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'cut' and 'uncut'

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Started by #518391 at 26,Nov,19 07:39
Are the words 'cut' and 'uncut' used generally by straight people these days when describing cock status?

Similar topics: 1.cut vs. uncut ..What are you,, and what do you like?   2.How and by who u Cut? UnCut can comment too u prefer cut or uncut?   4.Uncut Dicks   5.Any uncut guys near Jackonville, Florida?  

New Comment

By thesevenpointfive at 05,Jun,22 14:50 other posts of thesevenpointfive 
cutroundhead, i must be old as i use cut and uncut, it short for circ'ed and non circ'ed not sure if it gay or straight men, it just come a common term

By #667453 at 01,Jun,22 16:12
Foreskin is amazing 🥰

By #518391 at 26,Nov,19 15:34
I am str8 and when I was younger we'd often discuss our cock status, but this was in the days before the terms 'cut' and'uncut' were used. Today, any discussion about cocks between str8 guys seems taboo....another sign of our uptight society these days.
By new2day at 26,Nov,19 15:55 other posts of new2day 
I used to know many of my workmates as we'd often play tennis or football together, back then the changing rooms had gang showers so there was nowhere to hide... and nobody did hide.

I'm very much in the minority, something I also notice at naturist clubs.
By #518391 at 26,Nov,19 16:08
I still shower with mates in gang showers after's just the natural thing to do and no one is shy...but a lotf guys (especially the younger ones) don't shower

By new2day at 26,Nov,19 14:42 other posts of new2day 
It's not something that comes up in conversation that much... but when it was mentioned I've always said circumcised rather than cut.

By #570308 at 26,Nov,19 11:27
I'm with creative one, am I missing something here?
By #518391 at 26,Nov,19 11:50 you ask a str8 friend if he's 'cut' or 'circumcised'- or will either do?
By #570308 at 26,Nov,19 13:06
I don't ask str8 guys. It doesn't make a big difference, but I prefer cut. Too much loose skin is a bit of a turn off. Usually, in my experience, I can see it or they've indicated on their profile or wherever they post. If were just jerking off together, it doesn't matter. Only when oral comes into it.

By #532851 at 26,Nov,19 12:46
Straight guys generally don't go around discussing cut or uncut . We don't want to know details . We just sometimes joke about size.

By CreativeOne at 26,Nov,19 08:30 other posts of CreativeOne 
Wait a minute ... What ?
Really ?
Cut and Uncut simply means... Circumcised or Uncircumcised... Nothing at all do do with being Strait or Gay !!!

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