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Abuse panel

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Started by cardinal at 13,May,18 21:07  other posts of cardinal
I've noticed alot of people report other people just because they don't like a pick or they post the same pics crazy people take it to the heart for the actions of others.

Similar topics: 1.Destroy His Cock   2.Why delete only the "fake" profile?   3.Speaking of "esoteric private groups"...   4.Frozen abuse reports   5.The Abuse page  

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By #555742 at 13,May,18 21:34
It happens. Ive been a member for about two weeks and when uploading I tried to pick the right category. If My ass was on the picture I chose ass category but some of them had my dick showing as well. I got flagged for wrong category by enough members that for over 8 days now I am still banned from picking categories.
That messes you up because the pictures wont show up on the main pages without categories and the only way people can see your new uploads is by clicking on your name.
I just want to do it the right way.

If youre bent over and your ass is showing and your hole and you push your dick so its clearly visible. How would you categorize that? I chose normal dick for something like that but got flagged. was it because ass was showing too? What if you pick ass and your dick is showing. It just sucks to be honest.
By kebmo at 13,May,18 22:58 other posts of kebmo 
I don't think you've been banned from choosing a category. There is a way to change it. If you post something under Normal and get flagged it goes to Not Categorized. If you click on the term Not Categorized it goes to a page that allows you to change it to another category. If you change it within two days of posting it's free but after that it costs five points.
When you post a photo it defaults to Not Categorized but there is a drop down box there that allows you to choose another category.
If you're in doubt ALWAYS choose Miscellaneous; it's safe.
If there's just a bit of cock, don't choose Normal Dicks.
For the thirty days following a flagging, your photos can't be seen on the main (most viewed) Normal Dicks page.
If you are indeed unable to choose a category for a new photo, let me know.
By #555742 at 14,May,18 00:55
I wish that was the case but it isnt. I am unable to choose a category when uploading pictures. I do choose normal dick whatever and when its uploaded it says no category.

If click on my uploaded pictures where it says no category, how you normally would change category or title of pic this is what happens.

So I chose Normal dicks to change the category from no category to normal dicks and when I hit update image this is what comes up next

I cannot change any categories on my pictures. Hell once they are uploaded it wont let me change from public to members or friends. I have to choose public members or friends when I upload the image.
[deleted image]

This is a very strange system because someone may not like you and start flagging and you cant dispute it and theres a very fine line. At first I almost deleted my profile because I wasnt getting any traffic on my pictures. It wasnt until I met people and they helped me out.

Why it takes so long for this "Temporary" ban to be lifted is like getting arrested for having a gram of marijuana. Why you should be even banned for choosing ass and not dick when both of them are in the picture. Last thing who the hell is so bent out of shape to sit there and flag images because they seen someones balls and they were looking for a corn hole. Its ridiculous and frustrating.

By #555742 at 14,May,18 01:00
And if say I uploaded a picture and on the initial upload I chose 4 friends and over time I decide to put it in public I cant change it and the only way would be to delete the picture and re upload it and choose public. You than loose all views and comments you had on it.

I just want to choose the right thing next time when the ban is lifted so the same thing doesnt happen again or ill set all my pictures 4 friends only that way I know that people that were looking to see a dick dont accidentally GOD FORBID see an ASS and than we need to call the FBI to fix this travesty lol.
As you guys can tell im frustrated over this because its the stupidest design I have ever seen. The actions don't even touch the consequences by a mile. Anyway adios.
Make sure you choose the category properly or watch your views traffic go right into the toilet.
By kebmo at 14,May,18 01:32 other posts of kebmo 
I'm baffled. Let's ask the boss. Admin?
By admin at 15,May,18 15:15 other posts of admin 
What's the question? The man posted his ass into main dicks and got flagged 6 times. I told him so, but he insists that he posted them into ass and they got flagged because his dick was there. It's a bullshit, because almost no one gives a fuck about what posted in most of categories except main one and, more importantly, because I could see what category his images were posted to originally. He posted ass into main dicks. But here he is, telling stories about people hating him and flagging his pics intentionally.

I got tired of this and made a page yesterday evening. Here, enjoy: /flagged.php

Note Littledickjohn who posted into main dick his bulge shot, got flagged and then changed the category back to main dicks again (at this moment it's in main dicks again, this may change). He will soon be blocked from the categories with that attitude and probably will also tell everyone that there is a conspiracy against him and the system is stupid.

P.S. And you can change image from for friends only to public any time you want. He can't do that now because he's probably trying to set the category which he is blocked from now. If he selects uncategorized - he will have no problem changing image from for friends only to public. There is no need to delete the image and upload it again.

By cardinal at 15,May,18 00:25 other posts of cardinal 
I'm saying people complain about nothing really I mean it's abuse panel so you would expect it to be about ether stolen user pics or harassment seen dudes complaining about men pretending to be women when there's guys who show off they're women or have women pics on they're pros masturbating to them..seen dudes complain about a woman pic that was the same as another one of her pics just darker then another that was larger it wasn't a complaint about being a fake pro was complaining about the pictures smh

By #555742 at 14,May,18 03:00
So uploading pictures than deleting them can get you a penalty?
By #485312 at 14,May,18 03:20
you don't need anymore than one person to flag a pic to have it moved, lve had them moved after one person looks at it, if in doubt, put it in the misc category. but l do believe that if it was flagged when you had a dick in it as well an arse, that is a bit rank, some people are just bat shit crazy, and if they are just searching arse or cock and see anything else in their search, they flag it .. could be just bad luck that day to have one of these people perusing arse pics, hopefully after the ban is lifted all goes back to normal *lix*
By #555742 at 14,May,18 03:34
That’s what I mean. It’s very hard to show just ass without duck or balls showing

By #555742 at 14,May,18 02:31
Ok so here is a clear view at what I’m talking about. I made a short video. It’s edited it and it’s actually quite entertaining. Enjoy

[deleted image]

By bella! at 14,May,18 00:13 other posts of bella! 
Really? I haven't noticed that anyone has been reported to the evaluation panel for review and possible deletion because the reporting member disliked their picture.

Currently, there are two members referred for review for possible deletion for "Dangerous Behavior". One of the referred profiles has images found on the internet and the other profile was reported because the reporting member senses that the person behind the SYC profile is a man and not a woman. Both referrals have had the voting process "frozen", I suspect, because all the new voting members are testing the "freeze" feature.

By Toasty at 13,May,18 21:23 other posts of Toasty 
Just disliking someone's pics or their reposts? That sucks
By kebmo at 13,May,18 23:04 other posts of kebmo 
If by "reposts" you're referring to photos from the internet that you imply are of you, that's against the rules and your account could be cancelled. If you post a meme, that's OK. If you post a nude photo of yourself and I don't like it, that's too bad for me. I can't do a thing about it if it's in the right category.

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