago when we were doing the registration and filling out our profile. Some where at some point there was a statement from the site. It read....... If you are easily offended DO NOT ENTER. Enough said !!!!!

By #460385 at 24,Jun,15 14:00
Such wise, sophisticated, cultured, and wordly intellect that goes on in the forum. Most of the time this dumb redneck needs a thesaurus to figure out what you people are talking about. Is there a chess club I could join as well. Someone please check my spelling of those big words I just used. Damn, I'm still trying to eat grandma.
By bella! at 24,Jun,15 16:05 other posts of bella! 
Holy crap! You're trying to eat Grandma? Be careful what you say and where you say it. Much like the member or members that find ageist statements and comments offensive, some member might be offended by cannibalism. By the way, what taste does Grandma resemble? I'll be disappointed if you say chicken, everything tastes like chicken!
By #460385 at 24,Jun,15 16:38
Ha. Not sure granny is dead. Would take too much to dig her up to see if she taste like chicken at this point. The point I was trying to make. Which again I must not have made very well.( Remember,dumb redneck was my description of myself ) Was, why is there so much complaining and drama. Not just this topic but many others. And too the ones who bitch and complain about comments being left on their pics. After all, isn't that the point of this site. If a woman doesn't want comments good or bad left on her pics. Then leave and join the chess club.
By bella! at 24,Jun,15 19:11 other posts of bella! 
The forum is the proper place to congregate to express your feelings and/or concerns. Just as in everyday life, somethings you are okay with, somethings, not so much.

Yes, as you've noticed, there is a good amount of bitchin' and drama going on. Some members are here to display, I would venture to say that describes you, there are some members that are here mainly to admire, that somewhat describes me and there are some members that are here to interact.

When you make reference to drama and the complaining, not just in this topic but others, it is what it is. This topic was brought forth because there is/are member(s) that have posted comments on other(s) pages saying that their request to chat with only young people was found to be offensive because it excluded the majority of the membership. Oh yes, the "offensive" request was written atop a picture of a kitten and for this egregious offense, the offending member was reported and referred to the evaluation panel for deletion! It doesn't stop there, there were ninnyhammer panel members that actually voted to delete this 3 year member. I've noticed that there are members that will post a message saying that the same "x" members are posting and that it's dead around here, see ya on Monday. With members being deleted for unjustified reasons, it's only going to get more dead.

By bella! at 23,Jun,15 17:50 other posts of bella! 
I really find the dingus pictures disgusting! When I want to see a handsome male appendage, I am appalled that some slime ball will take the opportunity to deceive me with their dreary and drab dingus.

But to get back on track, yes, there are members that want to bully others with silly crap like that. I have seen profiles of straight men who indicate that they are only interested in comments from women. Buddy, you're on a site that is 99% men, your chances are very slim that some woman is going to comment on anything of yours. There are profiles of men who identify as being straight and post that they do not want comments from gay members or "gay comments", whatever that is. Recently, I saw a blog where the member indicated that he was interested in "matures" and to be respectful of his wishes. Hey, doesn't that exclude many of the young men and women? Hell yes it does! And lest we forget, the lesbians that do not want the men to look at their juicy naughty bits and leave lecherous remarks. I could go on and on, I've seen it all here.

The crazy as hell thing is, the type of person or persons who does this is acting like an enforcer. I want to know this, whose rules are they enforcing, is it the site rules and and regulations OR the often forgotten about, 11th commandment, fill in the blank to suit your needs or the situation at hand?

Let it be known and I will go on record saying; I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF OR SUPPORT ANY ASSHATERY!
By #491031 at 23,Jun,15 18:08
You should remove the anti-dingus comment as it is discriminatory and offensive to a large percentage of dingus owning members.
By bella! at 23,Jun,15 18:29 other posts of bella! 
Who is going to admit to having a dingus, will you?
By #491031 at 23,Jun,15 19:13
Have we not discussed the magical properties of Unicorn dingus in other threads?

By #490613 at 23,Jun,15 20:46
Asshatery - Fantastic word. That's what I'm gonna call my new band!
By bella! at 23,Jun,15 22:17 other posts of bella! 

Oooooo.....!!!! A band! Just so that I know who is who, are you the lead singer, do you play bass guitar, lead guitar, keyboard, drums or something other?
By #491031 at 23,Jun,15 22:37
Though I don't wish to pick nits, I feel compelled to point out that "Asshatery" is a bit different than "Asshattery".
The former would imply the act of h@ting asses.
The latter is more in keeping with behaving like an idiot.
By bella! at 23,Jun,15 22:53 other posts of bella! 
Thank you! I'm happy that you understood what I was trying to convey and glad that you pointed out what a difference a letter could make.

You remind me of a former member who reminded us that a comma is your friend and could save Grandma. The examples;

1) Let's eat, Grandma!
2) Let's eat Grandma!

A big difference!

By bella! at 24,Jun,15 00:46 other posts of bella! 
You know, both words seem to work!

By #490613 at 23,Jun,15 23:50
Oooh, I'll be playing ass guitar!
I'm already designing Asshatery t-shirts too
By bella! at 24,Jun,15 00:19 other posts of bella! 
Is the band going to be ASSHATERY or ASSHATTERY? TheUnicorn pointed out my spelling error.....

On the upside, he wasn't able to circle it in red ink!

By bella! at 24,Jun,15 00:24 other posts of bella! 
Wait a darn minute, the ass guitar?

ZOOM! 💨💥

By #472648 at 23,Jun,15 18:01
I vote yes too ^^
By #491031 at 23,Jun,15 18:20
Having a functioning brain makes you a more beautiful person!
By #472648 at 23,Jun,15 22:32
Why thank you, kind unicorn
By #491031 at 23,Jun,15 22:35
No thanks required, ma'am. I just call them like I see them.

By admin at 23,Jun,15 17:31 other posts of admin 
"Removing pussy pics because they might be offensive to gay members?" - that's actually almost exactly how the categories were born.

"Telling female members that refusing to chat with guys who bombard them with "I wanna fuck you now" messages is discriminatory?" - they don't tell, they blacklist or make a false copyright violation report.

You seem to have no idea about true nature of the people that live all around you...
By #491031 at 23,Jun,15 17:54
I actually have a pretty good idea about the nature of the people that live all around me.
That doesn't mean that I won't occasionally make a public plea
for them to stop being lunk-heads and ninny-hammers.
By bella! at 23,Jun,15 18:50 other posts of bella! 
Your topics and or comments are always cutting edge, interesting, thought provoking and sarcastic. You won't find admin commenting in the "Rate my Dick", "Smooth or Natural" or "Would You Fuck me or Suck me" topics!

Three cheers for TheUnicorn! Hip-hip-hooray! 🎉 Hip-hip-hooray! 🎉 Hip-hip-hooray! 🎉
By admin at 23,Jun,15 19:20 other posts of admin 
If I was fascinated by human organs, I would become a medic.

By Gntlmn at 23,Jun,15 19:02 other posts of Gntlmn 
The "ban" option is mightier than the insult

By routemaster at 23,Jun,15 18:41 other posts of routemaster 
I was going to wade in with a long screed but I thought better of it. Suffice to say that, at the risk of coming across as "holier than thou" (but its a risk I'm prepared to take) I respect ALL people regardless of age, race, gender and sexuality. I identify as a gay man but I am perfectly happy to chat with ladies on this site who contact me - and show them my dick and bum too if they ask me to - but I NEVER send pics to either sex without their consent first, that would be too discourteous. Even though they are on a sex site like this, one has to keep a sense of decorum. And it doesn't matter to me the age of the person I make friends with here as long as they are of LEGAL AGE. 23, 43 or 103, we are ALL people and none of us asked to be born when we were so some of us can't help being old just as some can't help being young. Its just the way things are.
By #491031 at 23,Jun,15 19:18
I did say "Provided that the member has expressed his/her desire in a polite and respectful way" in my original post. routemaster. I am, believe it or not, an advocate of respect here and in real life.

By #472683 at 23,Jun,15 17:05
By #491031 at 23,Jun,15 17:11
That's one vote for fairness and common sense.
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