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Are You A Grower or A Shower!

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Started by #279137 at 04,Jul,12 09:22
I am a grower. altho in my pics my dick isnt much different in length in most of the floppy pics i actually hav a semi.

My soft dick is actually rather small. But when i get hard it can grow alot lot thicker and longer when hard!?

What do people prefer?? is a grower a nice supise or is a nice big floppy one gud even if it doesnt get longer or thicker wen hard!?!?

soft and hard pics would be good!?!?!?!

Similar topics: 1.Shower or Grower   2.Grower and not a shower?   3.Grower or shower   4."Grower" or "shower"   5.Grower or Shower????  

New Comment

By Cox4you at 22,Apr,18 02:19 other posts of Cox4you 
By soulpioneer at 18,Feb,22 22:21 other posts of soulpioneer 

By soulpioneer at 18,Feb,22 21:32 other posts of soulpioneer 


By Alwaysnude at 18,Feb,22 13:27 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image]showing mygrower

By BMWwanker at 16,Feb,22 18:40 other posts of BMWwanker 

By thebeewolf at 01,Jan,22 15:54 other posts of thebeewolf 
Total grower. It gets even smaller than this pic when soft.

By Chiara_Sevenseas at 01,Jan,22 14:42 other posts of Chiara_Sevenseas 
i ve got a surprise [deleted image]

By #463848 at 28,Dec,21 14:13
Age makes me a grower as during day-to-day activity I am quite small when clothed. Sometimes, when it is hot and I am naked, there will be an expansion of an inch or two. But it takes excitement and/or touch to get to a full erection. So, I am a grower.

By #652988 at 28,Dec,21 01:15
I'm sure a grower

By #652988 at 07,Dec,21 09:09
I am a grower

By fila1305 at 21,Aug,14 20:35 other posts of fila1305 
I would say a grower:

By 3fdfd at 01,May,18 21:23 other posts of 3fdfd 
Yes .. it is a grower

By #570417 at 27,Oct,18 16:15
Amazing, I like it. It should be great playing with the small one and find it become a giant!

By LGA6969 at 28,Nov,21 12:59 other posts of LGA6969 
wow for sure a grower

By willylee at 27,Nov,21 16:17 other posts of willylee 
definitely grower

By Robben at 27,Nov,21 09:20 other posts of Robben 
Im grower

[deleted image] [deleted image]

By #652988 at 22,Nov,21 04:54
I'm a grower for sure

By CreativeOne at 17,Nov,21 22:46 other posts of CreativeOne 
GROWER... Check out my page ... You'll see.

By galaxy123 at 15,Nov,21 17:04 other posts of galaxy123 
I am a grower I think.

By #625826 at 13,Nov,21 01:38
Grower ,enjoy "his" many moods

By Homer33 at 13,Nov,21 00:35 other posts of Homer33 

By Alwaysnude at 13,Nov,21 00:20 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image] I hoping it grows

By #653971 at 26,Oct,21 11:55
[deleted image]
I seem to be a bit of a grower.

By #570932 at 31,Oct,18 16:52
I'm a grower
By #472252 at 01,Nov,18 13:09
Yes you are

By earthy at 31,Oct,18 21:57 other posts of earthy 
I'm a grower no question about it

By louther at 31,Oct,18 14:35 other posts of louther 
Definitely a grower

By #569341 at 31,Oct,18 10:52

By #554032 at 31,Oct,18 06:19
Im a grower

By Michael19 at 30,Oct,18 20:39 other posts of Michael19 
I'm a shower. Makes it really obvious if I'm freeballing in athletic pants

By #565506 at 30,Oct,18 11:34
I'm kind of a grower, too.

By wycowboy at 29,Oct,18 15:17 other posts of wycowboy 
I'm a grower although there isn't much size even then, lol

By fatcock66 at 28,Oct,18 19:08 other posts of fatcock66 

By metalraven13 at 26,Oct,18 19:27 other posts of metalraven13 
I would say I'm a grower.

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By #570417 at 27,Oct,18 16:14
Beautiful pictures.

By jayman73 at 22,Apr,18 03:57 other posts of jayman73 

By 3fdfd at 26,Oct,18 20:19 other posts of 3fdfd 
Beautiful dick either way

By #547271 at 25,Oct,18 21:47
Never been sure how to answer that.
I go from about 2" soft to 4 3/4" hard
What would you call it? Other than pathetic

By #446346 at 25,Oct,18 21:13
I am tiny soft.

By #64328 at 11,Sep,18 17:12
I'm a grower. Most guys are. Just look around the gym showers

By cumaddik at 08,Sep,18 17:16 other posts of cumaddik 

By #555780 at 28,Apr,18 21:25
I’m not a grower but I am a shower even though It may got from 2 up to 4 inches hard. I keep it no **** I’m the size of 12 or 13 year old. And it’s to much fun to laugh at.

By #551588 at 22,Apr,18 03:36
Definitely a grower [deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 54 seconds

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By kebmo at 22,Apr,18 04:00 other posts of kebmo 
Wow! That's some serious growing! I met a grower once and I was VERY concerned when he took off his pants but he grew, and grew, and grew. All turned out well. I bet you surprised a few women in your life.
By #554727 at 22,Apr,18 04:32
Oh yeah

By #475107 at 21,Apr,18 22:14
Grower, 3" limp almost 3 times that hard.

By #546418 at 19,Apr,18 01:42
I really don't know. Is there something in between? I'm pretty big soft, but I'm also pretty big hard too. You can be the judge.

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By joyraja at 18,Apr,18 07:41 other posts of joyraja 

By #551675 at 17,Apr,18 20:44

By #553294 at 17,Apr,18 03:35
I'm definitely a grower. When soft, my cock ranges from ~1.5-2.5" long x 3.5" in girth. When hard, it's ~5.75" x 4.75".

Small on a cold morning:

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By #537175 at 25,Jun,17 14:09
To be honest , first time I like to see another guy is soft , and then hopefully I can help him get to hard . I'm a bit of a shower its quite thick and looks ok when soft this is it sort of semi
[deleted image]

By #471119 at 25,Aug,14 02:50
I am a grower:
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By #325287 at 24,Aug,14 06:40

By #461543 at 23,Aug,14 23:02
Neither I guess, that's my I'm averagecock

By #202392 at 23,Aug,14 01:56
Mine is defiantly a grower
[deleted image]

By small_dik at 22,Aug,14 13:47 other posts of small_dik 
I'm neither

By #323075 at 22,Aug,14 10:43
Mine is a grower:

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By #124665 at 22,Aug,14 08:12
Idunno, I been classified as both? What say y'all?

By stiffone4u at 22,Aug,14 03:01 other posts of stiffone4u 
grower...wish I was a shower...would have made the locker rooms easier as a teen and even now.

By #449355 at 22,Aug,14 01:37
[deleted image]


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