| Okay. So I've been browsing around Plenty of Fish .com. Looking for a girlfriend. Anyway this hot girl pops up, so I send here a "Hi" message. She responds back, and before long were texting back and forth. She asked me what I was looking for. I basically said, "a girlfriend, not a hookup." She said she was looking for the same thing.
Finally she asked me what I do for a living, and I told her. I asked her the same thing, and she said she sai Online Model. And I'm thinking, clothes. I asked her, what kind of modeling? and she flat out told me, strip shows and live sex cams. And she sent a nude of herself. holding up a paper sign, with my real first name on it.
Now I'm one to detect a scam when i sence one. but the way she presented herself, she didn't ask for money, and she invited me to one of her cam shows, with a free guest pass she emailed to me. All she asked for, was feedback. she even promised to give me a live private show, should we meet up. The only thing that seemed iffy, is her site requires i give a credit card to varify my age. but even then, my debit card doesnt have any personal info. |
We plan to go mini golfing this weekend. Only a matter of time before we're hanging out on her couch, in a not so public setting.
still, the more i learn about her, the more attractive i find her. I'm going to see if she will let me kiss her on the second date.
Maybe I should change my profession...
Like, how are you supposed to know this?
Seeing one with their throat slashed beside my car kinda did me in with any thoughts I could ever have towards that profession.
And you say these attacks are unprovoked! Have you seen how you talk to women here.....just cuz women show their stuff,you think you think you can talk to them a certain way...you think people don't know what you're like here or something....there are more people here that just stay quiet in public but discuss in private....
Just the same as people talk about me, they'll talk about you...so when you say unprovoked,not so sure about that...
I busted your balls with a wordplay joke and you took offence at that....so did I provoke you,or did you not understand the joke?
And some of your pictures provoke people here...
And if you wanna sit here and act like your actions don't impact on others and they'll just sit there and be polite, you're gonna keep reading things you don't like..
You crack me up,admin is not who finds your pictures offensive... I'm telling you,that you and your missus act in a way that people find offensive ..
And it does get to you,cuz you've already stated you don't want to argue with everyone....
My smartass nature comes from dealing with people like you on sites like this...
I notice you didn't say anything about how you talk to women here ?why is that ?I think that's really the problem here that you spoke to women and then your missus got jealous...
And you should give a shit about people you offend,cuz that's just asshole behaviour....
And I am not butthurt at all....I think you two are....
And if you could handle any response you wouldn't have downvoted my comment to you would you ?...
So carry on trying to make out you two are so innocent here,you reckon you don't care,but you do,cuz you have to be on every page here,on top of every list,do you not think other people get sick of seeing you two everywhere here...
So behave like selfish assholes..
You stood up for your missus as I stood up for my friend cuz your missus said hellraiser was attacking her friend through a fake account...so carry on bullshitting in your bubble...
So your missus was wrong to do that....so spare me your attempts at trying to be decent...you two started half of the shit you face here..
So you're really dumb for trying to deflect how you talk to women here who find you repugnant...
And you are still missing the point here,but carry on acting like you are..... it's ok,we all see your insecurities,and how you treat women, that's why you ended up with lix..
And you think I'm a pussy ?oh wow,Mr internet tough guy....you really scare me.....you gonna try and punch me through the the screen now?
So say you don't care about what I post and downvoted my comment again,just shows that do care or you wouldn't have done it.....
You can disagree and try to deflect as much as you want, I told you and you missus the truth....and that's gotta suck for you....
And you two just cannot handle being told the truth..
If you think I'm attacking you ,you really are stupid...
And using the "you have to have the last say line" is normally a sign that that person knows they've lost the argument....
You really are hilarious...
I don't feel superior of inferior to anyone,I don't think like that,says more about you....
I told you I'm arrogant and pedantic,and you come to a gun fight with a spud gun....
If you are going to meet her in person, make sure it is a very public place, and it is for lunch only. Find a place about 20 miles from your house, preferably where a lot of cops frequent. Maybe bring a large muscular male friend with you, as your wingman. If you do not find a person resembling the picture of her, leave immediately.
Again, if she actually shows up, do not give her any money and do not give her any personal information. If she gives you a story that her grandfather needs $10,000 to save the family farm, politely look at your phone and politely excuse yourself to the restroom come back and say you have and a work emergency, and say you'll call her and don't call her.
I personally would say forget the whole thing, but if you're going to do this thing do it smart. Traditional dating does not work this way, where money and credit card information is asked up front.
& I know I sound paranoid but you wouldn't want them near your car either. Methinks they can buy an inexpensive tracker & discreetly stick it to your vehicle then find out where you live when they watch where the tracker goes from looking @ their phone or computer.
The first name thing is a simple photoshop - try reverse searching it on Google
At the very least, go to the local wally world and get a prepaid card,that way she can't shit you out of but whatever the card has on it.