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Started by #275423 at 23,Dec,15 03:11
I greatly appreciate when someone decides to up vote my pics but I don't see the point of down voting them, don't bother looking at my profile if you don't like them.. I **** the fact that I lose points from when a person does this. Any thoughts?
True, what's the point of negative votes? I don't understand that. guess that must be result of envy, jealousy, or some kind of inferiority complex...
I must say I saw some pics here that are horror for me and I wish I never saw those in my life, but never had neither intention or idea neither will to vote negative. I give only positive votes for pics I find attractive.
Personally, I don't need much points and don't bother much about points, but my vote is for prohibition of negative voting
I must be honest, there is one member that I have down voted and that is because I find him to be a super twat. That aside, there have been some "oops" moments. I use my phone 99% of the time and sometimes my right thumb clips the wrong area on the touch screen. If I recognize that I've made that mistake, I vote multiple times and send the member a message of apology. I do like the feature that admin implemented which reflects the members that voted [HOT] but hoped that he might show the members that voted [NOT] as well.
By #460385 at 23,Dec,15 22:18
I have done the same. I use my phone, the wife uses the tablet that obviously is much bigger. Sonn as I realized that I tapped the wrong selection. I immediately vote "hot" 2 or 3 times and tell the member it was an accident.
It's good to know I'm not the only one that has a thumb with a mind of its own. Quite frankly, I still have a difficult time understanding the need of a [NOT] option (even though I've used it for spiteful reasons). If a picture doesn’t "speak" to you, move along to one that does.
I must say I saw some pics here that are horror for me and I wish I never saw those in my life, but never had neither intention or idea neither will to vote negative. I give only positive votes for pics I find attractive.
Personally, I don't need much points and don't bother much about points, but my vote is for prohibition of negative voting
I must be honest, there is one member that I have down voted and that is because I find him to be a super twat. That aside, there have been some "oops" moments. I use my phone 99% of the time and sometimes my right thumb clips the wrong area on the touch screen. If I recognize that I've made that mistake, I vote multiple times and send the member a message of apology. I do like the feature that admin implemented which reflects the members that voted [HOT] but hoped that he might show the members that voted [NOT] as well.