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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #562152 at 15,Sep,18 12:57
Have you noticed that your page is lost in the hundreds that populate the site? If you are lucky, someone checks your page. The other is if someone looks at the member list. Here you can post your URL and tell us a bit about yourself. Are you straight, gay, or BI? Tell us. And you can repost every few weeks without using points.
ALSO, do you have questions, pet peeves, or want to vent frustrations? Do it here. This is an open forum.

Similar topics: 1.this is how the fakes on this site see you.   2.Promote\help keep solid eretcion. any ideas   3.Self-Appointed Site Police.   4.A new feature   5.Request me to shoot ANY original videos doing NON-SEXUAL things. I will post them all in my page  

New Comment

By #562152 at 30,Dec,18 07:36
This is how the poll results are going

started at 28,Dec,18 16:41

There's a member that can only be described as a one eyed, broom riding Bitch. She is nothing but double talk and innuendo. if you know whom I'm talking about then, I'm sure, you have an opinion. If you don't then this poll will be meaningless to you.

NO, I LIKE HER EYE. 8.3% 1

Total Votes: 12

By #562152 at 29,Dec,18 17:52
Has anyone noticed that Twits seems to be obsessed with bella! these days? Seriously...90% of her forum posts make reference to bella! It's getting to be a lot like a "it puts the lotion on its skin" situation.
It really is kind of sad and pathetic, actually.
Sure, Twits is in her mid 70's and has issues with dementia and alcoholism, but watching her dance like a geriatric monkey in the Forum just to get a pat on her addled, little head from the Sea Cow and its crew is depressing.
Would someone PLEASE pay a little attention to her?

--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours

She's copied your post and it has been reposted in 6 additional threads.

I just cannot understand why admin doesn't stop her crap. She is a straight up whack-a-doodle!

I might consider stopping my crap if you two assholes stop your crap
By leopoldij at 29,Dec,18 22:35 other posts of leopoldij 
Bella is upset because you get laid.
She doesn't like people having sex.
By #562152 at 29,Dec,18 23:27
By leopoldij at 29,Dec,18 23:30 other posts of leopoldij 
She doesn't.
She's spending enormous amount of time to discourage people from showing their genitals.
By #562152 at 29,Dec,18 23:44
She's weird

By #562152 at 29,Dec,18 12:36

She's still pissed off,,,,or is that pissed up? The smell of sulphur must be overwhelming.

--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

So funny, ,,her new minion already cancelled his account. Maybe HE was a fake? Her regular minions have been pretty silent except for Little Willie JustWill

By #562152 at 28,Dec,18 13:24

Apparently, there are some members that think they are "Kool Kids". HA! Maybe their boss thinks they're "kool", me, I can speak only for myself, I think otherwise.



Hey, I'm one of the "Kool Kids". Can you name this "Boss"? I get tired of being told I'm under someone's orders. I'd like to know who is paying me. Why is it so hard for people to believe I'm a whore and I'm nasty all on my own. BTW...if we are the Kool Kids, then your 10 plus yr old group must be the "The Creepy Assh*le" group
--------------------------------------- added after 25 minutes


[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 29 hours

Actually, I think it's Janice

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By ChineseSausage at 22,Dec,18 12:30 other posts of ChineseSausage 
Hey everyone. If you're bored and horny come give my page a look, and would love feed back from everyone here.


By leopoldij at 21,Dec,18 00:53 other posts of leopoldij 
Promoting This [deleted image]
By #562152 at 21,Dec,18 12:15
Nice Leo
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

But,Leo,include a URL so we can find her
By leopoldij at 21,Dec,18 17:08 other posts of leopoldij 
What do you mean? If you click on the pic you'll see it. There's No other url. I took the pic.
By #562152 at 21,Dec,18 17:44
By leopoldij at 21,Dec,18 22:20 other posts of leopoldij 
Yeah, the same pic.

By #562152 at 12,Dec,18 04:10
I'm blocked so I can't give it direct.

Mr Scorpi69
I'm afraid you misunderstood the meaning of respect as used in the mantra "Respect has to be earned". What the lady whom you opened the door for, or the gentleman you pulled from the burning car, owes you, is gratitude. If they gave it to you or not has nothing to do with respect. You, opening that door is the respect you give to your mother for teaching you to be a gracious gentleman. You are paying homage to a woman that wanted you to be a better man and a champion of women. You, saving that man from a horrible death is the respect you bestow on your father and other people in your life that taught you that life is valuable and worth risking life and limb to preserve it. Respect is not something you accumulate because you need the recognition of doing something right. These days it seems people want to be first no matter what. Win at any cost. The me first generation, right? And you think that other generation was "the greatest generation"? There's nothing new in the world. It just seems like that. And you wanting or expecting a thank you for doing something that you should do no matter what, makes you one of them.

By #562152 at 10,Dec,18 19:57
[deleted image]


By leopoldij at 04,Dec,18 21:46 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm promoting my latest upload [deleted image]
By #562152 at 04,Dec,18 22:24
By #551147 at 06,Dec,18 18:01
BLEK! Don't lie to him... That particular one is repulsive looking. That was most definately a discount pussy there. The $10 special that you have to creep up on in complete darkness with a clothes pin on your nose. Yuk!
By #562152 at 09,Dec,18 22:17
Shhhh,,he's my friend
By #551147 at 10,Dec,18 06:14
I completely understand...

But! Friends don't let friends have a boog hangin when they're about to go out. Real friends dont lie to one another. Besides... It's not like it's HIS pussy. Can't hurt his feelings. Maybe he needs to clean his bifocals off...
By #562152 at 10,Dec,18 11:03
You are BAD
--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours

Ok, here it goes. Leo, I love you like,,well,,a lover. And, believe me, I am proud of you for being good to a sister pussy, but, Leo,,,In all sincerity, and from a woman that has a fairly nice looking pussy, She's ahhhh,, looks challenged, baby.
By #551147 at 10,Dec,18 18:23
Lol Atta girl!

By #562152 at 10,Dec,18 15:52



By leopoldij at 06,Dec,18 12:35 other posts of leopoldij 
I love to get my cock sucked so much that I start cumming uncontrollably in her mouth.
[deleted image]
By #562152 at 06,Dec,18 12:37
And that's bad because??,,,
By leopoldij at 06,Dec,18 16:52 other posts of leopoldij 
Who said it's bad??
By #562152 at 06,Dec,18 17:02
By leopoldij at 06,Dec,18 17:13 other posts of leopoldij 
I just love it. I feel my cock tell me "yeah, i'm ready, but keep it going for a while". MMMmmmmmm, my limbs start trembling in anticipation, my heart races, it all feels great!
By #562152 at 06,Dec,18 18:23
Nice feeling, right?
By leopoldij at 06,Dec,18 18:41 other posts of leopoldij 
How on Earth did you guess???

By leopoldij at 06,Dec,18 17:07 other posts of leopoldij 
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

different girl
[deleted image]

By leopoldij at 06,Dec,18 01:18 other posts of leopoldij 
Chinese cunt [deleted image]
By #562152 at 06,Dec,18 01:19
Yummy, Leo. Bet you have a lot of fun with her

By RandomGuyUK at 04,Dec,18 23:08 other posts of RandomGuyUK 
[deleted image]

Anyone feel free to check out my page
By #562152 at 04,Dec,18 23:12
Ok every one, Random Guy wants action
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

He has a very sexy and HOT page

By #562152 at 04,Dec,18 03:36
[deleted image]

ain't it the truth
By mr_blue at 04,Dec,18 03:41 other posts of mr_blue 
Thanks for the nice of you to create such a special picture...

By mr_blue at 04,Dec,18 03:48 other posts of mr_blue 
[deleted image]
By #562152 at 04,Dec,18 03:58
Ok, Blue,,you win

By #562152 at 01,Dec,18 05:57
No fake news, just the facts

Every word below is 100% true.

1. A federal judge in Maryland on Friday ordered evidence-gathering to begin in a lawsuit accusing President Trump of violating the Constitution by maintaining a financial interest in his company's Washington hotel. The plaintiffs are seeking records that could illuminate potential conflicts of interest involving Mr. Trump and foreign and state officials. This is true in spite of Trump calling it fake news.

2. The world's oceans may be heating up faster than previously thought -- meaning the planet could have even less time to avoid catastrophic global warming than predicted just weeks ago by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. According to a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature, ocean temperatures have been warming 60% more than outlined by the IPCC. This is true in spite of Trump calling it fake news.

3. Trump surrounds himself with criminals. Cohen, Manafort, Flynn, Papadapoulos, list goes on. These criminals are not witches in spite of how many times Trump says they are.

4. Trump lies constantly. Several databases track his lies but you won't find any on Fox News. One database has over 6000 lies and falsehoods.

5. Trump loves to take credit when the stock market rises but he never takes blame when it drops.

6. Stocks under Obama had much higher ROI than under Trump. This is true despite the recent record highs. To date the Dow under Trump is up 27% vs. up 37% under Obama same period.

7. There's no evidence of Middle Eastern criminals in the caravan. Trump admitted it. He's using his imaginary threat from the caravan as election hype.

8. Trump's hateful rhetoric has emboldened far right wackos like Sayos.

By #562152 at 01,Dec,18 05:51
* In opposition to line 1 of the 10 commandments: "I am the Lord thy God, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." Reference: Exodus 20:2-4 the KGV, the Torah, monotheism, and the established religion of the U.S.A. It's all over your money, "In God We Trust".


By #562152 at 01,Dec,18 05:38
The president who promised law and order, having previously fired the FBI director, fired his attorney general over the Justice Department's Trump-Russia investigation. The acting attorney general has been openly hostile to the probe.

The president who insisted Mexico would finance a border wall now wants American taxpayers to pay as a condition of keeping their government open. Congress doesn't intend to build the wall, so the government could shut down next week.

Thus completes the chaotic circle of governance by Trump and the GOP Congress: fanciful promises, contradictory priorities, presidential provocations that Republicans won't rein in. Voters responded this month by handing the House to Democrats.

Obamacare survived. The better, cheaper Republican alternative never existed.

The infrastructure plan Trump promised business and blue-collar supporters has not materialized. GOP congressional leaders prefer to spend on tax cuts.

Republicans delivered tax cuts, but not as advertised. Proceeds profited the wealthy far more than the middle class and ballooned the budget deficit, with no evidence of giving the economy more than a short-term stimulative boost.

Trump's abandonment of the fight against climate change has not revived the coal industry, which keeps closing unprofitable facilities. The president answers his own government's warnings about the climate by saying he doesn't believe them.


By #562152 at 01,Dec,18 05:28
You stupid Righties follow LYING TRUMP like little lemmings over a cliff without a question.

Seems that what you say is quite contrary to what Cohen is now saying. He lied to try to protect LYING TRUMP and now his ass is going to jail where LYING TRUMP should be his room mate.

What is the reason behind LYING TRUMP siding with the RUSSIANS on the question of whether they intervened in our elections, and with LYING TRUMP siding with the cut throut sand monkey from Saudi Arabia, even though that ass stole the kingdom from his own father, and sadly saying, that those Mid-Easterners are nothing more than murderers, and thieves and have been for thousands of years. We don't owe them shit, but LYING TRUMP seems to love any and all DICTATOR TYPES, like he loves his whores. Why does he put them above our own intelligence and make a mockery of our own government officials, casting doubts on them, calling them corrupt, when he can't be beat at the corruption game.

Trump will get his comuppence very soon, with Mueller, and if he tries to stop the investigation, then he will be Impeached, starting with his own party. I really doubt that any of them will be willing to "take a bullet" for a stinking lying sack of shit. They know all too well that if they continue to support that ass, that come 2020, they will not have a chance in hell of controlling anything more than the where a bear shits in the woods.

LYING TRUMP wants to be a DICTATOR and we will never allow that to happen in this country. NEVER! Not even the persistence of 1 party stealing power from the other.

By #562152 at 29,Nov,18 19:02
Washington (CNN) US President Donald Trump on Thursday abruptly canceled his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin two days before they were scheduled to sit down on the sidelines of the G20 summit.

The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.

But while Russia's position on the incident has not changed since it attacked Ukrainian ships on Sunday, the President's abrupt move came after his longtime former attorney Michael Cohen leveled fresh allegations in court about Trump's business dealings with Russia.

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I wonder what the real reason was.
By #551147 at 30,Nov,18 18:16
I suspect the "real reason" is...

Brace yourself Margaret! 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Included in your own thread. He's obviously NOT happy with the actions that were taken against the Ukrainian's. Duh! 😉 Not sure how much more, black and white, black and white, you need... You really outta find a news source that just spouts news. NOT their warped opinion. Just saying...

A car fire occured yesterday, it was quite spectacular. No one injured. Cause is still to be concluded.

A spectacular car fire was witnessed yeasterday, if Donald Trump had more regulations on the automotive industry this would not have happened. It is unknown if anyone was seriously injured this time. Republicans demand more lax regulations. This is going to cause thousands to DIE!!

Quit being so gullible... Take several! NOT just one source, then make a conclusion.
By #562152 at 30,Nov,18 18:25
Why,,you and your like minded people take only one news source as gospel,,why can't we?
By #551147 at 30,Nov,18 19:23
Honey! I can't speak for everyone. I personally don't just go to one news source. Yes, I will concede that I have my favorite. But, I do watch HLN daily as I like there nighttime programs, which leads into their morning show. Occasionally I flip over to CNN to see what kind of hatred their spewing. I'm forced to watch MSNBC at the airports. I get the Washington Compost on my phone (not by choice), their headlines pop up several times a day. I gotta say... Most that pop up, intrigue me, so I open them and read. But, here's the deal... I can tell the difference between JUST NEWS and a skewed opinion. I don't want their fucking opinion, I just want the news. Tell me what happened, not what you believe happened. That's where a forum like this comes in, for you and I to discuss what WE believe happened. Also... We are inundated with hatred from every single source, other than Fox. Daytime talk shows, Trumps an asshole, nighttime talk shows, Trumps an asshole, almost every friggin channel has some h.a.t.e. spewing piece of crap, belittling our President, and half the country's people. Are you so blind that you can't see how easily you allow yourself to be manipulated? Day after day after day after day after day. 99% of what you intake is the same bullshit. Thereby, in your mind... It must be so! All these people are saying the same thing. It must be so! We as Americans shouldn't be manipulated by media one way or the other. JUST spout facts! Why anyone would give a flying fuck what Joy Behar thinks is beyond me. She's entitled to her nasty ugly ass opinion but why try to beat that into peoples gullible brains? It's wrong! I'm not alone either. People with a grasp of reality can see how easily hundreds of thousands, millions, can be manipulated simply by media. So you think Donald Trumps an asshole. I could give a fuck less! Your entitled to your opinion, just as is the next guy. The problem that rears its ugly head when you start trying to sway others to be lockstep with your disdain. It's not right! There's a particular neighbor, I can't stand the bastard. Guess what! I don't go around bashing the son of bitch to everyone that will listen, in hopes that I can get more on my side, if you will. I let him dig his own grave and keep my opinion about him, personally, to myself! I saw him give food to the local Boy Scout troop when they came by. I thought that was a nice thing for him to do. See! I didn't allow my disdain for him to cloud my judgment about a good deed he did. I'm willing to applaud the doofy bastard regardless. I can twist it into hatred if you like, for conversations sake...
By #562152 at 30,Nov,18 20:17
I don't want to try to sway anyone. My complaint is that every time I state my dislike of Trump, someone gets his knickers in a knot and starts to try to get me to change my mind. If your neighbor did a good deed, should I change what I think about Trump?
I dislike Trump because I think he's a pervert, a crook, a racist, a bully, and an uneducated,uncouth individual.
Every time I state these views I'm either ignorant, unable to know witch news source to properly use, I'm a woman so I don't understand politics, or bias. The truth is that I've been critical of Trump since he married Ivana Trump many years ago. Way b4 he even though of running for president. He was a dishonest, draft evading, pervert, racist bully, male chouvinist pig who thought he could get away with it because he had daddy's money
By #551147 at 01,Dec,18 00:59
I'm not trying to get you to "change your mind" h.a.t.e. the man. It's inconsequential to me. You clearly state your reasons for disliking him. Fair enough!

Here's the part your not going to like...

It was stated that YOU were found to be... "Foul mouthed, unimaginative, and vulgar" amongst other things. DIRECTLY to YOU, no less! Did that individual(s) go around spouting that all over the site? NO!

Now! Let's think about this for a moment... You and many like you go around bashing YOUR President. And he's supposed to, what... Stand by idly? Did you stand by idly? Quite a bit of the shit slinging he does back, is much deserved.

So... You go on these tirades and bad mouthing people, whether it's the President of the United States, or members of a porn site. Once something is said negatively about YOU, it's then and ONLY THEN, not so fuckin funny anymore is it? You say you aren't trying to "sway anyone" yet almost every thread I was opening had your campaign against another member. Did you forget about that?

Lastly... I haven't personally attacked you yet, and don't care for the insinuation of such. You don't want comments about whatever it is you want to say. Then start another thread and set the rules straight.

Something like... These are MY thoughts, MY opinions, MY tirades. NO DISSENSION or OPPOSING VIEWS ALLOWED. Only locksteppers may comment and be in complete agreement with me at all times. CAPISCE!!

OR... Don't post anything that might upset you, should you not like the response. There's always the unimaginative approach.

By what I deem the tone of your message, I won't bother you anymore with my nonsense. Hopefully all you'll get are the responses you seek. Ciao Baby! (I borrowed that one)
By #562152 at 01,Dec,18 01:30
The president is a public figure and the figurehead of this nation. He is fair game. Every president suffers through it. As far as "that individual" saying all those things about me, it's true she did. But, then she blocked me so I couldn't state my case, so,knowing how her friends run to her to report, yes, I plastered my dislike everywhere I could. You are one of the ones that report back.
Another thing, I started this forum and I loaded this thread. Since I believe that forums, by definition, are public, you can comment to your hearts content.
If I read you right, I think you believe I was going after you. Not true. I was stating my argument. I capice what you are hinting at, but, I won't hold back because you don't like it. That was the same thing I told Bella.
If you think your ideas are nonsense, you didn't hear it from me. El mundo estб llenos de Boludos. Ciao to you too.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

IF your "blocking, blacklisting" someone. Why the need for kindness? I think a "fuck off" button would be more fun. 😀

By #562152 at 29,Nov,18 19:05
US and China exploring suspension of further tariffs through spring in exchange for new talks: WSJ

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I hope some sensable solution is found
By #551147 at 30,Nov,18 17:57
I have utmost confidence that OUR President, Donald J. Trump, successful businessman, good father, will do what's best for OUR country and it's prosperity.
By #562152 at 30,Nov,18 18:19
"President, Donald J. Trump, successful businessman",,,,isn't that an oxymoron??
By #551147 at 30,Nov,18 19:34
Say what you like... He's quite wealthy and we're not. Must be some semblance of intelligence there. Despite popular belief, he IS successful.
By #562152 at 30,Nov,18 22:07
He was smart enough to be his dad's son

By #562152 at 30,Nov,18 14:13

Despite the fact that I was blacklisted by Bella and I blacklisted JutWill and Bella, both of them can’t leave it alone. They have to continue to criticize me publicly.

I have officially been declared the "Nasties [sic] piece of work on site"------JustWill
If I had known there was going to be a contest, I would have tried harder.----JustWill
her unhinged rant was, after posting several barely literate and venomously insulting comments directed at me, she then told me: "Let me give you free advice. The same I gave Bella. Drop it and in a few days or weeks I'll cool off and life will go on.
Seriously. life would definitely be on hold until she calmed down.--------JustWill

Well,JustWill, It looks like you did put your life on hold to spew more venom. Ex: “her unhinged rant”, “barely literate and venomously insulting comments”

You just have to show off how clever you are dealing with “cunts” like me. As long as you can hide behind Bella’s skirt, knowing i’m blocked from Stuff Just Stuff (the Bella one). You are the nastiest piece of work on site.

And Bella? She said this publicly:
“And the shit storm was all because I blacklisted her. She is so mixed up. Why is it my obligation to allow her to post in a thread that I created? I don't even remember the wording of her "demand(s)" but her demands did not work for me. I asked her privately and nicely to steer clear of one another and that did work for her. What, I'm so stupid that I should allow her to bash me in other threads? Screw that!”

The “shit storm” did not start when you blacklisted me. It started when you posted this:

“I find you to be vulgar and unimaginative, just like your Outback friends”
“Hey, WhoXXXX, sadly, she is merely just a vulgar mouthpiece.”

You asked me not to get in your face and I told you I did not want to interact with you. I even asked you to drop it and all of it would go away. Like JustWill, you didn’t. All I wanted was to contribute to the thread and I would not stop doing that. You blacklisted me. Then you started weaving your lies to suit your position. You are a nasty trouble maker and continue to push, push, push.

By #562152 at 26,Nov,18 15:45

This question is inspired by the "Bush or no bush?" thread, I want to take it one step further.

For men or women who are attracted to women, do you find it sexy, appealing, whatever, when you see a woman that maintains her natural body hair on her legs, underarms and groin?
By #485312 at 28,Nov,18 03:11
every one has a different taste in how much or how little hair they like, l think they should also take into consideration what their partner likes too, but inevitably, its the persons choice to what they want for themselves, smooth, shaved or hairy.. *lix*

By #562152 at 28,Nov,18 01:11
Has anyone noticed that there seems to be yet another way to blacklist a member? Yeah, up at the top of their home page, like right next to where the link to the groups they belong to, in bright red lettering there's; [Block This Member]

admin haa provided so many avenues to blacklist members!
--------------------------------------- added after 29 seconds

Thanks Bella,,

By #562152 at 21,Nov,18 16:49
Every so often the argument on who owns a thread comes up. It's true that if the creator blacklists you then you can't participate, but, i say that a public forum should be open to all. I say that blacklisting someone because of a posting in the threads is cowardly. How do you feel about it???
--------------------------------------- added after 93 seconds

Maybe, blacklisting should exclude the forums. Would that be something other people would support? Should we do a survey??
By #485312 at 24,Nov,18 21:00
blacklisting is part of the site, some people just don't get on and some people make judgement of others they don't know and use public forums to express their distaste in life and their own sad lives, l feel forums should be open, but no loss when you blacklist a member and you really don't care for their bullshit in any case, ld much prefer all people just get on it with, but some seem to seethe and lack any self control of the hatred toward others and make no secret of it.. using forums for a place to 'bully', name call and shit sling, lve seen much worse forums than this place and l understand that some have a 'my way or the highway' approach to everything in life.
no one is coward for blacklisting, its not always about forum that cause it, blacklisting is like bug spray, when the mozzies are annoying and you don't have the time to scratch the itch, you get rid of the mozzies and enjoy your picnic without them. who cares what the mozzies are eating?? let them eat and feed off others and if bullshit is what they want, theres plenty of that to go around.
By #562152 at 24,Nov,18 21:36
I get your argument, Lix. I like to argue and fight. Please forgive me. For whatever it's worth, it was aimed at our arch enemy.
By #485312 at 24,Nov,18 23:21
yeah that's great that you like a great debate about different subjects, that's awesome, l like reading what others think too, we live in a diverse world, we all don't think the same, and that's great that you like discuss with others what you feel strong about ... and there is no war here, just some delusional people that think they can run off who ever they like .. when someone says 'bring it on', lm ok with a challenge, l would of left years ago only for someone wanting me gone, l stayed just to let them know they don't have that right.. *Lix*
By #562152 at 26,Nov,18 13:27

By bella! at 24,Nov,18 21:36 other posts of bella! 
I believe that the creator of any thread IS THE MODERATOR, as long as that member is an active. BAM! Simple as that.

Example; If someone creates a thread on STUFF, JUST STUFF, there is no problem discussing the differences between cocks and pussies yet why does some TWAT come along and decide that he wants to post his pictures in said thread. This member has been asked before not to do this and was provided with a suggestion on what an option could be to draw other members to visit his page.

How is the question you pose any different than another member, who is a moderator of a group, denying and booting a member or members from being in a group that she moderates solely because of her personal feelings? NO DIFFERENCE.

Think about your post in the original STUFF, JUST STUFF thread, where you accuse some of the posters as being my minions and having their heads shoved so far up my ass that they have brown rings around their necks. Hmmmm..... that could be flipped and said about a few of her warriors, aka minions.
By #562152 at 24,Nov,18 22:04
You are right, but,at that moment it (I )was referring to you and your minions. You can use it if you want, I don't own the sentiment. I also noticed that I can't find a huge part of a certain conversation. The part you called me vulgar.

you are a sad, sad lady who is nothing more than an attention seeker with an overactive imagination---you said

Did you get Admin to delete it?
The thing is this. In my way, I tried t explain to Leo that to avoid trouble he should refrain from posting pics on the thread you consider yourself a moderator. Like most of what I say on Stuff (the Bella one), you took it the wrong way. What's more, you hunt for entries in other threads that are critical of the way you treat certain people then you run back to Stuff and manage to twist it all up so you look like a victim
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

BTW, you've called me several times "an attention seeker". I do try to be funny (a good laugh never hurt anyone) and I make entries that may not be popular but they are always the truth or sensible. And I do like a good argument or fight. The only thing is that I don't seek it. Every argument I've had in the forums was started by someone else. I am comfortable with the way I look and the way I treat people. You on the other hand are continually in an argument with somebody and the only ones that aren't, well, they DO have their heads up your ass so far, there's a brown ring around their collars
By leopoldij at 24,Nov,18 23:28 other posts of leopoldij 
I, too, think she's a very very sad lady.
She's suffering from some control mania.
She's criticising, criticising, criticising...

And then when you ask her to explain what
the base of her laws are, she can't reply.
And she here's angry, starts talking inconsequentially, and uses vulgar language.

By bella! at 25,Nov,18 00:12 other posts of bella! 
Although admin might sweep and clean the forum of things he finds bothersome or perhaps detrimental to the site, no, I did not request that he remove anything from this thread.

I would further like to discuss your accusation; "What's more, you hunt for entries in other threads that are critical of the way you treat certain people then you run back to Stuff and manage to twist it all up so you look like a victim." Please be specific and elaborate.

Yes, I have referred to you as an attention seeker, I stand behind that and make no apologies. Be funny! And with regard to your posts being "truth or sensible", I feel that my posts are the same but ultimately, our posts might not appeal to the masses. Basically, when I post something, I hope that it generates dialogue. Regardless of whether this is a sex site or not, everything does not revolve around cocks and pussies. I've seen pictures of some very attractive cocks and some that I don't find attractive at all. If you want to start a dialogue about cocks and pussies, by all means, start one. As I recall, your post was okay but you might have asked what others find attractive to encourage dialogue. You are going to find that every response is correct if only in that person's world. The picture posting is not necessary, my STUFF thread was not meant to be a "show and tell". Have you ever picked up a magazine in a waiting room, started reading something only to find that a page was removed or a coupon clipped. That's how I feel about some of these threads where members start posting pictures and in a couple of days, they're gone and the thread looks like land mines blew up the thread. I DO NOT WANT PICTURES IN MY THREAD(S).

As far as you enjoying a good argument, good for you, you obviously feel strongly about what it is that you are debating. But to start a fight, for the sake of a fight, sorry, I don't see any value in that. So as long as you consider me to be your arch enemy, why not stop trying to start a fight and just steer clear of me. I am a firm believer that if "you start no shit, there will be no shit".
By #562152 at 25,Nov,18 01:02
Well, you are arguing in a thread I started. On the other hand, I don't care. And I don't start fights,but, I'll finish them. I do try to steer clear of you. That doesn't mean I'll ignore your posts if they don't suit me. And I'll say the same to you, "start no shit, there will be no shit." As far as "elaborating" don't hold your breath. My post about cocks and pussies was more of an opinion and was left open for comments. I did say sex is not dirty, but, it can be ugly, disgusting or beautiful, depending on private tastes
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

As far as holes in your thread from deleted accounts, you are the only one that's bothered by that. Since most of the site knows about your pet pieve, they try to please. It doesn't bother me if there's a hole in my thread. I want everyone to feel they own the space too
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

And last, I can't believe you used the word "shit". Surely you did not learn that from Mrs Marie's Finishing School

By leopoldij at 24,Nov,18 23:06 other posts of leopoldij 
You're just unable to comprehend simple English.

I asked a question.  I repeat.  

Which of the following statements is false? 

1) Threads are not owned by anyone. 
2) There are no prohibition rules. 

There are two alternatives here. 

(A) If the answer is none, then you can't be annoyed because I'm doing something well within the bylaws of this site. 

(B) If one of them is false, then I apologize. 

But, so far, all indications point towards the veracity of both sentences, i.e. towards alternative (A) above. 

You're unable to reply. Your only friend is your foul language. Being unable to reason rationally or understand rather simple English you resort to anger. That's the only thing you can do.

Relax. Take a deep breadth.
Read the sentences slowly. Use a dictionary if you need to, and reply.

I doubt you will because you can't fathom easy logic. So you open your mouth and excrete nonsense, irrelevant statements, or foul words.

By #562152 at 25,Nov,18 23:07
[deleted image]
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[deleted image]
By #485312 at 26,Nov,18 06:11
yeah, she always throws us in for good measure, shows we really get under her skin, its nice to know we take up so much of her life hahahahaha *lix*
By #562152 at 26,Nov,18 12:37

By leopoldij at 26,Nov,18 01:05 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm promoting a pussy too:
[deleted image]
By #562152 at 26,Nov,18 01:17
Who is she Leo? Is she on site?
By leopoldij at 26,Nov,18 02:55 other posts of leopoldij 
No Baby. She's on my page only. She's my fuck buddy. You've seen her before many times. Got hundreds of pics of her on my page.

By leopoldij at 26,Nov,18 02:59 other posts of leopoldij 
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Just a small sample...
By #562152 at 26,Nov,18 12:18
WOW,,I'M in love,

By leopoldij at 26,Nov,18 00:19 other posts of leopoldij 
Can someone, of you native English speakers, please tell me if my question below is correctly formed in English?

[deleted image]
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Or should I ask it in a different manner?

Perhaps my English is not too proper.

Please advise me!
By #562152 at 26,Nov,18 01:20
Leo, I find your post to be written in a way that is easy to understand. Don't change it
By leopoldij at 26,Nov,18 02:56 other posts of leopoldij 
Thank you. I asked you the question in earnest.

By leopoldij at 26,Nov,18 00:24 other posts of leopoldij 
only registered users can see external links

By #562152 at 25,Nov,18 04:48
HAHAHA,,BELLA blacklisted me,,,the coward now can continue to lie, bitch, and make other people miserable.

[deleted image]
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By bella! [Ignore] at 24,Nov,18 23:39 other posts
Pssssst......I going to spray for the annoying bugs.

By #569341 at 18,Oct,18 10:27
My page is shit - don't go look at it...or do
By #562152 at 18,Oct,18 15:33
I've no idea what your page is all about, but, shit or not I think people have a right to see it,,,so
By #569341 at 19,Oct,18 11:40
Never met ya, but like you already
By DeepThroatThis at 24,Nov,18 21:29 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
She's great bud and came up with a gr8 idea

By leopoldij at 24,Nov,18 23:32 other posts of leopoldij 
Twowarmtts2 is quite cool. She's educated, witty, sexy, speaks languages other than English and is willing to discuss with an open mind.

Americans, especially from the South, are typically stuck up,
narrow minded, uneducated, ultra religious, xenophobic, ignorant.
Twowarmtts2 (like all my american friends) is an exception.

She also has great taste in music and she can sing a song in spanish and understand every word of it!

By leopoldij at 24,Nov,18 23:08 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm promoting this beautiful pussy

[deleted image]


By *Humpy_Rugmuncher at 24,Nov,18 19:38 other posts of *Humpy_Rugmuncher 
/member.php?w=438746 stright male like to chat drity and read commets on my pics and videos and up to making friends and geting my profile noticed

By #562152 at 20,Nov,18 15:23
[deleted image]

love chocolate

By #562152 at 03,Oct,18 20:40
In my humble opinion the people that form this couple are one of the most beautiful on site,,,their pages are worth looking at,,
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours

And while they seem beautiful, in my opinion, they really are trailer trash with fake boobs and a gay husband
--------------------------------------- added after 17 hours

I have to apologize,,again,,i got mad yesterday and had a melt down, The CC54'S are really a very nice couple and whatever I said, is not true.
--------------------------------------- added after 17 hours

I have to apologize,,again,,i got mad yesterday and had a melt down, The CC54'S are really a very nice couple and whatever I said, is not true.
By #539433 at 03,Oct,18 20:46
They are

By #487013 at 18,Oct,18 13:46
I notice anytime someone with perky natural tits pisses you off you call their tits fake... And if a guy isn’t attracted to you he’s gay.... Not trying to start shit, just an observation.
By #562152 at 18,Oct,18 15:19
Angel, i've been here, on and off, for 3 plus years. In that time, i have never gone after anyone first. In that time, I've been called saggy tits, old fart that has no business being here, a showoff and an interloper. After someone insults me, I have the bad habit of being as nasty as I can get. Then, everyone, says that I'm a bitch. You are a very good looking woman. I don't think your tits are fake. But, if I was going after you, i would insinuate your tits are fake. Why? because it would infuriate you. Same with calling a straight man "gay". Many of the people on site talk loud about being very progressive and enlightened but they are closet bigots.
I don't think i'm even close to being a beauty. But, even I get hurt when they call me saggy tits. You say I should toughen up and have a thicker skin? Well, I don't and I can't so, I hit below the belt. If you notice, it gets a reaction. Everyone of these people crawl from under whatever they call home and attack me even more.
By #487013 at 19,Oct,18 04:29
I get it. It wasn’t an insult or meant to start a fight. Was just an observation. I’m no saint and have and have the same habit of hitting below the belt as well, but it is easier to just not let it get to you. Most people that like to insult others do so for the reaction and get off on it.
By #562152 at 19,Oct,18 11:28
You are right. One regret I have is misinterpreting your reaction several weeks ago. I missed that one.

By #562152 at 08,Oct,18 14:52
Several weeks ago, I got into a major discussion in another forum, with the owner and some of the people posting in it. I did not like how they referred to a friend as a walrus. It went back and forth. The "owner" of the forum stated that my friend had been just as mean to her. I ended up saying i feel it's my duty to defend my friends. She countered that i would only defend friends only and not other people. Well, after much discussion the matter dropped but, after a few weeks, i was again arguing with her and the people that post there. It led to me posting here the "I posted a question to Bella" thread seen below. In it, my friend Lix posted, "she's a cunt"
Ms Bella, in a very couched thread asked everyone how they would react to this. I gave her my answer and hope it dies there.
Now, why am I posting here? I'm not sure. I think it's because I'm tired of being a Don Quixote. People, honestly, weather i'm friends or just chatting with you, what you think of each other is your business. I'll agree with you if i think you are right,,,at that moment,,but won't warranty it will be the same a minute later.
Weather you are a BITCH or CUNT or whatever, I chat for the fun of chatting,, if your collective pussies get an itch,,,please, please,please,,, have someone else scratch it.
Oh, yes,, all you bitchy men that float throughout these forums,,,get a life.
By bella! at 08,Oct,18 14:56 other posts of bella! 
Your friend, *lix*, is only a legend in her own mind.
By #562152 at 08,Oct,18 15:08
ok,,so she is,,what's that to me?? two cunts,,,just like me,, You never understood that when i post it's to chat about something that is important or interesting to me, I'm not here to smell the heady perfume of hatred wafting up from either one of your (Bella and Lix) nether regions. Go at it. Trade punches. Show the site how petty you are. But, do me a favor, if i post in your forum, Bella,allow me the decency for you to understand i am not trying to be mean or nasty. You are welcome here any time. Since i know you two have mutually blacklisted each other, you, both, can come here and say what you want. I won't interfere.
By bella! at 08,Oct,18 15:24 other posts of bella! 
You did interfere, and regardless of what your mindset is, "She's really not popular with lots of people", either.
By #562152 at 08,Oct,18 15:33
Again,,so what??? did that rub some skin from my nose?? What other people's opinion may be about anything should not color my thinking about it. I have to make that decision, but, if you have to make comparisons, Lix always treated me right and without asking for anything extra. You have treated me like shit all the time. If you were me, what would your thought be??
--------------------------------------- added after 95 seconds

BTW,,,i know those "lots of people", they don't like me either.
By bella! at 08,Oct,18 15:40 other posts of bella! 
I have treated you like shit all of the time? Someone seems to be getting confused again.
By #562152 at 08,Oct,18 15:43
It's a generalization,,get over it,,,you know what i mean. Don't act like you've been my best friend..that would be laughable,,,

By #485312 at 09,Oct,18 10:43
lol, it will never die TTS, nothing gets past the all seeing eye here.. youre wasting your time trying to reason with 'IT' ... *Lix*

By Sir-Skittles at 13,Oct,18 20:05 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
from twowarmtts2

Weather you are a BITCH or CUNT or whatever, I chat for the fun of chatting,, if your collective pussies get an itch,,,please, please,please,,, have someone else scratch it.
Oh, yes,, all you bitchy men that float throughout these forums,,,get a life.

Oh the grammar??!!!
By #487013 at 18,Oct,18 13:41
If it has an itch scratch it... Better yet kill it at the source before it spreads and get some medicated cream....
By #562152 at 18,Oct,18 15:08

By #562152 at 09,Oct,18 12:49
Yesterday, Oct 8,2018, we celebrated Christopher Columbus day. On this day we celebrate the true discoverer of the Americas. Those other explorer whanabees are all fake news. Why people want to bring down great people and their accomplishments is beyond me.
By #491031 at 09,Oct,18 16:37
How can you "discover" a place when there were already millions of people living there?
What Columbus actually did was bring disease, death, slavery, and genocide to the Americas.
Those are some really cool accomplishments...
By #562152 at 09,Oct,18 16:54
well,,they were savages that wanted to kill us, and,, I consider that if a place is not generally known and someone finds it, it's a discovery. No one really believes these savages really had a right to be here, anyway. They, too, walked over from Asia.
By #188992 at 10,Oct,18 23:00
"well,,they were savages that wanted to kill us, and,, I consider that if a place is not generally known and someone finds it, it's a discovery. No one really believes these savages really had a right to be here, anyway. They, too, walked over from Asia."

There's a fair bit of competition, but that may well be the stupidest thing ever written. It helps, of course, that accurate punctuation seems to be an optional extra for you.
By #562152 at 10,Oct,18 23:45
Hux, that is called being sarcastic. I can understand it if you don't have a funny bone, but, it was written with tongue in cheek. If it offended your tight ass, it was not my intention. Columbus Day celebration was on the 8th of this month and, in the last few years, Cristoforo Colombo, his real name, has been criticized for doing something that we are doing in space. He explored. As far as the Native Americans are concerned (and I mean all the Native Americans from Tierra del Fuego to Hudson Bay),they are all desendants of the people that walked the ismus from Asia to Alaska before the strip of land got covered by the sea. I was not joking about this huge migration. Because of it, the South Sea islands were also populated. My kids Great Grandfather was one quarter Native American Guaranni, a tribe in the northern section of the Parana River between Argentina and Uruguay.
As far as the punctuation is concerned, I'm in a porn site, chatting with several people at the same time. Comas separe thoughts without me having to think about it (that means I can type faster)
Now, we or I can address the main thing I wanted to address. You have the right to express your opinion. This forum is open for that to anyone. Insulting someone by calling their ideas or opinions stupid is not the way to do it. Next time see if you can get the context, right, do some research so you don't come through as an uneducated person, and be nice when you express your opinions.
By #188992 at 11,Oct,18 17:07
"Comas separe thoughts"

Separe is not a verb I have, personally, come across but I'm pretty sure a coma (sic) would have at least SOME impact on your thoughts!

By the way: I call BS on your sarcasm claim. Post facto BS, in my humble opinion.

Well done for Googling Chris' real name. If, as some suggest, he spoke a Ligurian dialect you could also have gone for "Cristoffa Combo". For further erudition can I suggest John Cabot, Amerigo Vespucci and Richard ap Meryk?
By #562152 at 11,Oct,18 17:25
Ok. So I’m a lousy typist.--------------------------------------- added after 48 minutesMr Huxley999
You are right,,separe is not a regular verve. It’s what us, lousy typists call a faux pas verve. I think you know what i meant.
I did Google it (actually, I did research it in the search engine, Google. Google is not an action verve). I was raised in a very latin area of the US and his name, and the one I have always associated with bim is Cristobal Colon. Since he was born in the Republic of Genoa, he might well have been known by his Ligurian form of his name. Since he lived most of his life in Portugal and Spain I wanted to know if he used his Italian or Ligurian form of his name. He didn’t. Now, I “Googled it”. But, how, explain to me, would you have found that out? Special letter to the Vatican asking for research? Almost all forms of research is done in Google these days. Does that make me dumb?
Cabot explored the northern part of the Atlantic coast and Vespucci lent his name to what he thought was two new continents. Does that change my original premise? Especially since they did their deeds after Columbus?
The laughable part though is this :

“By the way: I call BS on your sarcasm claim. Post facto BS, in my humble opinion.”

That part I can’t refute. Humble opinions are allowed here. So, let me say this about that.
Kiss my ass,,,,,,,,,,

--------------------------------------- added after 70 minutes

[deleted image]
By #188992 at 11,Oct,18 19:36
I suspect you may be doing it on purpose now. "Verve"? Are you fucking serious?
By #562152 at 11,Oct,18 19:41

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Chupete,,i get where you are cumming from,,,what would you like for me to do???
--------------------------------------- added after 42 minutes

And I reallied donda kno what you meany,,
By #188992 at 11,Oct,18 21:02
Just because it amuses me, here's your list of things I would like for you to do:

1)Learn the difference between the words "verve" and "verb".
2)Spell isthmus correctly.
3)Spell wannabe correctly.
4)Explain why you use multiple commas, when one (or none) would suffice. How that helps you type faster is baffling to me.
5) Explain why you talk about your "kids Great Grandfather", rather than just saying your Grandfather. By the way: congratulations on dodging the tricky conundrum of where to put the apostrophe when writing "kids".
6) Learn the difference between a coma and a comma.
Seriously though - do what you like! It's just the Internet. Have a good weekend.
By #562152 at 11,Oct,18 22:39
And I thought I was a good speller. The Great Grandfather was my ex's Grandfather. He was not mine. I use multiple commas becase (hmmmm why?) Wait, I know, multiple commas make the reader stop knowing it's not part of the last sentence, but a new thought. It may be the Internet, but, I still have to salute my better. Have a great weekend, too.

By Sir-Skittles at 13,Oct,18 20:00 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By #487013 at 18,Oct,18 13:42

By #521857 at 17,Oct,18 23:47
22 straight and single
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By Edmonton at 17,Oct,18 21:49 other posts of Edmonton 

By leopoldij at 17,Oct,18 10:23 other posts of leopoldij 
Here's how to get to my page.
Click on the image below.
But make sure not touch much. It gets wet.
[deleted image]

By #562152 at 12,Oct,18 17:04
Florida, Georgia, and the Carolina's towns are devastated by hurricane Michael and Trump is having lunch with West. Is there no way to get rid ourselves of this joke of a president???

By #562152 at 10,Oct,18 00:21
There was a time when a handshake was good enough to close a deal. On the Internet, the best we can do is agree by texting. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I thought I had something like that but I see it won't work. Too bad.
By Ravioli_Max at 10,Oct,18 23:09 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
Reminded me of something. Do you remember back when we were kiddos...when two boys had a fight, an adult would get them to make up and then make them shake hands at the end.
By #562152 at 10,Oct,18 23:53
Yes, even though I'm a girl I used to see it happen after school. The boys would shake hands,,,,,,,,but,,,,,,,I was willing to bet that what went on those boys minds could not be repeated in proper company,,,,

By #562152 at 09,Oct,18 11:18
Hurricane Michael is aiming at the Florida panhandle. They think it may intensify to a category 3, that is scary. My home is just north of Florida's panhandle, in Georgia. Now, I'm glad I'm on leave from work. I don't think there's going to be catastrophic wind damage here. We are too far inland. I'm worried about all the rain coming. We will be on the dirty side of the storm. My house is high enough not to fear flooding but the area is low and near several water routes. We may be cut off for a few days. The people I'm worried about are for Floridians in the panhandle. Some of these Old Crackers are stubborn and won't evacuate.

By #562152 at 03,Oct,18 21:04
I posted a question to BELLA (and some of her attendees on her forum) several times. My question?? If you people don't want me to visit here,Stuff, Just Stuff,,then say so and I'll go ,,,her answer??
Please don't continue to babble on and on by reposting things that you've already said. It makes you sound really crazy.
What do you think???
By leopoldij at 04,Oct,18 15:13 other posts of leopoldij 
Who gave you this answer?
By #562152 at 04,Oct,18 15:31
I thank you for the way you care. It's over and I don't want you to get hurt
By leopoldij at 04,Oct,18 21:59 other posts of leopoldij 
OK. I'll pass. Take care.

By #485312 at 08,Oct,18 09:54
l think shes a CUNT *lix*
By #562152 at 08,Oct,18 11:17
She's really not popular with lots of people
By #485312 at 09,Oct,18 10:40
l call a spade a spade and a cunt a cunt, l don't have to mince my words .. *lix*
By #562152 at 09,Oct,18 10:55
And you have every right to do so. What you and Bella do in regards to each other is your business. Lix, having been in the cross hairs of Ms Bella and those pussy dicks that do her dirty work, I understand where you are coming from. But, I was asked to observe a truse and I'm going to try it.

By Edmonton at 07,Oct,18 17:34 other posts of Edmonton 

By #562152 at 07,Oct,18 17:39
MMMMMMMMMMMMMM,,this lollipop, is fantastic,,he has such yummy pics of Canadian Bacon,,go visit him,,

By #547705 at 04,Oct,18 22:37
Hey , I am straight , really open mind and I would love too make a private Picture for anyone who have a request . I mean tell me what got you exited and I will take an appropriate picture of me Only for you
By #562152 at 04,Oct,18 23:24
Wow, baby, I love Canadian bacon,,yummy

By #562152 at 03,Oct,18 21:06
2nice is a fantastically yummy man with a sarcastic personality,,,he's worth checking out,,

By #562152 at 03,Oct,18 20:51
Hey,,,looking to hook up?? Jamie would be perfect,,, go visit his page,,if nothing else,,he's a hunk,,

By #562152 at 03,Oct,18 20:49
JustWill is, basically a good guy. His page has one great big plus. His blogs are fantastic. He describes many gay adventures. He also is into the coyote mystique, Maybe he read too many Tony Hillerman mysteries like "COYOTE WAITS".

By #562152 at 03,Oct,18 20:35
If you guys want to see some awesome pussy,,,

By #539433 at 03,Oct,18 20:47

By #562152 at 03,Oct,18 20:32
People,, visit /member.php?w=486763
his page is a hoot,,(he speaks gibberish and with a forked tongue)

Adult Discussion Forum