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Started by #546934 at 16,Dec,17 21:53
I need cash fast. Will try anything. Any ideas?

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By spermkiss at 17,Dec,17 16:11 other posts of spermkiss 
Whore yourself out.
By #546934 at 17,Dec,17 17:11
How and where?
By spermkiss at 17,Dec,17 22:29 other posts of spermkiss 
Hey, you're a relatively young 30 years old and you've got a nice cock, there are lots of gay men who would pay you to let them suck you off. Or if you're willing, you could suck them off. Or both. 'Happens all the time.
By #546934 at 18,Dec,17 12:57
Come here now guys im all ready for cocks
By leopoldij at 18,Dec,17 13:06 other posts of leopoldij 
It takes a bit more effort than that. ..

By spermkiss at 18,Dec,17 19:13 other posts of spermkiss 
Way to go, man. If you're gonna be a whore (and I can tell by your eager response that you want to), then be a REAL whore. Get out there and give blow jobs. There are two reasons for giving them rather than receiving them. One is that you can earn a lot more money that way. And two is that there is a limited number of times that you can climax in one day, so there is a limited number of blow jobs you can receive. But there is no limit to the number you can give.

As for where and how, every time I've been in the UK telephone booths were always covered with contact information for prostitutes. It pays to advertise. And the internet is your friend.

By #81191 at 17,Dec,17 12:30
List your income and expendature making cuts where you can.
Often surpising what you can do without that is often wasted anyhow.
Keep alesrt with you your ear to the ground for better paid work plus listing what your interest are and can be an aid to become self employed
By #546934 at 17,Dec,17 12:42
Thanks for that i will give that a go see if it helps. I am already self employed so that box is ticked

By #546934 at 17,Dec,17 08:20
Already have 2 jobs still low on cash. Any help is much appreciated.
By Dev01 at 17,Dec,17 08:40 other posts of Dev01 
Maybe try one high paying job instead of two low income jobs
By #546934 at 17,Dec,17 08:42
In a perfect world yeah. But this ain't thus i am here asking!
By Dev01 at 17,Dec,17 09:41 other posts of Dev01 
Unfortunately i dont have an answer mate but dont ever give up hope... there is something you need to find. We wish you luck
By #546934 at 17,Dec,17 11:43
Thanks mate. I hopefully get the rent paid soon!!

By #491031 at 16,Dec,17 23:36
Get a job is the first idea that comes to mind.

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