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Time travel and unlimited, uninhibited sex

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Started by leopoldij at 07,Nov,16 02:08  other posts of leopoldij
Suppose you had the possibility to travel back and forth in time, as many times as you wished, and take an action or reverse it at will, but, quite importantly, while in the present, always remember what you did.

Would you then go back in time in order to have sex with whomever you liked, even despite their wishes, and then go back in time again in order to reverse the action?

Would you do that? Would that be ethical?

(Yes, I know the obvious contradictions, but ignore them, think about it naively...)

Similar topics: 1.Who would travel to meet folks they get to know on this site?   2.US Meetups   3.Travel to have sex   4.To admin - cookies   5.time travel...  

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By WHATSUPDOC at 13,Oct,17 09:49 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I would go back and have sex with myself. Things I did well make them even better and try to avoid or learn even more from my mistakes. I know more today of what I like so I would really drive myself craazy
By leopoldij at 13,Oct,17 22:41 other posts of leopoldij 
I should have said that you're not allowed to fuck yourself. That would have been impossible.
By #275407 at 28,Nov,18 11:05
Not really in a sense, a lot of people have told me to go fuck myself
By phart at 30,Nov,18 01:22 other posts of phart 

By #562152 at 02,Dec,18 14:48
Looking at the "Photoshop" forum, anything is possible,,

By #562152 at 29,Nov,18 19:10
Neanderthals and Humans Were Hooking Up Way More Than Anyone Thought

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It would be interesting to go back for some neanderthals nooky,
By phart at 29,Nov,18 19:42 other posts of phart 
Uh,I don't know about that.Back centurys ago,there was not much "washing" going on. I doubt we could stand the smell of anyone back then.
Remember flowers at weddings were meant to disquise the stench of the bride and groom.The french came up with perfume for that purpose.
So i don't know how far back I would go.If I went back any,I would want to meet a really pretty Cherekee indian girl.If you ever saw a full Cherekee woman in her 20's ,damn, unforgetable long black
By #562152 at 29,Nov,18 19:48
I do see your point of view. Many modern men smell worse than a hamper full of dirty clothes. Not much has changed. As far as a Cherokee princess, if you find one, I'd love to join you both
By phart at 30,Nov,18 01:14 other posts of phart 
I can bath and 4 hours later even with clean clothes and cheap deoderant,i can smell something not right about myself.I do try to keep from stinking but I don't wear stylish clothing or anything. Clean is important but impossiable for me I think.It is something to do with old age or something.
You know it had to be rough back in the prehistoric times but if a fellow wanted a woman he just found 1, fought for it, and if it didn't want to go with him, a knock on the noggin and drag em home. Give em plenty of dead critters to skin and cook and plenty of kids to keep em busy. lol
for whatever reason,you can't do that nowadays?
By #562152 at 30,Nov,18 01:18
Could be but, probably, you have the aroma of a normal person and worrying for nothing

By #566557 at 01,Dec,18 11:43
It seems like a trap too Me or a type A control freaks fevor dream all part of lusting for the totalitarian control they can never have because fundamentally things do not function in the manner in which they conceive them causing tragic effects
I harbor perfectionist tendencies but this seems like a good way to screw up the whole "about the journey not the destination" thing as well as risks the problem of focus on the yin to the point of attempting to avoid the yang ie seeking happiness while also eliminating sadness when happy/sad are sides of the same coin and one may as well as for change in all heads no tails. I find it better to accept that the one informs the other and know that I can experience happiness because of the sadness I've experienced. I wouldn't give up having pets I've lost trying to avoid the pain of loosing them and I wouldn't want to spin My wheels stuck in a period during which I kept returning to moments past with them present until letting it go and moving forward and much like trying to perfect the experience of a particular period the individual doing this continues on aging as They engage in garnering information and making changes to get things to come out just so inthat
This is interesting especially considering the topic although I suspect My browser returned to this window after already posting this owing to the dhs wrapper due to the "watch" list I'm on... Idiots have the on the cheep "business" school mentality which like time is another notion not in lock step with objective reality causing actions to result in unintended consequences like not hiring technicality trained individuals to do the peeping Tom voyeristic bullshit instead going with software I swear must've been micro$oft produced from the footprint and glitchfest nature of its operating which begs the question just who's side are they on as they may as well have added a notification feature informing the user of the fact that big bro is watching Rockwell's chime and all

By #566557 at 01,Dec,18 12:25
That not washing business applies to the black plague period when washing became one of the more widely held suspicions of the cause along with the ironic tagging of cats that certainly didn't help matters and probably made the situation worse as far as fleas are concerned
When it comes down to it the whole civilization thing Our mythology paints as one continuous escalator ride up from the red in tooth and claw nature it puts Us at odds with and We're not very good at evidenced by the ruins all over the place many left by ancestors We can't even name not to mention failing to have yet managed to create a working model with the average age of those We consider notable historically running about 200yrs or 10 generations with a healthy society showing 5 grandkids to grandparents from center perspective is all because some psychopath with the gift of gab managed to get the tribe to stop the hunter gathering and **** where We poop in order to pertend they were king in the We are what We pertend to be bit Vonnegut warned Us to take care about but forgetting is Friths gift to the humanity El-ahrairah avoided in taking it up the ass and We don't have the laws of civilization like We do airodynamics ergo We keep riding these bicycles with wings attached to the pedals off the cliff trying to fly but forget that forgetting is a bitch thinking if We just peddle a little bit harder...
Mythology is because of the forgetting and informs a sociatial group who They are as a People where They came from and where They are going as a society
As the old toast goes Drink! For Ye know ywince Ye came nor how. Drink! For Ye know not where Ye go nor why.
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S l e e p is a wordydurd? Alrighty then
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The overarching misconception of all of this is the individuality delusion that nowhere is evidenced in fact the opposite is demonstrated yet We persist in putting the notion forward axiomatically but nobody thinks I'm serious when I refuse to acknowledge anyone's individual status until They spend a year as an individual and that means without the aid of anything produced by the society They think They are so removed from but even allowing a cheat to get started with They think it absurd to attempt to live up in the hills or something naked with nothing but a stone axe and a packet of seeds but I'm not supposed to take Their claims to individually as absurdities nonetheless
These are the same People that can't fathom the idea that empirical proof doesn't result from textbooks and think I believe that the Earth is flat because I note that I currently can not prove it isn't and therefore remain open to the possibility that such is the case
It all seems silly until uncritical acceptance allows incredibly obvious lies to fly as public narrative based not on objective evidence but instead founded upon because I said so and You end up with We landed on the moon without any first order evidence of such a claim having accidentally erased all video and telemetry data and destroying the technology for some unstated reason but We went to the moon and anyone questioning the "fact" is a conspiracy theorist
By phart at 01,Dec,18 23:58 other posts of phart 
say whut?
By #566557 at 02,Dec,18 05:11
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By #566557 at 28,Nov,18 10:46
Interesting how everyone is a cut above average in nearly everything and a paragon of uncomposed virtue helped by the one to one correspondance twixt their opinion & objective truth all kept in perfect unbroken control by an ego that would never lie about its importance and the very essence of self while anatomy tells Us that the brain builds the mind from desperate layers which like an ancient city rebuilt over upon the same site over the years the deeper the layer the older and simpler yet fundamental the city and it's components while the current iteration has developed & inherited the developments of those it rests upon which it assumes makes the polis superior to those that came before similar to concious votive will and it's obsession with controlling everything and asserting that intention and desire equate to actions and embodiment by volition but ever have the friend insisting on how They would have Your back if ever in a fight yet were first to bug out come the day? R-cortex fight or flight instinct is a bitch right up there with reproductive instinct and ego when overrode on such action will retrofit etcical priorities to form a moral framework trying to bolster the causal results in a ediface justifying the outcome as if nothing was remanded aka I ment to do that. Neurology has extended video of the electrical activity of the brain now not snapshots and there is a number of similar advances upturning notions heald prior to access too the extended toolset for cognitive study showing much of what We think We do in thinking is wrong think and it's a bad idea to hold concious will accountable for a choice of action heavily influenced by other influences much like feeling altruistic over providing assistance to feed starving Africans unaware of the fact that feeding starving people creates more starving people in future
I'm not trying to justify"She was asking for it" but it doesn't make it something that can be dismissed without compromising the decisions involved in dealing with the results much like universal acceptance of specific claims isn't creating a better more just system and tagging a term with a modifier like justice with social means the object of social justice is other than justice and we function under delusional assumptions like overrated weight given to individually We do not exhibit instead being more akin to the individuality cells of My body demonstrate if one is removed and cast on the ground i.e. otahelluvalot Speaking of camalot and casting cells on the ground only registered users can see external links
--------------------------------------- added after 16 minutes

Anyway time exists as a gestalt whole of all possible moments present as and the one dimensional direction an illusion like a stick man animation drawn on the corners of a shelf of paper all present time available to You to build a story aka life using the rules of concecutive chaining in the past to future direction only which is why My apotheosis seeks the stone in Eschatological Pantheistic Multiple-Ego Solipsism seeing as cogito ergo sum only covers Me the rest of Y'all are on Your own there only registered users can see external links
By #551147 at 28,Nov,18 12:09
JESUS H CHRIST! That's one helluva mouthful (figuratively). I need some of whatever your on...
By #566557 at 28,Nov,18 13:12
I have a writing habbit that's pretty heavy Like the monkey on My back is 400+ lbs and I keep forgetting to keep it in the room writing with the same reguard I wank close the door put on some music and wash up afterwards but I don't manage to remember that I am flashing My opinions at people who never wanted to see anything but My private but I can't keep it out My pants and next thing I know the Pvt msg I was replying to suddenly has My disgusting obscene offense opinions written directly at them and I didn't even realize it was happening... Thank all that's good and right no poetry Deadly weapon assault if manslaughter plee and insanity fail Jebuzus christes good looking corpse on a suffering crutch help Me Chinese Yhwh it's revenge for avoiding the "I hope You have 3 just like You" curse My Mater & Pater familus favored as inflicting a little version of Moi is proof deity hates everybody so instead I get to write about the medium of games and the potential for art in a craft industry which is blazing a trail off the path less taken beelining directly for the field Fate conspired with My Muse to end Me tits up sporting one ear and a sucking chest wound over a billion dollar concept paid in about 100yrs from now... Art... I need to start drinking again... Should have been more careful of what I was pertendingbto be as once again asked for something without figuring out exactly what that was now I can't blame management... only registered users can see external links
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I didn't mention Ma & Pa's dead sheep
Mother was and English major Masters in da bard and I'm not sure what She piled high and deep but Dad was fine arts sketch photog paint oils & acrylics silk screen master self study a couple of duhocs while I was expelled from 9th and kindergarten bookending My academic resume formally
But those dead sheep saw a lot of "Honey can You stay here in the library and be quiet until Momma's class is done? I'll be back in about an hour"
Education is a passive act that can only be offered not mandated any more than You can lead a horse to water but You can't make it think
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--------------------------------------- added after 24 minutes

And keep away from the endocrine
You don't want no part of this $#!^ only registered users can see external links
By #551147 at 28,Nov,18 13:44
Dude! No offense, but... Your nuttier than squirrel shit.

I will suggest it might be me. We'll just count on seeing what someone else thinks. 😉

By leopoldij at 28,Nov,18 18:25 other posts of leopoldij 

Interesting how everyone is a cut above average in nearly everything and a paragon of uncomposed virtue helped by the one to one correspondance twixt their opinion & objective truth all kept in perfect unbroken control by an ego that would never lie about its importance and the very essence of self while anatomy tells Us that the brain builds the mind from desperate layers which like an ancient city rebuilt over upon the same site over the years the deeper the layer the older and simpler yet fundamental the city and it's components while the current iteration has developed & inherited the developments of those it rests upon which it assumes makes the polis superior to those that came before similar to concious votive will and it's obsession with controlling everything and asserting that intention and desire equate to actions and embodiment by volition but ever have the friend insisting on how They would have Your back if ever in a fight yet were first to bug out come the day? 

By #566557 at 29,Nov,18 14:44
I'm an amanuensis for My particular insanity and Jay Joyce I ain't but My process is attempting to emulate His in a trickle of cluelessness to stream of consciousness kind of way
I have issues with My mother tongue and secondary edumacation amplified that into outright contempt effectively rendering Me illiterate in every language and anyway editing isn't My concern as an editor is going to edit no matter how careful and time consuming You are with rewriting and that's a pre first draft at best with no target market for it sooooo I wasn't concerned with the form of the babble that frankly I don't know much more about it when writing the blue dear rampage as anyone reading whatever portion they heroically brave before dropping it. I do however find the occasional coherent possiblity in the rare passage that have from time to time been components of articles I've managed to fost off on desperate publishing concerns willing to sink so low as to use My psychobabble fake news still eluding the list of options I'm sure as else if why disregard a more ethical and moral option to amplify ME? It's a crazy world but what else when We are what We pertend and forget We pertend and keep repeating the same? Different results?
Do I contradict Myself? I am Legion. I contain myriads.
To whit I don't know Walt I'm talking about man.
Ich weiss das Ich nicht weiss.
I Delphi norms.
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By #551147 at 30,Nov,18 02:12
Kudos to you on that one! You made me look a word up. Therefore... I actually learned something from you. Good job! I will say this piece has more coherencey than your other two. Unno... "they say" there's a fine line between insanity and genius. 😯 Thanks again for the learning experience. 😉 ALL that being said... Still don't get the correlation to this thread. 😆😆😆😆
By #566557 at 30,Nov,18 10:56

... Take one part astrophysical phenomenon We don't have an explanation for (arrow of time) one part educational outrider and master jack of all trades master of none and one part Me comming down from a pretty long writing run that leave Me too wound up too crash immediately yet too giddy to pay attention and keep Myself in check which is all lightly tossed into word salad dressed with salty vinaigrette & liberally topped with My $#!^ and that's what You get. My theory is that it must be some sort of Turring self test. If so I'm itching to know the results
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By #562152 at 30,Nov,18 15:01
Pardon me Sir. The question was simple. Do you want to go back and fuck your mother? A simple yes or no would have sufficed.
By #566557 at 01,Dec,18 13:12
Oh well would You look at this
Thread split like an alternate
Curiouser & curiouser indeed
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Restart the browser on My end pervs on the flip side try and get Your shit together this is rediculous and I'm not even offering a dozen router lan puzzle to sweat out if I'm up to something or not but if I have to point out the transformer to run the transponder off of after having a new shot ran from the brownout bar los at the box I'm going to VERY publicly bill dhs for having to do your sick little job for you in order to get functioning service you sorry excuses for human beings gold for breaking the golden rule is going to reap quite the bounty hope a 4k tele that tattles on you was worth the effort
By #562152 at 01,Dec,18 13:25
No excuse for goblety gooks. Effort in China is wasted in Valdosta. Heat like hot is not true in absence of heat is cold. The route to the router is convoluted and fraught with words not writen. Last thing is worth mentioning. If you can't be understood then talking is a waste of breath no matter how high brow your elocusion is.

By #533385 at 30,Nov,18 11:31
I don't know what ZenNudist is on and I don't want any of it.
On a more simple and straightforward note and in answer to your original post, has anyone seen the movie 'About Time'?
It's a very simple concept but it allows the males of the family to go back in time but not to change anything that would change the future. One part of it is where he has met this girl and she invites him into her bedsit and promptly gets into bed. He makes a hash of it and goes back 5 minutes and starts again until he finally gets it right to his satisfaction. Obviously he is aware of every trip and its new scenario but you could keep doing it forever. You could have really intense sex and be really adventourous and keep going back for more. That would be amazing don't you think??
By #566557 at 01,Dec,18 11:12
It seems like a trap too Me or a type A control freaks fevor dream all part of lusting for the totalitarian control they can never have because fundamentally things do not function in the manner in which they conceive them causing tragic effects
I harbor perfectionist tendencies but this seems like a good way to screw up the whole "about the journey not the destination" thing as well as risks the problem of focus on the yin to the point of attempting to avoid the yang ie seeking happiness while also eliminating sadness when happy/sad are sides of the same coin and one may as well as for change in all heads no tails. I find it better to accept that the one informs the other and know that I can experience happiness because of the sadness I've experienced. I wouldn't give up having pets I've lost trying to avoid the pain of loosing them and I wouldn't want to spin My wheels stuck in a period during which I kept returning to moments past with them present until letting it go and moving forward and much like trying to perfect the experience of a particular period the individual doing this continues on aging as They engage in garnering information and making changes to get things to come out just so inthat
--------------------------------------- added after 35 minutes

Oh well would You look at this
Thread split like an alternate
Curiouser & curiouser indeed
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By #181785 at 29,Nov,18 03:02
I would go back and been such a whore with both men and women. My mouth,ass & Dick would have been busy nearly every day. I also would not have gotten married so as to dress as a female while I was in shape to have passed.

By onthelose at 28,Nov,18 22:14 other posts of onthelose 
If by changing things I said and did didn't change the space time continuum . I would go back have a lot more sex at a younger age and have sex with both men and women, some of which I now realize were possible then. Experience would be my most valuable asset, with that I could take advantage of the things I slacked on in my youth. Education, not college,

By #485312 at 07,Nov,16 02:15
ld go back just to fuck the ones l regretted not fucking while l was married to an unfaithful husband, l fucked his best friend after he left..and theres one bloke that was killed in a truck accident that would always say he wanted to eat me till crawled the walls, l would of liked to see if he could...*lix*

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