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Jim Jordan Running for House Speaker

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Started by #559941 at 26,Jul,18 17:41
If this is true which it is and he wins then he is going to turn on the lights and all the deep state will scatter like bugs...
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By leopoldij at 30,Jul,18 17:31 other posts of leopoldij 
Obama is a communist. He was born in Kenya. His first language was swamvagadubgu and his religion was paganism. His wife is a man. America needs someone who fears America's gods, not Africa's spirits.
By phart at 31,Jul,18 04:06 other posts of phart 
I spent about a hour 1 night watching videos on Utube that were trying to prove that Obama's wife was actually a male.
It was said he was a football player in high school that was just not happy being male and went off and "changed" but the evidence video shown to "prove" she was a he was taken of "her" stepping off a airplane and the wind had pushed the pants up tight,revealing a "lump"
I will say this, The march down the street after he took the first oath,the way "she" walked down the street,would prompt you to think there was 20 pounds of balls swinging down there.
Some shit you can put stock in and some shit you can't.
Had his birth certificate been produced early on, his Kenya thing would be alot less credible.
But only a dna test would help prove the rest.
He is out of office now,moved down the street a ways and is working out of sight from what I understand.
It is my understanding his words in his books indicate he will stand with the Muslims. So I don't know if he is communist or not.
I am just glad he is history.

By onthelose at 30,Jul,18 23:18 other posts of onthelose 
The deep state exists even if you think its crazy to think so. You can elect whoever you want and they can pass whatever they want but the people who make the rules up aren't elected!!! They can and will do what they want with the rules of any bill. How many are on someone's payroll. If I wanted to influence the way things are done I would bribe the people who make the rules not the people who pass the laws! If you are naпve enough to think this doesn't happen you are not being honest. Judges are the next member of the deep state their job isn't to make law they are supposed to enforce the law and interpret it as written.

By #491031 at 26,Jul,18 17:56
"Deep State".
By phart at 26,Jul,18 19:27 other posts of phart 
I have to admit,that term is kinda silly. I don't why "crooked government" was not enough.

As for all the "deep state" things scattering like bugs, Hell no, use a fogger and then turn on the lights so we can see them all in the light kicking and wiggling!
By #559941 at 26,Jul,18 22:06
So what are you saying?
By phart at 27,Jul,18 14:14 other posts of phart 
You said that Jordon is going to turn on the lights and all the deep state will scatter like bugs..
Yep and if they scatter like bugs that means they go back into the wood work only to come back out at a later time when the lights are turned back off.
When getting rid of roaches you turn out the lights and have foggers out so when the roaches come out to play they get a huff or 2 of poison and croak. Therefore you are able to turn the light on and SEE what kind of bug was actually in your house.
Or in this case, who the traitors and turn coats are in our leadership.
By #559941 at 27,Jul,18 18:09
You are looking that this too much. Here is the facts that for some reason you and your buddies refuse to recognize.
Hillary Clinton is a felen, she is a treasonist pig who has put our country in this position more than any other time in our history. I already explained once and I know you read it so why do I have to answer your assertions more than once.
Another FACT is that Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein, Yates, Strzuk, Comey, Lynch and YES the last president who was not L_egal since he was not born in america.. All of them worked in different agencies but were an organized crime outfit that knew Clinton was doing pay to play scemes and thus giving enemies such as Russia or Iran or other enemies of America our vital resources such as uranium or classified secrets....That is why she had her clinton foundation and Hattie was victimized with the phony disaster relief fund she put out and pocketed all the loot..
This is what I call the deep state(BUGS). They abuse their platforms and political power to gain money while giving information away which that are not granted to do.. They also sent out 4 phony unverified fisa warrants to try and bring down the president on phony claims that he colluded to steal the election when in fact it was the DNC was colluding with russia.
By #491031 at 27,Jul,18 18:37
Is this what you and Bigfoot gossip about when he stops to visit at your bunker? You sound like one of those people who write a "manifesto" and complain that the government is putting LSD in the water supply.
By #559941 at 27,Jul,18 19:44
Your logic is not logical...*yawn...
By #491031 at 27,Jul,18 19:49
Your logic, on the other hand, is nonexistent.
Check and mate.

By phart at 27,Jul,18 18:37 other posts of phart 
I want the light turned on,I just want everything to be out where I can see when it is!
I don't think you understand what I am saying.

Justwill,1 thing for sure, Bigfoot is the all time champion of Hide and Seek. I am not quite that off my rocker but it is odd how all the major citys forc3 their citizens to hook to city water. I don't like it for no other reason than the water supply is a soft target.
By #559941 at 27,Jul,18 19:44
What does bigfoot have to do with HIllary Clinton..
By phart at 28,Jul,18 03:52 other posts of phart 
Big foot ate her server

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