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Hard dick or soft dick?

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Started by up-for-it at 31,Jul,18 13:11  other posts of up-for-it
What do you prefer?
Taking a hard dick in your mouth or a soft dick and feel it go hard?

I prefer starting with a soft dick

Similar topics: 1.Soft or hard   2.can't get hard on webcam :S   3.Soft/Flaccid Dick   4.Are You A Grower or A Shower!   5.Do you guys find that you have a shy dick?  

New Comment

By #536913 at 09,Sep,18 06:46
Watching them get hard is a big turn on

By #566722 at 08,Sep,18 17:00
Soft dick and feel it growing in my mouth as I lick it all around inside my mouth.Best feeling to feel it growing in my mouth as I give a man such a pleasure.
By up-for-it at 09,Sep,18 06:20 other posts of up-for-it 
That's excactly how i feel about it!

By #555799 at 08,Sep,18 20:51
either works for me!
By up-for-it at 09,Sep,18 06:18 other posts of up-for-it 
I work with both too, just prefer to start and stop with a soft one

By #562152 at 13,Aug,18 17:22
I love to make men get wood, but, if by the time i'm at his cock and he's not "UP" then i'm doing something really wrong,,
By ScottsCock at 17,Aug,18 13:13 other posts of ScottsCock 
Darling you're so hot my pics get hard near you!
By #562152 at 17,Aug,18 13:21
HAHAHA, oh, chupete,,you just made my day,,,

By arabmejo at 13,Aug,18 17:40 other posts of arabmejo 
I 💘 hard dick certainly

By MM_DD at 04,Aug,18 20:41 other posts of MM_DD 
Hard dick. I enjoy working on the other sensitive parts of his body to get him aroused before my mouth gets anywhere close to his dick. After he cums, I like to keep his dick in my mouth and continue sucking on it as it goes soft.

By #554549 at 04,Aug,18 20:26
I prefer men with ED who stay realatively soft. I love being able to fully manipulate a soft one in my mouth.

By #463848 at 04,Aug,18 07:19
I would prefer a male to start on my soft cock.

By #563477 at 01,Aug,18 08:32
Soft and suck it hard

By #550094 at 01,Aug,18 04:33
I like a Grower... start out teasing it soft
and make it grow hard through a good edging.

By knewbi at 31,Jul,18 15:52 other posts of knewbi 
Give me a nice strong hard cock any time!!!

Adult Discussion Forum