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Peeing with both hands?

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Started by #565506 at 30,Oct,18 11:58
Guys! I wonder if everybody is holding his stuff with one and or two hands when peeing? I usually hold it with just one hand (enough for its flaccid length) while holding with the other hand the pants down...

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New Comment

By fatcock66 at 30,Oct,18 22:58 other posts of fatcock66 
the big boss at work used to put both hands flat on the wall above urinal and let fly. Never could see his cock. His banter with a mate next to him was, "man, this water is cold", and the other guy would answer, "yeah, and deep too"

By wycowboy at 30,Oct,18 21:27 other posts of wycowboy 
I don't have enough cock for two hands, I barely have enough to need one

By #537175 at 30,Oct,18 21:10
I love to be at urinal when a guy comes next to me and just lets his dick hang loose while he pees . Even better if the guy opens up denims and is commando ,gives a great view of whole package

By Moench at 30,Oct,18 19:21 other posts of Moench 
my dick is to short to hold

By pifad at 30,Oct,18 14:41 other posts of pifad 
One hand

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