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Copy Cat!

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Started by Dickventures at 10,Oct,19 14:38  other posts of Dickventures
The idea here is to post a photo of yourself, then I (or someone else) tries to copy the photo as close as they can.
(Unique poses/angles encouraged)

Similar topics: 1. TULISA SEXTAPE   2.Warren Cuccurullo   3.wanking   4.Just For Reference...   5.My Penis made out of wood  

New Comment

By thicknsmooth at 25,May,20 22:40 other posts of thicknsmooth 
By dickisgreat at 26,May,20 07:55 other posts of dickisgreat 
The angle is a little bit off but on the other hand, your dick gets extra points for having an extra-thick prominent ridge around the head , which is just about my top criterion for whether to include or not, so I may use this on my next collection
By thicknsmooth at 27,May,20 04:24 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Thank you 😊

By dickisgreat at 25,May,20 08:13 other posts of dickisgreat 
Not a one-on-one copy cat but basically the same idea It took months to find all these pics with the exact same angle and framing so everything would just about match up!

By Dickventures at 25,May,20 22:41 other posts of Dickventures 
I think this is the closest I get from what I got. Might have to take a new one later

By dickisgreat at 26,May,20 07:51 other posts of dickisgreat 
I can easily crop the lower half of the pic but since I am completely crazy for bush it would be great to see more of it

By thicknsmooth at 25,May,20 22:39 other posts of thicknsmooth 

By dickisgreat at 25,May,20 08:07 other posts of dickisgreat 
Not me...

[deleted image]

By dickisgreat at 25,May,20 08:06 other posts of dickisgreat 
Not me...
[deleted image]

By Dickventures at 10,Mar,20 22:29 other posts of Dickventures 
Guess I could post a picture for folk to copy:

Cock in a cup!

By #485312 at 03,Feb,20 04:08
[deleted image][deleted image]

By #575202 at 29,Jan,20 16:19
[deleted image]
By Dickventures at 30,Jan,20 01:12 other posts of Dickventures 
This is what I got:

Though I'm not wearing jeans, and mine's a bit closer to my dick.

By Dickventures at 23,Jan,20 00:56 other posts of Dickventures 
Just need more folk to copy others'. Guess nobody else really wants to though

By leopoldij at 17,Jan,20 14:36 other posts of leopoldij 
[deleted image]
By Dickventures at 20,Jan,20 23:08 other posts of Dickventures 

--------------------------------------- added after 26 seconds

Just flip it upside-down
By leopoldij at 20,Jan,20 23:23 other posts of leopoldij 
Good one!!!

By Dickventures at 15,Jan,20 00:00 other posts of Dickventures 
Here's one for all the gamers out there lol

By #485312 at 27,Oct,19 00:17
[deleted image]
heres one l found and thought mine was pretty similar *lix*
[deleted image]
By Dickventures at 28,Oct,19 03:03 other posts of Dickventures 
Very nice!
I've done some things on similar roads when nobody was looking lol
I'd have to have a photographer to take a similar pic of myself. Sadly no volunteers right now :/
By #485312 at 28,Oct,19 04:05
you should invest in a tripod, we have a few, and aussieman does a lot of photos on his own *Lix*
By Dickventures at 29,Oct,19 00:28 other posts of Dickventures 
I feel like I'd also need a camera, not just use my phone.

By onthelose at 30,Dec,19 21:32 other posts of onthelose 
I must have lead a pretty sheltered life because in my 72 years I have never come close to knowing anyone who would even consider doing this. I would of course but never have.
By #485312 at 30,Dec,19 22:53
you just need a partner in crime to do these things, someone to take the pics, so you can jump out and take the opportunity when it arises. lm sure you've probably done things l haven't .. we all find what makes us happy, well some of us do.. and we run with it *lix*

By #485312 at 30,Dec,19 19:16
[deleted image][deleted image]
some tits behind shower screens *lix*
By Dickventures at 30,Dec,19 22:09 other posts of Dickventures 
If only I had boobs and/or a glass door instead of curtains.

By #518391 at 17,Dec,19 07:56
OK...here goes with a jockstrap pic[deleted image]
By Dickventures at 18,Dec,19 01:15 other posts of Dickventures 
By #518391 at 18,Dec,19 07:36
Very similar, but with a bigger knob and neater circ scar...nice comparison!

By BirdDog at 18,Dec,19 06:54 other posts of BirdDog 

By #575136 at 17,Dec,19 21:46
[deleted image]
By #574505 at 17,Dec,19 21:57
Nice view

By Dickventures at 18,Dec,19 01:13 other posts of Dickventures 
By #575136 at 18,Dec,19 03:18

By #595500 at 17,Dec,19 06:02
[deleted image]
By Dickventures at 18,Dec,19 01:15 other posts of Dickventures 
Best I could get:

By jocstfr at 17,Dec,19 22:51 other posts of jocstfr 
By Dickventures at 18,Dec,19 01:14 other posts of Dickventures 

By heylittleman at 17,Dec,19 06:59 other posts of heylittleman 
By Dickventures at 17,Dec,19 23:21 other posts of Dickventures 
I don't have the skin to show off, but I do have a staright-on pic:

By blazeyjones at 30,Nov,19 07:08 other posts of blazeyjones 
[deleted image]
By Dickventures at 17,Dec,19 00:18 other posts of Dickventures 

By #576231 at 10,Oct,19 15:32
Cool idea

[deleted image]
By #551147 at 10,Oct,19 16:55
[deleted image]

Sorry, ours has a lil extra viewing pleasure.

By Dickventures at 11,Oct,19 15:17 other posts of Dickventures 

Sorry, no pre today
By #485312 at 11,Oct,19 21:08
lm sure there is also thousands of doppleganger cocks here, you can find the exact same picture many times *lix*
By Dickventures at 12,Oct,19 12:46 other posts of Dickventures 
True, but this is actually on purpose
By Vita at 29,Nov,19 03:24 other posts of Vita 

... here a other doppelganger too !! hot greet &

By Yando at 22,Nov,19 07:41 other posts of Yando 
Let's try this one?

[deleted image]
By #551147 at 23,Nov,19 08:02
That's pretty sexy for sure!
But, this pic is just one of my favorites of the Yan...

[deleted image]

Plus it's the view I'd love to have. 😉
By Dickventures at 25,Nov,19 05:33 other posts of Dickventures 
This is the copy cat thread, not the favorites one
By #551147 at 25,Nov,19 08:52
LMAO OOOOOPS! Well shit, color me red...
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

No way to edit it out now.

Seems like a pretty harmless pic to try to recreate, cept I'm bald as a berry on my chest and have nothing white with a zipper. 😔
--------------------------------------- added after 42 minutes

Errr cut that low...

By leopoldij at 11,Nov,19 00:21 other posts of leopoldij 
How about this?
By Dickventures at 11,Nov,19 05:30 other posts of Dickventures 
It’s not a picture for one, and I’d break my camera doing that lol
Though I do have a pretty good macro with pre:

By leopoldij at 11,Nov,19 05:44 other posts of leopoldij 

By #551147 at 11,Nov,19 23:30
Considering the source... He's a putz! Seems to like to pretend he's oh so manly and straight yet posts a video of him ejaculating to get you to copy it. Why? So he could watch it, that's why!
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

It's ok leopoldij I assure you having some gay tendencies won't make anyone look at you any less than they do already. Get a clue asswipe.

By #485312 at 05,Nov,19 20:30

heres one lve come across ... *Lix*
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 341 hours

some more blue nails ... *lix*
--------------------------------------- added after 2023 hours

girls with painted nails holding cock.
they looked similar to me *lix*
By Dickventures at 10,Nov,19 22:24 other posts of Dickventures 
The nail color is about the same, yes

By leopoldij at 11,Nov,19 00:19 other posts of leopoldij 
Thank you for posting my pic.
I remember that your friend, Bela Perturbed, gave me hard time when she saw the blue nails. She found them tasteless. As if I care. Can you imagine me saying "sorry babe, don't touch my dick unless you paint your nails red".
By #485312 at 11,Nov,19 06:39
It cant help itself, always criticising others ... shame it wouldn't get a life and find somewhere else to haunt like a sexless spectre *lix*
By leopoldij at 11,Nov,19 09:22 other posts of leopoldij 
"It"? Is that the gender you sign to her now? That's funny.

By #576231 at 05,Nov,19 21:10
[deleted image]
By Dickventures at 11,Nov,19 06:51 other posts of Dickventures 
By #551147 at 11,Nov,19 09:11

By Dickventures at 30,Oct,19 01:22 other posts of Dickventures 
Anyone else wanna join in?
--------------------------------------- added after 551 hours

--------------------------------------- added after 1802 hours

By qhaos at 25,Oct,19 07:59 other posts of qhaos 
Try this

[deleted image]
By Dickventures at 25,Oct,19 14:56 other posts of Dickventures 
I don't have a selfie stick or anywhere outside to legally be naked :/
By qhaos at 25,Oct,19 18:04 other posts of qhaos 
Eheh no selfie stick! Pic was taken by my wife, too shy for nude pics and we was in my courtyard, in august, with everyone in vacation

By Pistonbroke at 17,Oct,19 15:33 other posts of Pistonbroke 
Sure, Bud, give mine a try. Shouldn't be too hard, it's pretty normal all around. I've even seen dicks on the site that I thought were mine until I checked.
[deleted image]
By Dickventures at 24,Oct,19 20:05 other posts of Dickventures 

By kebmo at 19,Oct,19 17:49 other posts of kebmo 
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
By Dickventures at 19,Oct,19 19:23 other posts of Dickventures 
Then flatter away lol
I shouldn’t be one of the only ones copying folk

By jayman73 at 17,Oct,19 19:46 other posts of jayman73 
By Dickventures at 19,Oct,19 16:06 other posts of Dickventures 

By #551147 at 16,Oct,19 11:34
Here's an easy one as I do enjoy bath/shower type pics 😉

[deleted image]
By Dickventures at 17,Oct,19 10:08 other posts of Dickventures 
By #551147 at 17,Oct,19 18:42
Oh that's guuud! Nice job Dickventures
By Dickventures at 18,Oct,19 05:14 other posts of Dickventures 
The angle is always tough to get lol
But I did enjoy getting all soaped up
By Dev01 at 18,Oct,19 07:29 other posts of Dev01 
scorps that's my dick
By #551147 at 18,Oct,19 09:56
🤔 Hmmmmmm There's some interpretation left there my friend 😘

By #579885 at 14,Oct,19 16:26
[deleted image]
By Dickventures at 15,Oct,19 05:05 other posts of Dickventures 
Gonna have to retake this one. All the pics came out blurry

By #518391 at 17,Oct,19 10:24
Almost, but not quite the same[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 20 seconds

sorry...wrong pic!
By Dickventures at 17,Oct,19 10:50 other posts of Dickventures 
Can always edit and delete

By #518391 at 17,Oct,19 10:29
Same angle, but smaller and without a forskin[deleted image]

By Dickventures at 17,Oct,19 14:57 other posts of Dickventures 

By Yando at 16,Oct,19 05:54 other posts of Yando 
[deleted image]

By Dickventures at 16,Oct,19 11:09 other posts of Dickventures 
I surrender lol
Dunno how I’d get a shot like this without a helper or some fancy tripod.
By #551147 at 16,Oct,19 11:31

By Yando at 14,Oct,19 22:50 other posts of Yando 
[deleted image]
By Dickventures at 15,Oct,19 05:04 other posts of Dickventures 
By Yando at 16,Oct,19 05:53 other posts of Yando 

By #551147 at 16,Oct,19 05:58
Nice! Good one Bro

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