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Breaking Wind

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Started by #560926 at 09,Jun,19 18:58
What do you do if your partner breaks wind whilst giving head....69 position.

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By mr_blue at 10,Jun,19 11:00 other posts of mr_blue 
This should be a question in sex education classes

To answer the question,turn on the fan

By #275407 at 10,Jun,19 04:11
Hope you don't pass out, you might wake up with a sore ass
By #560926 at 10,Jun,19 10:33
Not the first time I've woken up with a sore ass (not a donkey breed)

By #583549 at 09,Jun,19 23:36
Hold your nose!!!
By #560926 at 10,Jun,19 10:31
Put your nose in her fanny until the danger has passed...don't know what you'd do if you were sucking a bloke off??

By #202599 at 10,Jun,19 10:30

By Silverfur at 10,Jun,19 04:39 other posts of Silverfur 
Tell him or her that I am not hanging around down there for the next 68
By #560926 at 10,Jun,19 10:28
The old jokes are always the best

By phart at 09,Jun,19 20:03 other posts of phart 
Depends on what I cooked for her supper and how far along we are as to her fixin to orgasm.If I cooked beans and cornbread and we just got started,we both would stop and get for fresh air.If close to completion,we would tough it out and then cough and open the door and turn on afan.
By #560926 at 09,Jun,19 21:21
I like the tough it out route......but a good eggy fart would se me off

Adult Discussion Forum