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Who would travel to meet folks they get to know on this site?

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Started by #7976 at 05,Jun,09 20:59
Recently I was asked if I could travel to meet and have sex with someone on the site. While very flattered and turned on immensely by the idea, alas, I am not able to travel at this time. What about the rest of you. If you had the opportunity to meet someone on this site you like, would you make the trip?

Similar topics: 1.US Meetups   2.Travel to have sex   3.Want a nice guy   4.How DO you actually meet people?   5."Didn't you read my profile?"  

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By Lvphose at 02,May,24 14:54 other posts of Lvphose 
I’d for sure within a reasonable distance meet a gal & consider I’ve thought of group wank

By boc at 29,Apr,24 21:40 other posts of boc 
In September I travelled to Kenya to be with a woman I met on FB.
By leopoldij at 29,Apr,24 23:50 other posts of leopoldij 
Did you have sex?
By phart at 30,Apr,24 00:56 other posts of phart 
for me to get on a airplane and go that far from home, it sure wouldn't be to play checkers!

By phart at 29,Apr,24 20:44 other posts of phart 
I think most people on here just like to tease
By leopoldij at 29,Apr,24 23:51 other posts of leopoldij 
Not true. I've met with women from here and had sex with them.
By phart at 30,Apr,24 00:55 other posts of phart 

By sweetslit at 28,Apr,13 20:34 other posts of sweetslit 
There are a few individuals on this site I would not mind meeting in person… I would not go with the intention on having sex with them, but to meet someone I have built a friendship with.
By Ravioli_Max at 21,Apr,18 04:32 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
Yes, I feel the same way.

By *Masters*Secrets* at 03,Apr,23 13:13 other posts of *Masters*Secrets* 
You have to come 🤩
By Arlo at 29,Apr,24 22:59 other posts of Arlo 
My thoughts exactly, sweetslit. There are a half dozen or so people or couples here I will travel to see but not for sex---I want to get to know them and enjoy their company. If in the end, more cums of it, Great. Any and all puns intended.
By Cody8789 at 29,Apr,24 23:07 other posts of Cody8789 
Hmmmm, nah, I would have to have sex with sweet slit, she’s too hot not to

By mr_blue at 31,Jul,16 11:53 other posts of mr_blue 
By *kmadeau* at 31,Jul,16 12:55 other posts of *kmadeau* 
thx Blue!

By rocket1 at 29,Apr,24 16:01 other posts of rocket1 
I want to meet you Blue,but I'm going to let you use me anyway you want!!

By Greenman1968 at 29,Apr,24 14:53 other posts of Greenman1968 
No further than an hour away or if you had plans to be near them anyway. If you find you don't like their company, it's not a loss or waste of time/money.

By #704641 at 17,Mar,24 20:06
Of course I will travel to meet up with men to let them use my fat tight bubble butt and fill me with a load of sperm I am a faggot

By #690553 at 14,Apr,23 15:43
I would a lot of guys here are hot

By massco at 10,Apr,23 14:21 other posts of massco 
Yes there are people on here I would like to meet in person.

By thickswingercock at 05,Apr,23 23:40 other posts of thickswingercock 
i would for sure travel to meet some of these sexy ladies

By #550094 at 26,Apr,18 08:00
I honestly can't say. If I had a car I'd travel within
my regional area and no further outside of my State.
The session would have to be lengthy, such as a
weekend stay-over; and only with my preferred guy-type
doing like-minded preferred sexual activities.
I'm not gonna bus, train, or fly 5000 miles just
for a mere handjob.

By #204766 at 26,Apr,18 02:11

By #522126 at 21,Apr,18 22:24
I would dearly love a sex session with some of the women who have shown their cunts here and would travel to make that wish come true.

By Silverfur at 21,Apr,18 05:03 other posts of Silverfur 
Yeah I have. After chatting to them on here I traveled to their cities. All three guys were excellent lovers and we had lustful meetings. One guy and I have met once every year for the last four years, and the sex just gets better!
Later this year I am traveling to the UK and am going to meet up with an old buddy from off here. We have talked about sharing a wank and having a suck so it seems like it is going to finally happen.

By Darthshame at 21,Apr,18 04:54 other posts of Darthshame 
Right person, yes.

By Dong69 at 21,Apr,18 03:38 other posts of Dong69 
Oh if i had the money , fuck yeah i would love to see some of the ladies on here

By whatsupcocks at 19,Apr,18 08:45 other posts of whatsupcocks 
yes i would and first stop would be Australia

By #463848 at 14,Dec,17 08:24
Yes, but only for mutual wanking (as well as chatting and probably watching some porn).

By #462367 at 26,May,17 21:55
This site is good for seeing dicks but to meet someone Grindr is the best and it's free.

By #503815 at 26,May,17 21:10
If I could I would travel the world meeting up with members. I would certainly meet up within driving distance.

By #528794 at 26,May,17 10:03
Yep and have done twice. An hour for 1 and 2 for the other. Worth every minute in the car. 2 hours is probably the limit unless it was extremely enticing

By #535562 at 25,May,17 21:25
i would if they were interesting enough

By #530038 at 24,May,17 18:32
I would meet up with someone. Not with the primary intention of fucking but mostly to share stories and fantasies that might lead to fucking.

By niceonebighead at 23,May,17 14:08 other posts of niceonebighead 
yes sounds like fun

By leopoldij at 18,May,17 19:03 other posts of leopoldij 
I would. If I liked the woman who invited me I'd find the time

By #521574 at 17,May,17 14:01
I would if I had the time. I have been invited to meet up twice, but the drive is long. I would love to meet some of the people on the site, if not for sex then just friendship.

By RealTitsLover at 16,May,17 15:34 other posts of RealTitsLover 
If you were flattered by that, you can probably understand how flattered I felt when a girl offered to fly here next month and book us a suite in a local casino resort for three weeks.

By #455846 at 08,Aug,16 08:43
yes, definately. But like you, I cant travel much at the moment

By #509510 at 07,Aug,16 01:20

By leopoldij at 07,Aug,16 01:02 other posts of leopoldij 
I would but I want to communicate with the other person first.

By #485312 at 31,Jul,16 10:23
l drive 5 hours to see aussieman, that's the furthest lve ever travelled for a fuck, usually l wouldn't travel more than an hour for anyone *lix*

By leopoldij at 31,Jul,16 03:59 other posts of leopoldij 
If I fancied fucking someone, I would and wouldn't mind traveling for a day or more.

By #159671 at 30,Jul,16 06:22
I would if it were an easy day's drive or less. Wouldn't book a flight or anything real involved. But a local trip...why not?

By #261269 at 29,Apr,13 04:43
With the caveat that the variables were favorable, there are definitely people(friends) on the site I would go to meet

By 3fdfd at 29,Apr,13 02:37 other posts of 3fdfd 
For a few special guys - yes. However, I can't travel now - so it's all fantasy - but if I were traveling about the way I did when I was in my 20s & 30s - the answer would be YES - for the right guys.

By #215672 at 29,Apr,13 02:11
yes fore some

By #9163 at 06,Jun,09 16:48
there are too many variables for a definitive yes or no.
By #7976 at 07,Jun,09 08:59
Good point however, the question is, if all the variables were favorable, would you make the economic and emotional investment in traveling a substantial distance to meet someone(s) for either friendship or sex? To say that there are too many variables for any single individual on the site is true, but at a higher level, you must have some notion as to whether you would go the extra mile to meet. Give it some thought.

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