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Started by #110942 at 13,Nov,10 12:13
is that site a refuge or sanctuary for small penis? may be here small penis feel free and happy of showing without being afraid of jokes or rejects or cruelty
[URL=//][/URL. Take a look at my little cock anyone like --------------------------------------- added after 767 hours
A lot of guys here (myself included) think that cocks in the 4-inch range are really sexy and suck-able. Mine is 4.5 inches, and I'm happy with the way it looks and operates. --------------------------------------- added after 54 seconds
Correct your spelling mistake please, you are showing your moron side like piss ass freddy does... --------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
I know you meant it, but it is still wrong...Although I know you like her and dementia uncle joe...
By #202392 at 18,Oct,21 21:01
Don't be ashamed of your size. Many of the nicest looking cocks I've seen in my life (there's been A LOT) have all been on the smaller size. Big cocks are admirable but oten are not as attractive
There should be no shame about a smaller than average penis. Sites like this attract the big guys who want to show off, it's equally important for the average and smaller to be seen.
This is me when cold
--------------------------------------- added after 8299 hours
Mine isn't the biggest, but I'm happy with it. [deleted image]
By #463848 at 25,Oct,19 09:58
I seem to feel that there has been a tendency for small cocks to become more accepted and indeed looked for (in some cases preferentially).
After all they all work the same way and fulfil the same functions. In addition we still have the stats that show the average is about 5.75ins and some consider that to be small.
By #590624 at 23,Oct,19 15:30
I like to show my soft cock here, as you can see it is not big specially when soft [deleted image]
By #518391 at 09,Jan,18 09:00
Mine's only 5 inches long and thin..always seems to be the smallest in the showers...but doesn't worry me any longer
[deleted image]
By #463848 at 21,Jan,18 09:47
That looks very OK to me
By #539358 at 21,Jan,18 13:03
Looks perfect to me too!
By #64328 at 22,Jan,18 18:00
There are far more 5 inch dicks than 8 inch dicks in the world.
By #602679 at 20,Oct,19 07:37
i would suck that in a heartbeat
By #518391 at 20,Oct,19 10:15
Thanks for the offer! I'd let you give it a hand-job but not suck it!
Man, most men with small penises LIKE to show them off. This is especially true if they have a bodybuilder physique. They enjoy putting their big muscles and small cocks out there for everyone to see. But it's also true of owners of micros who are lean and slim and guys who are heavyset. It seems the smaller a guy's dick, the more inclined he is to show it. And that's totally fine with me. I like small cocks. And medium cocks. And big cocks.
Micropenis is an unusually small penis. A common criterion is a dorsal (measured on top) erect penile length of at least 2.5 standard deviations smaller than the mean human penis size, or smaller than about 7 cm (2 3⁄4 in) for an adult when compared with an average erection of 12.5 cm (5 in).The condition is usually recognized shortly after birth. The term is most often used medically when the rest of the penis, scrotum, and perineum are without ambiguity, such as hypospadias. Micropenis occurs in about 0.6% of males
--------------------------------------- added after 767 hours
[deleted image] Here is my little guy
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[deleted image]
Let's go Brandon!!!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
I know you meant it, but it is still wrong...Although I know you like her and dementia uncle joe...
This is me when cold
--------------------------------------- added after 8299 hours
Even smaller when its really cold
[deleted image]
After all they all work the same way and fulfil the same functions. In addition we still have the stats that show the average is about 5.75ins and some consider that to be small.
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 10132 hours
[deleted image]
Is that true?
howard stern smallest penis contest video
wish to speak at least two