I recently replied to a post under the forum topic *"IS IT JUST ME"*. The topic I replied to was referring to the perception of several members that the current POTM section is flawed and often unfair. I happen to agree with this opinion. I thought it was deserving of it's own topic on the board. Below I will copy/paste my original reply explaining my personal view of the system, which includes some suggestions that might make it better. I hope to see you all post with your own suggestions. Perhaps we can refer the site admin to this post in hope that the POTM section will be revamped.
Original Post:
I COMPLETELY agree with this! Seems the whole voting system is flawed. It is definitely an issue. I ran for pic of month sometime last fall. I did end up winning, but it was a quite grueling process.
I started by asking my friends and contacts to help vote for me. It soon became clear, however, that my competition was going on a site wide campaign asking for votes. My reaction? Well... what the hell?... I've come this far. Might as well go big or go home. I crafted a polite message asking for votes and offered help in return. Most members were awesome about it, but I did encounter some who were offended by my asking (including a few who blacklisted).
I was, essentially, scrolling through the "members online" section on a daily basis towards the end, frantically sending out requests as fast as I could. I only just barely came out on top. My competition didn't bow out until the last few hours of voting. It ended up being a very trying experience!!
On the plus side, running for pic of the month gave my page more exposure on the site than I've ever had. The pic I was running with still has the largest number of views to date. On the down side, feeling like I needed to relentlessly ask for votes on a daily basis took all the fun out of being here. It was so exhausting that I took a break from the site for a few months. Sure, I could have decided it wasn't worth it and left it at that. However, I was still relatively new here and felt challenged to win my first POTM trophy. I've yet to re-enter for POTM for these reasons.
Hopefully something can be done to even out the playing field, as you say. I think part of the problem is that unless a member requests another to vote, most members don't seem to visit the POTM section or feel motivated to vote in general. Aside from the lead 2 or 3, most submissions have less than 50 overall votes and the majority are less than 20. Perhaps the site could provide some incentive to all members, such as offering a once daily point bonus for voting for POTM. This would drive traffic to the POTM section and possibly negate the need for people to feel that they need to ask for votes. I also agree that something needs to be done with the [NOT] vote. Either remove it completely, or perhaps they could design it so that giving a [NOT] vote would require spending a certain amount of points. Well... those are my thoughts on the matter!
Hope to hear from all of you in regards to your suggestions for improvement!

You and your toy seem to be doing a pretty awesome job at spamming for votes in Pic Of The Month. The spamming in groups, let alone “invite only” groups, is a class move - as always. You inherited the moderator role of the Australian Member group from someone who inherited it from me when i was here as Lover_Fighter (a long time before the lix/187 plague hit this site). Banning me from it & the 2nd top Australian female was...pathetic. Making it “invite only” so that you & your lil fella could have a captive audience...🤪🤪🤪!
Asking friends for votes is extremely comparable to relying on your mother & spamming in whatever way you can find 👎.
lix-junior has 296 positive votes on a picture with only 212 views, 4 favings & 5 comments.
Watch that ‘activity meter’ fellow members...the 12th most popular pic (4th least popular pic) is coming 2nd by 260 positive votes over the picture in 3rd (which is twice as popular). It will probably even pass mine because the scummy, spam-couple own it. You have no shame/pride whatsoever, do you?
Also, watch the epic cheat they’ll pull off if i still have a decent lead on the last day (mass positive vote for mini-lix, mass negative vote for me); and then, if you are friends with them, re-evaluate that friendship & how you rate their character/s (lack thereof).
You’re both jokes, cheats, cowards and embarrassments!
Come get me 😘 👍.
A dedication: only registered users can see external links
Now you can't send the link directly for potm,I imagine it's a bit more difficult to get votes..
Maybe the members already know who is going to win,so don't bother to vote....
Who knows.... another wonder of Syd/Syc
Thank you for your response mr_blue, but I do hope that Demon will respond.
Besides, I like it exactly as it is. It's optimized for maximum drama and butthurt. If you are a Millennial that get used to receive participation awards for nothing - just don't be a part of it. I already changed excitement top so that everyone gets award for participation and it instantly killed all the heat around it as I expected. I'm not gonna kill the heat around this one.
To be clear, though I may be a millennial, I've worked for everything I have both in real life and here on the site. I did mention in my original post that I worked hard to win my POTM trophy and won it fair and square. I don't expect anything for free and I will not make any demands to. Thanks again for your response!
Uh, to you mister, you are one lucky duck.
I'd also like to see some point incentive to help draw members to the POTM section. Perhaps a 5 to 10 point daily bonus for voting? As I stated above, I'd like to either see the [NOT] option done away with or revamped. If the [NOT] vote stays than perhaps there could be a 5 to 10 point expenditure to vote [NOT] with no point bonus for voting that way.
To help mitigate people spamming for votes perhaps the link to individual POTM contestants could be done away with. Additionally, there could be 3 or 4 tiers of trophys. Gold/Silver/Bronze or Platinum/Gold/Silver/Bronze. In that way more people might find it worth their time to place themselves in the running.
If something along these lines were implemented more people would be encouraged to vote and would hopefully create a situation where the best man/women wins according to whoever has more votes under the revamped system. Currently the most popular/most visible/most vote requesting members end up on top. Granted, it's nothing to scoff at as it takes plenty of work to get there. I just don't think that it truly reflects what should be considered "Pic Of The Month" status.
Second, I in no way meant to imply that you did not work hard for everything. Being a winner of a POTM clearly shows that you are willing and able to do it. For that, I give you much credit.
Lastly and MOST important, you were man enough and strong enough to say "I've since re-evaluated my opinion on the matter" after listening what others say. THAT takes a BIG man to do so! You are clearly a wise man !
Now people might understand why admin has left the not vote option in the potm contest,just so people who didn't like the unwanted messages can show their annoyance...
I know when I started to ask any member online I got 'not' votes....
So removing someone from a competition where they have to ask people they don't know for votes is not likely to work...
I think admin should leave potm as is,he created the themed contests also,and that is the same, people spamming for votes...
Unfortunately some people don't know what's going on unless they are prompted/asked/spammed...
There was one contest created and it had to do with "SEXY" however the person spelled sexy wrong and decided to create a new contest but spell it correctly. Also, members are getting too weird and wild with their titles which in my head, conveys their expectations. There's one contest that caught my eye, it was something about pointy nipples and big bellies. I mean, what if you have pointy nipples and a flat belly or a big belly and flat nipples?
Strangely, I was looking at the various photo contests and some don't appear to have any rhyme or reason. What caught my attention was there were several photo contests that were created by the same member that were dedicated to balls. The best photo from behind, the best photo from below, the best photo from the side....... Yikes, people! Do balls look that much different based on which way you're photographing them?