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Frenulum fetish

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Started by #536450 at 03,Feb,18 18:30
As a prepuce enthusiast and very interested in everything about frenulum, I would like to receive and share here your experiences and photos about the frenulum. Experiments, games, piercings, sensations, tying-up, strecthing, rips / breaks. Moreover, I would like to be able to identify the cases of ruptures of the frenulum during the first sexual intercourse.

Similar topics: 1.Show your frenulum   2.Frenulum orgasm   3.Frenulum cutting/tying   4.Frenulum   5.Where do our fetishes come from ?  

New Comment

By Francesco at 05,Aug,24 19:47 other posts of Francesco 

By quint at 03,Aug,24 21:33 other posts of quint 

By Smalljhbcock at 03,Aug,24 06:38 other posts of Smalljhbcock 

By galaxy123 at 02,Aug,24 13:25 other posts of galaxy123 
There are some good frenulum pics on here. Mine tore when I was young. I had an accident on my bike and damaged my genitals. The foreskin and frenulum tore away from the head. So I only have very little frenulum left. What I can say is it bleeds a lot when you rip it. I also have a very loose foreskin now.

By shavedpubis at 24,Jul,24 08:56 other posts of shavedpubis 

By lovetolickyou at 05,Jul,24 08:41 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I'd love to find someone who'd just put their open mouth on my frenulum, and use their tongue to tease me to orgasm while they're sucking it.

By #703990 at 26,Jun,24 14:52
[deleted image]
By german_guy at 26,Jun,24 20:41 other posts of german_guy 
wow that's hot. like to at a lot
By #703990 at 26,Jun,24 20:55
Thank you!

By casado at 26,Jun,24 14:53 other posts of casado 

By neednopants at 26,Jun,24 06:44 other posts of neednopants 

By Hotfire1$ at 26,Jun,24 04:55 other posts of Hotfire1$ 

By neednopants at 10,Jun,24 06:12 other posts of neednopants 

By raybo36 at 08,Apr,18 16:15 other posts of raybo36 
I still have a little bit of frenulum left but not much

By doedeldi at 08,Apr,18 09:57 other posts of doedeldi 

By #553294 at 08,Apr,18 08:31
Dupe post...

By #553294 at 08,Apr,18 08:15
Here are a couple frenulum closeup pics that I shot today. I am very, very happy that the doc left mine intact!

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By #553294 at 01,Apr,18 17:41
Great pics!

I just gave myself a super-intense "frenulum orgasm" this morning, using my one finger method! Damn, that was amazing! I just wish I could get off a bit quicker using that method. When I was young, it only took a few minutes of rubbing the sweet spot. Now it takes me 20-30 minutes.

By qhaos at 01,Apr,18 05:37 other posts of qhaos 
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I really love my frenulum, is very sensitive. And if i touch it with something vibrant, i can cum handless!

By #525566 at 31,Mar,18 14:40
very sensitive here! [deleted image]

By cut5x5 at 31,Mar,18 14:33 other posts of cut5x5 
Not much left of my frenulum after my circumcision when I was born. Most of the sensitivity is gone. I envy you guys who can have frenulum orgasms.

By #518391 at 31,Mar,18 14:15
My frenulum....a very sensitive area
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By #553294 at 31,Mar,18 05:19
Was cut at birth, but the doc left my frenulum intact. I'm really glad he didn't remove it, because I've enjoyed extremely intense "frenulum orgasms" ever since I discovered masturbation when I was 5!

My very first method of masturbating was to lightly rub my frenulum in a circular motion with my forefinger. I didn't start using the more traditional thumb & 2-3 fingers method until I was almost 15 because my cock wasn't long enough until then. I didn't start using the whole-hand method until I was nearly 17, for the same reason.

I still experience extremely intense orgasms from using the forefinger on the frenulum method, and my cock dances wildly with each wave of pleasure!

Here are a few pics of mine:

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By #121361 at 07,Feb,18 20:28
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