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A new feature

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Started by admin at 08,Jan,18 22:25  other posts of admin
I know that many people, especially those who joined recently, get lost on the site and can't figure out many things. So I have added a facebook-style event log to show them in one place most frequent things that happen in relation to their account. I can't test it much myself, so please help me. It's hard to miss, if you have something new happened you will see it on your page in the menu.

If you encounter any errors or have any suggestions, please comment here.

Similar topics: 1.Small change in voting system   2.Small new feature for premium members   3.who visited your page   4.Comments and Worship   5.Admin: This is a Members Request to : Bring back the Ban Feature from the past...  

New Comment

By bella! at 11,Jan,18 02:08 other posts of bella! 
I like the newly implemented feature, Recent Events. I like that the feature highlights that something has transpired whether it be that someone responded to your post in the forum, voted/commented on your picture, responded to your comment on their picture, etc, HOWEVER....why does the number remain highlighted (did I explain that in a way that is understood?)?

I would prefer that the feature did not remain highlighted once you look to see what has transpired.
By admin at 11,Jan,18 02:30 other posts of admin 
For now you can just click "Mark all as read".

I honestly do not know what's the best way to mark them.

When a person click on a link? But not everything has links that a person would want to click on. I do not think people would click on every like or vote they receive.

When a person put a cursor over it? Than some events may be marked unintentionally. Besides, phones do not have cursor at all so this would not work on phones.

Mark them all after you loaded the page automatically? Some people do not like it.
By bella! at 11,Jan,18 02:48 other posts of bella! 
"Mark all as read", I can work with that. Thank you.

By #482237 at 11,Jan,18 21:29
i like the feature but i'm afraid that if i mark it read they will disappear and i won't know who to thank for it.
By HotFuckerBoy at 11,Jan,18 21:41 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
They don't disappear, it leaves the activity list there

By admin at 11,Jan,18 22:12 other posts of admin 
They don't disappear, it just changes style and voids the counter.
By #482237 at 11,Jan,18 22:15
thanks,,i really love the feature,,

By #526776 at 11,Jan,18 22:44
I was off site a few days & when I came back was surprised to see the new feature. But it was great because i could see what I’d missed! I like that!

By BirdDog at 11,Jan,18 05:42 other posts of BirdDog 

By Andthisisme at 10,Jan,18 17:35 other posts of Andthisisme 
An excellent idea for a new feature, it is really useful

By #305542 at 10,Jan,18 16:18
I think it's a great addition. Will let you know if I have any issues

By #491031 at 09,Jan,18 17:20
This is a nice addition, Admin.

By routemaster at 09,Jan,18 16:21 other posts of routemaster 
Thanks for this new feature, admin, a nice addition

By olderbro at 09,Jan,18 15:51 other posts of olderbro 
Great to see new features! bumping to make sure people see the thread and leave feedback.
Thank you!

By #502711 at 09,Jan,18 03:24
I like the new feature so far

By #487013 at 09,Jan,18 03:18
Sounds like it will be very helpful.

By leopoldij at 09,Jan,18 00:25 other posts of leopoldij 
You're cool!

By Ray10754 at 08,Jan,18 23:11 other posts of Ray10754 
Received notification that that a friend posted new topic in forum but when I clicked the link it said error could not be found on this server. (Just letting you know not complaining)
By admin at 08,Jan,18 23:20 other posts of admin 
I have already fixed that. Thank you anyway.

By bella! at 08,Jan,18 22:32 other posts of bella! 
I saw it. I received notification that I received a response to my post in the forum.
By admin at 08,Jan,18 22:37 other posts of admin 
Indeed. The question is - if everything is working as it should...

Adult Discussion Forum