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Where do you guys that like panties get them?

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Started by #554098 at 19,May,18 03:22
Do you go to VS, and have the little lady help you find something "For your Wife/Girlfriend"? and love the thrill that she knows that you like wearing panties?
Of just order, online, Amazon, boring . . .

Similar topics: 1.Cock in and out of panties   2.Panties, what's the attraction.   3.sniffing panties   4.Panties and dildo story.   5.Guys wearing girly panties  

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By #552722 at 12,Sep,18 22:20
i go to winners i tell ales lady that we are having a party and guys dress as girls and girls as men

By #562152 at 12,Sep,18 07:33
my guys buy at Victoria's **** and at Target,,I go with them but i don't buy them

By #181785 at 12,Sep,18 00:49
I buy mine anywhere that sells them. Sometimes I say they are for wife, othertimes I say they're for me.

By #275407 at 12,Sep,18 00:41
I take them out of misspeaches dresser draw when she's not home

By Rdawg30 at 11,Sep,18 20:04 other posts of Rdawg30 

By #194437 at 11,Sep,18 19:24
From my exgirls

[deleted image]

By #555799 at 11,Sep,18 19:14
it may be boring but I buy mine online - ebay Amazon,, Homme, and others.

By #566722 at 08,Sep,18 12:20
I borrow some from my ****'s drawer or my mothers.They both like wearing sexy panties so they have a lot of them.I wear them while I masturbate anally to feel all girly and sexy.

By #553961 at 02,Sep,18 14:20
E bay and amazon

By #559915 at 20,Jun,18 09:41
I just borrow some from my **** or mother

By kebmo at 19,May,18 09:54 other posts of kebmo 
Walmart is a great place to get them. There two packs on hangers and six packs. There is a chain in Canada called La Senza and I go in and say they're for my girlfriend. I always buy them on sale at La Senza. They often have six pairs for $15. I don't order them on line.
By #555086 at 19,May,18 14:01
Yep Walmart, Best Fitting Cotton Stretch Hi-cut Panty, 2 Packs work perfect.
By kebmo at 20,May,18 21:50 other posts of kebmo 
I just buy them with my groceries.

By Moench at 20,May,18 20:11 other posts of Moench 
i go to the lingerie section by my self, i like to touch all this beautiful stuff and at the cashier, i like she look at me but she don't think its for me

By #455846 at 20,May,18 19:52
where ever you find nice ones. I dont wear ladies panties though

By #536019 at 19,May,18 15:17
I buy at Target, using self-check-out so I don't have to deal with a cashier.
By #554098 at 20,May,18 07:35
Do you think the checker will judge you?
I kind of fantasize about going to a place like target, or Walmart, and purposely choosing a cute, young checker girl, and maybe she asks me why I am buying women's underwear.
Same with going to VS, and the young woman knows, but likes it and helps me find something, and try them on, and then adjust, based on how they look, like REALLY AMAZING Customer 'SERVICE'
By #536019 at 20,May,18 19:33
Just uncomfortable for a few moments while the cashier is ringing it up. There's no discomfort with self check-in.

By #555337 at 20,May,18 05:21
I used to get them from my wife. After divorce I posted on Craigslist asking any females if they like to trade dirty panties for pot. Amazing how many woman contacted me. Out of about 35 to 40 I actually met up with 14. And 3 out of the 14. Wanted to watch me masturbate with the panties. Wasn't a problem. 1 girl took her pajama bottoms and shirt off and sat across on a chair and played with herself. After about 5 minutes I ask if I could taste her pussy. Damn it tasted great. I still am in contact with 6 of them. Since I grow I always have it to trade. What a wonderful way too masturbate with different pussy smells.
By leopoldij at 20,May,18 08:42 other posts of leopoldij 
Nice, very nice. Nice way to cum, by being watched. Where do you find the pot you trade?
By #555337 at 20,May,18 16:12
I grow. Have sour diesel and strawberry
By leopoldij at 20,May,18 16:55 other posts of leopoldij 

By #220845 at 19,May,18 15:08
eBay, AliExpress

By #556372 at 19,May,18 09:16
Both, my wife goes to VS with me and tells the sales lady they are for me. I also like Target on line

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