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guys with small penis'?

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Started by #19722 at 29,Jul,09 04:47
It seems like most guys on this site have a big penis. Any guys with small penis' that have pics or stories to share? I had someone tell me that they thought my penis was "cute." That's not exactly what I was looking for.

Similar topics: 1.Small penis humiliation   2.In need of small penis humiliation   3.Penis Enlargement   4.Small Penis Wannabes??   5.Small foreskin  

New Comment

By jimbo111949 at 26,Dec,22 14:12 other posts of jimbo111949 

By #645140 at 08,Jan,22 17:17
Here's my cutie

[deleted image]

By #463848 at 13,Nov,21 15:59
Mine is only just above 5 ins, but I am told by many that they would like to suck it. But it seems for all of them that remains a fantasy.

By #654219 at 08,Nov,21 18:56
Im not sure if im small look at mypics and tell me
By TinyLittleGuy at 09,Nov,21 21:33 other posts of TinyLittleGuy 
you are definitely not small, i would love to be your size and so would my wife
By #654219 at 11,Nov,21 19:27
Thank you for looking

By #463848 at 10,Nov,21 11:42
Looks about 6 ins to me which is on the + side of average
By #654219 at 11,Nov,21 19:27

By TinyLittleGuy at 09,Nov,21 21:32 other posts of TinyLittleGuy 
i have heard many times i have a very cute dick, its a nice way to say you are small.

By #463848 at 15,May,19 07:51
Mine is 5 ins and I think it is well-proportioned with a thicker base but a nice helmet glans. You can see it in my gallery.
By Jere at 31,Oct,21 12:30 other posts of Jere 
Same size here

By #631189 at 31,Oct,21 13:28
We’ve got very similar cocks!
By Jere at 07,Nov,21 08:04 other posts of Jere 
I think so too

By destroymyballs692 at 06,Nov,21 05:14 other posts of destroymyballs692 
I have a micro penis

By thicknsmooth at 06,Nov,21 04:57 other posts of thicknsmooth 
You guys all have great looking dicks! I very much enjoy sucking the hell out of a small smooth cock and balls it’s very enjoyable to have a nice mouth full of cock!

By #631189 at 31,Oct,21 11:31
At my smallest, I have no problem showing it off on the beach either

By Dev01 at 30,Oct,21 13:46 other posts of Dev01 
By bella! at 30,Oct,21 16:32 other posts of bella! 
40 comments and 35 [HOT] votes? That's impressive!

By kupreanoff at 30,Oct,21 15:58 other posts of kupreanoff 
4 inches of hard shaved cock I would love to share

By Alwaysnude at 30,Oct,21 13:39 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image] Here is mine what do you think?
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[deleted image] Here is my small dick I like it when notice my size at nude beaches
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[deleted image] Here is my small dick I like it when People notice my size at nude beaches
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[deleted image]

By #633057 at 30,Dec,20 10:15
[deleted image]
I have chubby body with small penis. I am happy with my body. I don't hesitate to show it.

By MixedBiDown4Anything at 30,Dec,20 04:49 other posts of MixedBiDown4Anything 

By german_guy at 29,Dec,20 17:45 other posts of german_guy 
I LOVE my penis and I am happy with it.
ans let's face it, we got what we got and have to live with it and that's all right I'd say...

By MixedBiDown4Anything at 29,Dec,20 17:25 other posts of MixedBiDown4Anything 

By #64328 at 11,Dec,20 23:28
I like guys that have a small dick and not afraid to admit it. Confident small cock guys are a serious turn on

By new2day at 06,Dec,20 14:22 other posts of new2day 
Mine gets quite small when I'm cold, stressed or after exercise. I'm often this size when at nude beaches or naturist clubs, doesn't bother me at all... it grows.
By #631189 at 08,Dec,20 23:36
Same here, I’m about the same when soft. Trouble is my foreskin shrivels up when it’s cold and it looks awful!

By #463848 at 11,Dec,20 09:39
Does your foreskin always stay back when soft? Mine is about the same size as yours but foreskin (which is short) always covers glans when really soft.
By new2day at 11,Dec,20 10:23 other posts of new2day 
I'm circumcised, I don't have any foreskin, it's just the shaft skin bunched up when I'm cold and shriveled.

By galaxy123 at 19,Nov,20 16:11 other posts of galaxy123 
Mine is quite small when soft.
By #463848 at 11,Dec,20 09:41
My cock looks like that when at its softest; but as I have a short foreskin, it rolls back if I am in a warmer place or if there is any friction from clothing.

By lovetolickyou at 04,Dec,20 12:12 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I never thought my cock was small although I went through the typical "Am I big enough" thoughts. I always wanted to feel secure that my cock was big enough to make the other person think about the things that would excite them and not about me being inadequate. I can only remember one time when I wanted to be cute. I played several times with a couple that were personal friends and let them know, subtlety, That I was interested in sucking cock. We had adventures together that let me scratch the heterosexual itch while enjoying my cock with them one at a time. He had a huge cock....The biggest I've seen, and I never tried to compete with that, but when I was with her, I did whatever felt good. I liked to show her how small my cock could get, and I sometimes liked "sissifying" my cock by showing her how I could stick my finger over my glans and push it down until it was retracted inside my body and my finger was buried in my foreskin. I often fantasized about her "Fingering" me, and one night it happened. We were masturbating together and when I told her about my fingering fantasy. she pushed the middle finger of her right hand down on my cock. She rubbed her finger tip around in my precum until I finally shot a huge blast of cum around her fingertip until it finally seeped out around her finger. She licked my foreskin and told me that she loved the taste of me. My cock was small by that point, but she cuddled it in her hand and licked me until I opened my mouth and kissed her. I thought about it later and realized that it wasn't whether a cock was big that made it exciting...It was more about whether it was different from what she was used to. After that, I never spent time feeling inferior because I was small...It was more about whether she liked the differences between us.

By xxx79 at 02,Dec,20 15:37 other posts of xxx79 

By Alwaysnude at 25,Nov,20 16:24 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image] mine
--------------------------------------- added after 166 hours

[deleted image] proud little dick that could
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[deleted image]

By centexwill at 19,Oct,19 20:18 other posts of centexwill 
Small guys usually don't bring the arrogance and size drama to a relationship.

By #64328 at 09,May,19 15:39
Average and smaller are usually the nicest looking. Nice proportion is more important than huge cocks
By eonblue at 26,Aug,19 03:34 other posts of eonblue 
I agree, proportion and shape are what is attractive! When the combination is there big or small=admiration!

By #463848 at 06,Sep,19 12:46
I agree but with one exception—I do like to see a long thin cock especially when it is hanging soft.

By earthy at 18,Oct,19 22:12 other posts of earthy 
Yeah Ive always thought smaller and average tend to look best.

By ChineseSausage at 18,Oct,19 07:45 other posts of ChineseSausage 
Being Chinese, I've got the negative stereotype going for me lol. Both of my exes who were both Caucasian,seemed to have loved my size.

I've learned to eh whatever about it now lol, you can't satisfy them all
[deleted image]

By #584883 at 12,Oct,19 21:54
[deleted image] [deleted image] Am proud to have small penis!

By Alwaysnude at 07,Oct,19 14:27 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image] proud little cock here

By #598172 at 06,Sep,19 14:36
It's more important to know what to do with it than size.

By #518391 at 03,Sep,19 08:49
My hard 5 incher[deleted image]
By #463848 at 06,Sep,19 12:45
I have always liked to see your penis and the size is good.
By #518391 at 06,Sep,19 14:33
Thanks for your the kind words..they really give me more confidence when I'm nude in the locker room and showers.

By centexwill at 03,Sep,19 05:32 other posts of centexwill 
I like smaller guys. They tend t be less arrogant than the big stick guys.

By #597900 at 23,Aug,19 16:29
Mine is very small when soft. Like 1"-2". When it's hard it get a little over 6". I love playing with mine hard or soft. Would love to get the chance to play with someone else's, big or small.
By #595788 at 25,Aug,19 14:29
6” erect is quite big! Show us some pictures of that hard up six inches!

By #596852 at 25,Aug,19 12:55
here mine soft 5.6 when hard

By #597986 at 24,Aug,19 16:05
All I will say is that I much prefer to be fucked with a nice 6" cock than a big 8" or bigger.
Guys with so called smaller cocks tend to put more effort into fucking you, than just slamming their huge cock up your arse.

By JackHammer at 22,Aug,19 12:37 other posts of JackHammer 
Small dicks are fine, I play with one every day. I would love to play with other small dicks. Although I must admit, at least once in my life I would love to get my hands on a huge 2 fisted cock and check out my gag reflex.

By #581646 at 21,Aug,19 19:33
mine [deleted image]

By centexwill at 15,Aug,19 14:13 other posts of centexwill 
I have no issue with small cocks. Guys with small ones tend to be less stuck up and arrogant than those with the "look at my 9 inches of i'm special".

By #597201 at 15,Aug,19 00:24
4.5x4.0 soft 6.0x5.5 hard small but hits all the nooks and crannies of a hot pussy

By #596697 at 13,Aug,19 00:38
Mine's pretty small, even when erect. Check out my gallery.

By #446346 at 11,Aug,19 14:40
I have heard the "cute" a lot too.

By #518391 at 14,May,19 09:51
I have a small cock (5 inches) but thin too...always seems to be the smallest in the showers and locker room, but gets hard and has worked well sexually
[deleted image]

By TinyLittleGuy at 08,May,19 16:45 other posts of TinyLittleGuy 
i get that all the time you have a cute penis , yes its cute because its so tiny.
here i am super hard
Dating was a bitch girls would see my penis and just laugh on how tiny it was soft.
Once the word got out , girls would just go out to see how small,
got few blow and hand jobs out of it .

By #536019 at 21,Mar,18 13:56
I have a small one. It works just fine!

[deleted image]
By up-for-it at 21,Mar,18 22:29 other posts of up-for-it 
Small is fun too,some weird people love my small cock
By #539358 at 06,Apr,18 06:04
It looks just fine too

By TinyLittleGuy at 08,May,19 15:58 other posts of TinyLittleGuy 
you are definitely not small

By #575841 at 23,Feb,19 16:17
Have a look at mine it's 4.5 inch when I do get erection I have erectile dysfunction and high blood pressure had testicle cancer at 9years old and hydrocele repair

By #563509 at 30,Jan,19 17:09
[deleted image]

Mine is a little over 4 1/2 inches

By #578014 at 29,Jan,19 23:59
seems like a lot of mouthful cocks to suck here

By #546484 at 29,Jan,19 00:47
Mine goes from 3.5 to 6.5 inch I know the 3.5 is perfetic big honestly is it still small at 6.5

By small_dik at 02,Sep,15 03:16 other posts of small_dik 
They don't come much smaller than me

By #539358 at 06,Apr,18 06:06
That is a very nice Cock Sir!

By cut5x5 at 22,Mar,18 14:29 other posts of cut5x5 
My smal boner.

By #536019 at 25,Mar,18 13:47

By #463848 at 06,Apr,18 05:38
That would be good to dock and give you the feel of a foreskin around that lovely cockhead.

By #539358 at 06,Apr,18 06:03
That’s my perfect size of cock

By #553294 at 29,Mar,18 00:15
Mine's about average when erect, at 5.75" long x 4.75" in girth on a good day. It's definitely on the small side when soft @ ~2" x 3.5" to ~2.5" x 3.5", depending upon ambient temp.

At its smallest (~2" x 3.5"):

[deleted image]

Usual soft state (~2.5" x 3.5"):

[deleted image]

Starting to get hard:

[deleted image]

Fully erect (~5.75" z 4.75":

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

What do you think of it?
By 3fdfd at 29,Mar,18 04:20 other posts of 3fdfd 
A bit larger than average when hard. You have a really nice looking dick.
By #553294 at 29,Mar,18 05:25
Wow, thanks for the compliment!

By #463848 at 06,Apr,18 05:36
Good, in fact a bit like mine and I also find it shortening considerably when cold. That can be a problem when wanting a pee and trying to get it far enough out to clear all obstructions.

By #463848 at 06,Apr,18 05:34
Mine is only 5 ins but it seems bigger in some photos and can draw attention for that reason. However, I think it is also a nice shape with girth comparable to length.

It is good to meet others with a similar size.

By #62846 at 05,Apr,18 19:18
Mine je also very small, 6 in (15/4,5 cm)

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