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Massage with a happy ending!

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Started by #360485 at 26,Oct,16 19:24
I found a local gentleman who advertises on Craig's List and it turned out to be a most pleasurable experience. His prices were vey reasonable and his technique very relaxing. He has his own private room attached to his home and offered me any level of covering I was comfortable with. I had no problem with being nude so we agreed. He worked on me with my body face down and for the first few minutes he worked my back and then my legs. felt relaxing. When he moved up my legs to my thighs he brushed my balls ever so lightly. I made a sound indicating my pleasure at the contact. He said he was sorry and I told him to touch any part of me he pleased. He reached between my legs and gently massaged my balls and then stroked my cock. I was in heaven. He returned to the top of the table where my head was inserted in a hollow ring and started to work on my shoulders which placed his lower body within my reach. I took a chance and started to feel his package through his pants. He was more than co-operative and quickly lowered his bottoms and revealed a very nice sizes cock and balls. As he continued to work on me I returned the favor. Before we were done I got him on the table and got him to come. I took his sperm and rubbed it on my cock and let him jerk me off with it. All in all a very satisfying experience. Any similar stories guys/girls????

Similar topics: to massage your own prostate   2.How man days can you go without ejaculating?   3.ever had a massage with a happy ending   4.Massage parlor/Happy Ending stories   5.Anyone ever gotten a professional “massage”?  

New Comment

By Smoothsilk at 10,Oct,24 18:14 other posts of Smoothsilk 
$60 for the massage and a $40 tip. Have had many and sometimes more. Cheap for an hour with a talented Asian woman.
By Cody8789 at 10,Oct,24 20:17 other posts of Cody8789 
Wow, can’t believe you get $100 dollars for a massage and tip, most people pay me only $50 dollars to massage me and tip me for letting them do that to me
By Jamie at 10,Oct,24 20:18 other posts of Jamie 
I'll do it for free
By Cody8789 at 10,Oct,24 20:21 other posts of Cody8789 
Jamie, because you are my friend, I would only charge you a dinner at McDonald’s for me
By Jamie at 10,Oct,24 20:32 other posts of Jamie 
Your on
By Cody8789 at 10,Oct,24 20:36 other posts of Cody8789 
Now that’s what I call a “happy meal”
By Jamie at 10,Oct,24 20:40 other posts of Jamie 
O I like breakfast . Homestile

By #485312 at 02,May,17 02:43
[deleted image]
here is our technique for massages, everyone gets to feel good and sharing is the order of the day, we both give each other massages a lot and enjoy them... most end with a full internal massage with aussiemans cock in me *lix*

By #215748 at 12,Feb,17 05:27
I had similar experience 3 days ago. Got massage info from web. Drove up to house and he awaited me. We went in and some music was playing in the darkish room. He said I can take off my clothes, and he did the same. Yoing skinny man with uncut cock and balls hanging. I got onto bed with my head atvthexedge. He massaged my shoulders with his cock right in front oh my head. I blew some air onto his cock as he reacted and became semi erect. He got around and massaged my buttocks. I lifted a bit and he stated masageing the bsae of my shaft and balls area. I turned on my back and he nassages my legs. Hecstated massaging my cock. He commented 8n my thick cock and big balls. We tore acondom and tied my balls, as they tend to pull up into me. I asked is he does prostate massage and hs said yes. He then got a condom around his hand and gently probed my arse. He stuck one fonger in and searced for my prostate. He isnertd another finger but pulled it as it was uncomfotable. My prostate is very deep in and he found it after some probing. I guided him and he massaged and milked it. I procuced some very thick smooth fluid. We both were amased atvthe smooth fluid just flowing from my cock atvthat stage. We both tasted and it was between pre cum and sperm. He asked me to play with his cock and balls. He wanted me to pull him hard and fairly voilently. I really gave him awork out and made my masseuse came, I then shot a nasty load om older man cum all over him. We both went to the bathroom and cleanec up.
By leopoldij at 12,Feb,17 07:08 other posts of leopoldij 
Did you have to pay him?
By #215748 at 12,Feb,17 13:06
Paid for the massage, the wank was a bonus. By that time I called the shots and he was following my orders. Was great.
By leopoldij at 13,Feb,17 09:54 other posts of leopoldij 
A win-win situation.

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