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Gym Workout Sex

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Started by #558214 at 21,Aug,18 00:12
I was working out at the gym and there was a hot twink lifting weights. As I was watching him I was wishing he would fuck me right there. I almost shot my load in my shorts. Has anyone else had this happen? Have you ever had sex in the gym? Tell me and be as dirty as you want!

Similar topics: 1.TWINS - ever been with one or both?   2.Showing cock at gym   3.Just for the guys   4.Personal hygiene?   5.wife/gf/****/ex pics? i wanna trade!  

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By #554098 at 24,Aug,18 04:47
Showering, after working out, and maybe your boy comes in, and shares the shower?
Not really excited by being with guys, but sometimes, a nice penis, well, I have one, and sometimes seeing others, and in showers, sometime erections just happen, and you don't know why.
Maybe just going along, with that, and 'drying' each other, in a secluded corner of the lockers?? A quickie?

By spermkiss at 21,Aug,18 14:57 other posts of spermkiss 
Most men who go to a gym would really like to finish up their workout by exercising their love muscle. But they're to shy to actually do anything. So after you have finished your workout you should make it a practice to take off your gym clothes and spend some time in the locker room fully nude. Socialize with the other men nude. Perhaps even go back to the gym floor nude, if that would not be too out of place. An get an erection. Make sure others see that erection. Then go to the showers and jack off. Again, make sure others see you do it. Once others see that it is OK to get an erection and jack off, they'll join in.
By bella! at 21,Aug,18 16:52 other posts of bella! 
The gym that I frequent has a sign posted; SHIRTS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES.

Maybe they are more relaxed with rules pertaining to shorts!
By spermkiss at 21,Aug,18 19:26 other posts of spermkiss 
'Never saw that at a gym, but of course I've seen dozens of times the ubiquitous sign "No shirt, no shoes, no service".

I've always wanted to walk into one of those places displaying that sign wearing a shirt and shoes but no pants. So far, I haven't done it.
By bella! at 21,Aug,18 19:33 other posts of bella! 
How about putting that on your bucket list for your next life?

By leopoldij at 23,Aug,18 09:40 other posts of leopoldij 
 "place of exercise," from Latin gymnasium "school for gymnastics," from Greek gymnasion "public place where athletic exercises are practiced; gymnastics school," in plural, "bodily exercises," from gymnazein "to exercise or train," literally or figuratively, literally "to train naked," from gymnos "naked," from a metathesis of PIE *nogw-mo-, suffixed form of *nogw- "naked" (see naked).

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By Joe93930 at 21,Aug,18 05:34 other posts of Joe93930 
I sucked a guys dick in the lockers and let him cum on my face once.

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