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Pubic hair

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Started by #221907 at 13,Mar,17 06:22
So I am really torn between keeping my package masculine and hairy, neatly groomed with a well maintained and thick bush, a thin little landing stripe, a tiny little patch above the bottom of my shaft or completely clean shaven. I'll post pics of each.

My natural, fully grown bush of pubic hair (Vety masculine, but my bush hides my penis a bit)

Neatly groomed, and the prettiest in my opinion:

A small patch of hair or a design like a small inverted triangle( very feminine touch to my pretty penis)

OR completely hair free:

Similar topics: 1.Age for pubic hair ? pubic hair   3.keep your hair natural!   4.Anybody who dye their pubic hair?   5.pubic hair for men  

New Comment

By #518391 at 01,Apr,17 11:56
Bushy is best...the more the better even if the hair does civer a bit of length...much more masculine looking.
By #533342 at 20,Apr,17 19:54
Yes I'm with you. A hairy bush is best
By pifad at 20,Apr,17 20:01 other posts of pifad 
Agree 100%

By xxx25 at 20,Apr,17 18:21 other posts of xxx25 

By #511804 at 19,Apr,17 01:18
I like neatly groomed on even closer, shaven is okay but not really needed.

By #532987 at 19,Apr,17 00:56
My vote is go bald. If I am licking a tight ball sack I don't want hair getting between my mouth and skin. Shave pubes on a male is attractive and provides more sensation and sensitivity to the entire area. I have been shaved for at least ten years. Interestingly my wife is hairy per my request

By #513813 at 05,Apr,17 04:12
I like mine smooth
[deleted image]

By #455846 at 01,Apr,17 17:48
You balls and penis look great clean and smooth and worth showing it all off, if you go to nudist places. Your pubes are a cool colour also. I d suggest a bit of a thicker 'strip'. I call it the mohican look...

[deleted image]

By #531019 at 01,Apr,17 11:53
Number 1 clipper once a week or so

[deleted image]

By cumonme1 at 01,Apr,17 10:58 other posts of cumonme1 
I love hair free

By #529229 at 25,Mar,17 05:23
Hairy has my vote too
By 3fdfd at 27,Mar,17 12:34 other posts of 3fdfd 
Mine too !

By #528805 at 25,Mar,17 17:39
Hairy, I love a full bush!
By 3fdfd at 27,Mar,17 12:34 other posts of 3fdfd 
Yes ... just like yours

By #519017 at 24,Mar,17 23:25
Keep it hairy!

By #460523 at 16,Mar,17 02:41
keep the hair

By Odin_york_pa at 16,Mar,17 00:51 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
Hairless is always hot, but trimmed down close is very nice as well!

By bjuk at 16,Mar,17 00:45 other posts of bjuk 
Shaved is always best.

By #489480 at 15,Mar,17 20:33
Shaved smooth is great. feels so sexy!

By #518391 at 15,Mar,17 15:48
Full bush looks best and most masculine...even if it hides a bit of your what...makes the whole package look better...

By 3fdfd at 15,Mar,17 14:53 other posts of 3fdfd 
Based on your belly hair, I'm guess you are a hairy guy. If so, keep your cock hairy. Maybe a very light trim - but no more.

By littlemike58 at 14,Mar,17 16:49 other posts of littlemike58 
if you like a lot of oral i would shave it smooth

By #64328 at 13,Mar,17 19:11
It is best neatly groomed or shaved. That how i keep mine

By spermkiss at 13,Mar,17 17:08 other posts of spermkiss 
I vote for hairless, but I know from personal experience that this is high maintenance. Neatly groomed also looks good on you so take your pick. Perhaps go with hairless in the summer when you have more opportunities to be nude and neatly groomed in the winter.

By #491253 at 13,Mar,17 15:32
You are right in that the neatly groomed does look the best for you. I have looked at all your pics and your cock does look good with that circle of hair round it. It is tempting to go for the hair free. It's a good pic and makes you look about 16 but would take a lot of keeping up.

By pifad at 13,Mar,17 12:16 other posts of pifad 
I like a full bush

By qhaos at 13,Mar,17 11:44 other posts of qhaos 
I use trimmed style because i'm hairy in whole body (except for my back) and a fully shaved pubic hair is not good to see when i'm naked!

By JeffinKS at 13,Mar,17 11:16 other posts of JeffinKS 

By #527424 at 13,Mar,17 06:38
Its best all shaved off

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