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What time is it were you are ?

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Started by #536760 at 06,Oct,17 01:18
What time is it were you are and what can you see around you ?

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By #536760 at 11,Oct,17 22:58
Sleepy time now.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

Up again 4:20pm

By Nevermore at 07,Oct,17 15:20 other posts of Nevermore 
By bella! at 07,Oct,17 15:36 other posts of bella! 
I suspect you mean 16:20.
By Nevermore at 07,Oct,17 16:14 other posts of Nevermore 
If someone asks what time it is, you don't say 16:20
By bella! at 07,Oct,17 16:36 other posts of bella! 
Perhaps you don't but if you're using military time you would.

You made it seem like I made a senseless observation but we all live in various areas on planet Earth. How would anyone know whether you were speaking about a.m. or p.m. or if we are still sharing the same calendar day?

By #536760 at 06,Oct,17 23:08
10:06 am sat. lounge room. Aussie race cars on the telly. 10:15 now watching (how do they make that) 10:36 baby anim-als in the wild. 11:30 Desperet,self obsorbed,metaly fucked up,rich,wingey, bitchs,have no idea,not even close,should be shot in the head and beaten with a hammer a lot,of mars. it,s the latest check it out.
By #485312 at 07,Oct,17 02:40
getting ready for Happy Bathurst Day tomorrow?? *lix*

By bella! at 06,Oct,17 13:57 other posts of bella! 
It is October 6th at 09:57. It's dismal, grey, lightly raining and 58 degrees Fahrenheit. I'm admiring the view of Windsor, Ontario, Canada from across the Detroit River.
By #536760 at 06,Oct,17 19:29
Sounds nice. Willing to send a pic?

By #538435 at 06,Oct,17 17:53
9:50 AM clear skies and very windy . gusting over 60 last night so I'm seeing other peoples things blowing down the street

By leopoldij at 06,Oct,17 13:33 other posts of leopoldij 
Yesterday, it was 9:13 pm. Tomorrow, it'll be 20:22.

By Ingot at 06,Oct,17 13:20 other posts of Ingot 
day time

By #502711 at 06,Oct,17 06:10
It's time to party. & I see bottles of wine, magazines & clothes around me.
By #536760 at 06,Oct,17 07:13
Im on my way. stuff leo,s basement there,s nothing to eat.

By oldacock at 06,Oct,17 05:52 other posts of oldacock 
3.52 pm in my model railway room and heavy rain outside (about time too!).

By #536760 at 06,Oct,17 05:25
4:09 pm lounge room. Aussie race cars on the telly.

By #536760 at 06,Oct,17 01:22
12:17 pm . Lots of trees and open fields. I'm out side.

Adult Discussion Forum