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Do You Ever Get So Hard It Hurts?

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Started by #495036 at 21,May,17 15:50
Does your cock ever get so hard it hurts? Like it wants to be punished? Where just barely touching it is ecstasy?

Do you like how it feels when your hot cock stretches against the zipper of your jeans?

Does your hard cock ever throb so violently it jumps up and down?

Does your sexy hard cock ever leak so much pre-cum you have to change your underwear?

Is it just me that has these problems?

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By nekekal at 24,Dec,21 06:53 other posts of nekekal 
Yes. But not very often. Mostly when I was younger and was involved in long make out session. I loved making out. Later making out was a prelude to fucking, so my cock never got to the painful stage. If I didn't get to fuck I just masturbated before it started hurting.

My cock always was down my leg. Much to long to rub against the zipper.

No. No violent jumping up and down.

Yes and no. My cock always leaked precum. All I have to do is think about sex and I get precum. But I never changed underwear. It would be in the same condition in minutes. It is just life. Cum filled shorts.

By #652988 at 22,Dec,21 17:50
Yeah like right now

By LGA6969 at 17,Aug,20 12:22 other posts of LGA6969 
Especially morning wood

By #591921 at 17,Aug,20 01:57
Ok first yes my cock has been so hard it hurts and pulsates. I was getting waxed once this pretty hot young lady was waxing me and telling me how much she liked my cock. I got so hard I even had precum oozing out until I finally shot off and she loved it. She cleaned me up. I think she intended to do it but she didnt have to touch me much just her words got me so excited. Another time I was at a coffee shop after a walk and these hot girls in yoga pants so tight I could see practically thru them. No panties and I'm sitting there hard as hell enjoying the view. Well I got so excited I got my compression pants wet and had a wet spot at the end of my cock in public with an obvious hard was very exciting.

By Greek18cm at 14,Jun,17 21:08 other posts of Greek18cm 
It hurts only if its on cockring+1 hour hard and in use...
Then at first hurts and then i dont feel almost nothing.
Its nice when it became hatd and want to go out of your jeans/sorts etc...
Yes it throbs but only when i am alone. Not with women.bdont know why...

No.i have almost zero precum.

By RealTitsLover at 27,May,17 16:03 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I wouldn't say it hurts, nah, and yeah.

I don't own any jeans, they don't seem comfortable to me.



I have some of 'em.

By CreativeOne at 21,May,17 19:06 other posts of CreativeOne 
No ! It actually feels wonderful when it's hard and ready for action . I Never heard of anyone feeling pain when they get hard .
By bella! at 21,May,17 20:10 other posts of bella! 
Although I'm not equipped with a penis, I kinda think I understand where he's coming from.
By RealTitsLover at 27,May,17 15:57 other posts of RealTitsLover 
It does start having an aching sensation after you get into the double digits in a 24-hour period, in my experience. Not bad enough to let it stop me when it's with someone who really turns me on, though.

By #519017 at 27,May,17 07:08
Sometimes if I take Viagra my cock stays so stiff it hurts even after a fuck or a couple of wanks. I've solved it by breaking the tablet into quarters which I've found is quite enough.

By #535562 at 25,May,17 21:24
alot after i wake up

By #516354 at 24,May,17 06:51
Yes,when someone is edging me for a long time.

By kebmo at 23,May,17 14:18 other posts of kebmo 
Yes. It happens rarely and only in the morning though.

By qhaos at 23,May,17 08:57 other posts of qhaos 
It happens when i wear a cockring, my cock is hard as a rock and it seems is ready to explode, it hurts a little but it feel so good!

By #316057 at 23,May,17 03:23
yes I do and I was wondering why

By #518391 at 22,May,17 07:25
Yes, my cock is sometimes so hard that it hurts...usually just as I shoot off a load...this has only happened in recent years, though...don't know why.

By #526707 at 21,May,17 20:52
Never one that hurts, but throbbing? All the time. I just don't like when its in public because I wear tight jeans and my bulge is rather big, not to mention it's torture if I am not about to have release.

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