I'm now thinking that it is a fake, and requested a pic with username...
I'm not really sure what you're getting at, bella, but I personally couldn't give a shit about SYD members being someone/something other than what they claim to be, having no interest in them whatsoever...
I just find it peculiar that anyone would request a picture of another member's "face and tits together" if there was a concern that the member is "fake". If you have that inclination, don't interact with that member.
Oh, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean for it to come off like that. I don't even remember my train of thought on the request, either, so I'm sure it's because I was sl.eep-deprived (as usual) and still feeling the effects of drinking the night before.
I won't be talking to that member again.
By #491031 at 03,May,17 20:50
Given the fact that this is the internet, I just assume that NO ONE here is 100% "real". Everyone who uses a site like this, for whatever reason, presents the image of themselves that they want others to see, but rarely show their "true" persona in its entirety. We hide our faces, post pics taken from angles that obscure physical flaws and enhance attributes. Some lie about their sexual orientation or relationship status. Others simply use the site to fulfill sexual fantasies that they would never engage in in real life. Virtually every member of SYD/SYC is or has engaged in some type of deceit--in one way or another--while here. I'm not saying that this is a good or bad thing. What I am saying is: I don't really give a crap. I just don't understand what all the fuss is when it comes to who is "fake" and who is not. To some degree, we are ALL faking just a little.
By #275407 at 13,May,17 06:25
It just shows you can't Allways be right, I'm 100% --------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
Wait, you maybe right, I did lie about my name --------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes
Wait again, now that I told every1 that Cody is not my real name, that makes me 100% again
I will agree a fake is a fake, the site has rules that need enforcing.But my point is, if it is so important to folks that fakes be spotted,deleted,banished, how are they able to embed themselves in here and last so long without being detected by the delete squad? Was the delete squad asleep like Rip Van winkle? The administrator has a life out side of this job, so he can't cover all the new members. But if the members of the delete squad are so adamant why aren't the new members scanned 3 times a day so they don't last 7 years?
Some members, aka the "delete squaud", spend more time and are more interested in weeding out questionable members.
Regarding the member of 7 years that was recently deleted, yes, the photos referred had been uploaded and posted almost 7 years ago.
There's mixed feelings on seasoned members versus new members with regard to internet pics. Some feel that seasoned members should "know better" while some (such as myself) feel that the seasoned member should be given an opportunity to edit their profile, given time to see the "warning" message and edit their gallery prior to being deleted. As far as new members, my opinion, no hall pass.
By #460385 at 03,May,17 13:18
As you said, we have a life outside of this site. Do you know how time consuming it is to track these pics down. I do what I can when I can. You surly don't expect the "delete squad" to go through thousands of members pics. If these jackass fakes would just lay low and out of site out of mind. They would get away with it. I don't visit men's pages very often, the wife does. But how I catch them mostly is they start posting the fake pics on the banner of SYC. They get to cocky.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes
And as far as the 7 year member. He had 5 pages of fakes up to posting them last month. There are many here that have a couple fake pics and are longtime members. I won't bother with them. Like bella said, it's a touchy situation. Some see him as a 7 year member. I see him as a 7 year fake that got away with it. In this case we weren't talking about a few pics, we were talking about a few pages of fake pics.
I do not verify people not because I can't technically, but because it's not economically viable and risky. I could put a girl on a salary who would verify every user via skype or photo of the person with government issued ID all day long. But there is just not enough money to do that. Majority of the users are not interested to pay for this and never were.
Yes, there are several users who make a big deal about some members being not real here, but the majority of people who pay for the site either don't care about fakes or even give me a hard time when I delete them - like "you delete all the funny members, now the site is boring I'm not gonna pay for this". I was deleting fakes at first, you know, and I was thinking about making verification obligatory. But it's just not what most people pay for here.
Also, there are additional risks in that for me. People submit their IDs to many places these days and sometimes they get stolen. I would never collect IDs, but they may get stolen from other places and people would blame this site first, because it's more logical to blame some suspicious sex site, than some respectful bank that actually let your docs leak. ID fraud is a serious crime and I don't want to give even a slightest reason to be accused of it. So, considering additional risks and no money - not worth at all.
Those are bold statements to make against members with out providing some proof or at least an explanation. So tell me, what makes them fake. I have checked every single pic on both members you mentioned. And not one hit on any of them. Are you making these allegations based on proof or are you pissed off that maybe they won't chat with you, skype, snapchat, or email you?
Maybe he has a FRESH perspective on what's happening here, countryboy! In slightly over 30 days, he's only been blacklisted by 4 members but one member was bold enough to provide a (WHY?). My guess is there was some type of response in WildProfessional's questionnaire that tipped the scale and pointed to the 2 members appearing to be fake.
By #491031 at 02,May,17 21:47
How do we get a copy of that list of creepy questions? Sounds like fun!
By #496814 at 02,May,17 22:22
I sometimes compliment them on the hot pics and when I get a reaction I ask them if they also know they are on the site...
Ok, I have some pics on with ex-partners as well, but I guarantee their privacy (they all, except for one, knew I was on this site though)
Oh my! In just 2 hours time, WildProfessional was blacklisted by another member, for a total of 5 members in approximately 35 days time!
See, if the blacklist-er was required to include their name for the (WHY?) you could go directly to them and just ask.
You know what makes me just smile and shake my head? Our blacklist-er signs every freakin' thing else, the pics, the posts.....I can't figure out WHY? there's no frickin' "signature" on our (WHY?)'s, dammit!
Fricken' auto correct, I'm trying to do the lame boob thing that is used and it won't do it!
@ JustWill, now we will never know what the list of questions were.
By #491031 at 03,May,17 15:59
I believe the guy was here thinking that women would climb all over themselves to latch onto his junk. Any woman who didn't find him as attractive as he thought himself to be was obviously a fake. What REAL woman could resist his charm? (I mean, look at his comments here in the forum. He came across as such an intelligent and warm guy... )
As I said it's a general problem. Many guys report accounts as being fake because of less than enthusiastic responses they get and in the same time defend fakes who talk to them nicely and get furious if I delete those fakes.
By #531992 at 03,May,17 01:02
You top the list. All anyone has to do is read your responses to previous accusation. Go beat off your tiny little dick,
One of the problems with this site is that there is a lot of men who happily chat with obvious fakes and protect them from deletion as long as those fakes give them a kind of response they want, but in the same time they accuse of being fake real females whose reaction is not what they hoped for...
He deleted his account himself. Why would I delete him? You people have strangest ideas about why I delete accounts and how much.
Here is the stat from past 3 months:
- I deleted 60 accounts and most of them were proxy registrations, obvious fakes and duplicate accounts of some regular trolls, like Boyd. Most of them I deleted within couple of hours after registration. You would not even notice them.
- 60 accounts were deleted by the panel
- and 1500 deleted their accounts themselves, explicitly.
I do not count here accounts that were purged automatically because of inactivity. Probably about 2000.
He was a man with mission. An urgent one. He finished his mission in very very short time. Problem is we'll never know whether he finished successfully or not. Oh well....
By #502711 at 03,May,17 12:24
He was probably a fake profile made by someone else here. That wouldn't surprise me.
By #460385 at 03,May,17 01:41
Dude, what is your proof of these members being fake. I have checked all these members pics and there is nothing. Where is your proof. What are you going by. Your hostility towards these members because they ignore you is not a reason to make shit up. Your making yourself look like an ass. Cause a pretty girl post some pics on a site like this doesn't mean their fake, until you can peove it. Your word means shit around here without proof. Face it, girls aren't dropping to your feet like you expected. Just accept it dude. You have 2 friends and 5 enemies. 2 people have said your sending spam and creepy messages. Your doing well so far.
It would be a pity if she was fake because she has such a beautiful pussy and great boobs, don't you think?
[deleted image]
The woman in those pics is so fuckable!!!! --------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
I also love the cumshot on her body. Mmmm.....
[deleted image]
By #531992 at 03,May,17 01:04
That isn't the same damn woman; idiot.
By #460385 at 03,May,17 02:03
Looks like the same tits and stomach to me. The same elongated belly button and the same small nipples. Cmon man. I thought you were a professional.
Regardless of whether if it's the same or not, I said I like these hot pics and it would be a putty if she was fake.
Thanks for calling me an idiot. This provides an explanation for Bella's remark "In slightly over 30 days, he's only been blacklisted by 4 members". I've been wondering about it but you explained it.
I'm not really sure what you're getting at, bella, but I personally couldn't give a shit about SYD members being someone/something other than what they claim to be, having no interest in them whatsoever...
I just find it peculiar that anyone would request a picture of another member's "face and tits together" if there was a concern that the member is "fake". If you have that inclination, don't interact with that member.
I won't be talking to that member again.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
Wait, you maybe right, I did lie about my name
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes
Wait again, now that I told every1 that Cody is not my real name, that makes me 100% again
So we're all fake.
Regarding the member of 7 years that was recently deleted, yes, the photos referred had been uploaded and posted almost 7 years ago.
There's mixed feelings on seasoned members versus new members with regard to internet pics. Some feel that seasoned members should "know better" while some (such as myself) feel that the seasoned member should be given an opportunity to edit their profile, given time to see the "warning" message and edit their gallery prior to being deleted. As far as new members, my opinion, no hall pass.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes
And as far as the 7 year member. He had 5 pages of fakes up to posting them last month. There are many here that have a couple fake pics and are longtime members. I won't bother with them. Like bella said, it's a touchy situation. Some see him as a 7 year member. I see him as a 7 year fake that got away with it. In this case we weren't talking about a few pics, we were talking about a few pages of fake pics.
Yes, there are several users who make a big deal about some members being not real here, but the majority of people who pay for the site either don't care about fakes or even give me a hard time when I delete them - like "you delete all the funny members, now the site is boring I'm not gonna pay for this". I was deleting fakes at first, you know, and I was thinking about making verification obligatory. But it's just not what most people pay for here.
Also, there are additional risks in that for me. People submit their IDs to many places these days and sometimes they get stolen. I would never collect IDs, but they may get stolen from other places and people would blame this site first, because it's more logical to blame some suspicious sex site, than some respectful bank that actually let your docs leak. ID fraud is a serious crime and I don't want to give even a slightest reason to be accused of it. So, considering additional risks and no money - not worth at all.
Ok, I have some pics on with ex-partners as well, but I guarantee their privacy (they all, except for one, knew I was on this site though)
See, if the blacklist-er was required to include their name for the (WHY?) you could go directly to them and just ask.
You know what makes me just smile and shake my head? Our blacklist-er signs every freakin' thing else, the pics, the posts.....I can't figure out WHY? there's no frickin' "signature" on our (WHY?)'s, dammit!
Fricken' auto correct, I'm trying to do the lame boob thing that is used and it won't do it!
Here is the stat from past 3 months:
- I deleted 60 accounts and most of them were proxy registrations, obvious fakes and duplicate accounts of some regular trolls, like Boyd. Most of them I deleted within couple of hours after registration. You would not even notice them.
- 60 accounts were deleted by the panel
- and 1500 deleted their accounts themselves, explicitly.
I do not count here accounts that were purged automatically because of inactivity. Probably about 2000.
OR HornyCharile? /member.php?w=526060
[deleted image]
The woman in those pics is so fuckable!!!!
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
I also love the cumshot on her body. Mmmm.....
[deleted image]
Thanks for calling me an idiot. This provides an explanation for Bella's remark "In slightly over 30 days, he's only been blacklisted by 4 members". I've been wondering about it but you explained it.