| My girlfriend is a really cute girl with red hair, DD's and a nice round ass that she loves to push up against my package when we are spooning or cuddling before going to ****. She usually falls asleep much faster than I do and after just 10 minutes I am holding her as my little spoon while she is sound asleep. This was absolutely adorable The very first night we spent together and I was so turned on and just blown away by how sweet and perfect she looked and felt pressed up against me as she drifted deeper into hher slumber. Then it happened. We were both naked, my dick was hard and positioned directly between her butt cheeks and suddenly I heard a soft rip and i felt a small puff of warm air hit my boner. She had just farted, next to me in bed, directly up against my body. I was startled and very taken aback, but I could tell she was still sound asleep and it didn't really phase me much; it happens. So I pull her a little closer and she softly moans as she snuggles up as close to me as possible. I'm holding her in my arms when about 5 minutes later she farts once again, this time the unmistakable rip of a very solid fart. It caught me by surprise once again but it was my reaction that shocked me the most. I moaned and thrust my package as far up against her ass as I possibly could in a desperate attempt to get as close to the source of her flatulence as possible. Every few minutes she would rip another powerful fart and I would get a little more turned on until I finally began to touch her clit until she was turned on enough that I could get on top of her.
This is our every night reality and she claims that she has always farted in her **** for some reason ever since she was little. Some were very small and dainty but many times they were very loud and quite smelly. And for whatever fucked up reason I absolutely love it. |
Mine too, even runs the fucking dog out the room... 🤭🤭
As an American I find it interesting that any mention of royalty to a Brit and to a lessor extent other European often sets of a tirade, either in favor or opposed. I don't much care one way or the other. As for American's fascination with royalty, I suspect it has a lot to do with the fact that this in not something we have.