A guy asked me that during a chat conversation on another site when I mentioned that looking at pictures of stranger's dicks really does nothing for me.
Watching porn is the same.
I am gay because I love men. Men just happen to have dicks.
Don't get me wrong, I have LOVED the dicks of the men I have loved. (I absolutely adore the one attached to my long-time partner!

), but random peckers--and photos of them--just don't do it for me.
I'm all about the guy who owns the pecker. The cock itself is just an added bonus.
Anyone else feel the same way?
See, for example, there are many people who believe in the equation
sexual active/sexually interested individual = bad person.
But we know that's not true.
Glad you agree with me.
I am a big fan of tolerance and acceptance, but certain behaviors should NEVER be tolerated.
A really eye opening experience was visiting the red light district in Amsterdam, where prostitution is legal and regulated. The "window girls" display themselves in very brief attire in rooms maybe ten feet square furnished with only a bed and a sink and a large window to the sidewalk. When one of the ladies has a client she draws a drapery over the window and provides him with the desired services.
Most amazing was how wholesome the whole situation was. There were, of course, single gentlemen who were there to look over the merchandise on display and to perhaps avail themselves of the services being offered. But there were also couples of all ages there on dates and even families with c-h-I-l-d-r-e-n. It was like Disneyland with whores.
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The words that got censored are r-a-p-e and c-h-I-l-d.
Does he have a beautiful dick or not?
Don't feed me any bullshit about a mystical pair bond as a result of crying together after a two hour stint of Steel Magnolias.
If his dick looks like an infected tree stump, you're looking for your car keys...no matter how much Julia Roberts rocked that shit!
Shame on you for your cynicism.
I've only seen "Steel Magnolias" once. It was with my s*ster. She cried, I did not.
On the other hand, I cry like a baby every time I watch "Old Yeller".
If you can watch "Old Yeller" without crying, you have no soul.
I could not love a man who lacked a soul.
Perhaps I have been fortunate in that the men I have loved have had beautiful dicks.
On a more mystical note, I loved them before I even saw their cocks.
They all also passed the "Old Yeller" test.
On a less mystical note: Julia Roberts frightens me. When she laughs, she looks like a giant PEZ dispenser. I am always saddened when candy doesn't pop out...
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And she was married to Lyle Lovett. Can you imagine what their **** could have looked like had they procreated?
A wiener is just so much meat.
If the guy is an asshole, his dick is an asshole, too. No matter what it looks like.
Have ever not loved a dick that was attached to a guy that you loved?
The dick comes with the package (no pun intended).
Love the guy; love the dick.