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Moral vs. political correctness.

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Started by #592419 at 02,Dec,19 20:42
What is the difference in your opinion?

Similar topics: 1.political correctness gone mad   2.Don't always believe what politicians tell you - be careful what you wish (vote) for   3.A SINCERE APOLOGY TO huxley999   4.Moral dilemma   5.YouTube can be educational too (let's share videos)  

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By phart at 05,Dec,19 14:47 other posts of phart 
Best I can remember it was said that Political correctness was to believe there was a way to pickup a turd from the clean end?
By Sir-Skittles at 14,Dec,19 02:41 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By #336173 at 15,Dec,19 13:28

By Sir-Skittles at 03,Dec,19 13:13 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Political correctness is fake
By #592419 at 03,Dec,19 18:12
YES YES... and roastbeef is bjuk.. LOL

By mr_blue at 04,Dec,19 21:14 other posts of mr_blue 
Does that work the other way ?
Fake correctness is political?...
By #592419 at 05,Dec,19 01:39
Moral correctness is at the heart of truth according to ethical standards. Someone who has good morals is considered ethically correct. Being political means a diversion for what is true? Why political correctness exists in todays standards is because it is based on power and materialism by which the truth is kept hidden so that a powerful agenda can continue and be unbreakable.. The media continues to divert truths from pay to play but the clock is ticking as soon as the IG report comes out next week.. in the meantime the left is doing what it can to win. It knows it can't compete against this president so it uses everything to their disposal,,,impeachment..
By mr_blue at 05,Dec,19 16:18 other posts of mr_blue 
At the end of the day people will believe what they believe...
Truth is truth regardless of what a person believes.....

I think it's called prepositions or something like that....
If I say I'm 41 that is true,but someone can still not believe what I'm telling them....
By #551147 at 05,Dec,19 16:34
🙄 s'True! Take for example... According to Twowarmtts! you are absolutely NOT 41. Just ask her!

Also... Remember! Truth ALWAYS Trump's Facts!
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

She often likes to credit me for the idiocy of the above statement, but let's give credit where credit is due. Here's the REAL genius behind it ➡️ only registered users can see external links

GAFFE!? I say NOT! Allow me to explain why... After observing THESE people, I have come to the conclusion that, that's EXACTLY what they believe. The problem is... Who's "truth" they are choosing to believe, over the actual facts. Thereby, if you are in fact a Lib or a Dem you MUST choose "TRUTH" over facts always!
By Sir-Skittles at 14,Dec,19 02:40 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
41 multiplied by 2

The Saggy Granny. Are her days numbered??

By #592419 at 05,Dec,19 11:20
Donald J. Trump
7 hrs ·
When I said, in my phone call to the President of Ukraine, “I would like you to do US a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it.” With the word “us” I am referring to the United States, our Country. I then went on to say that “I would like to have the Attorney General (of the United States) call you or your people.....” This, based on what I have seen, is their big point - and it is no point at a all (except for a big win for me!). The Democrats should apologize to the American people!
By #601496 at 05,Dec,19 18:19
Don't mind SrCums. His precious Donny Boy is getting impeached. He's another one that doesn't like dirty little "J's" with a chip on their shoulder either.

By #601496 at 04,Dec,19 14:39

By #592419 at 04,Dec,19 18:00
Here's the deal.. I posted what you did to me in blogs and forum by showing your racist hatred... It appears I'm getting public acknowledgement..\\ As long as there are nazi's in this world such as people like you I will always put up a resistance.. You do not belong in the human race, you do not belong on this forum,,,,, You belong in a cage where all the monkeys and animals laugh and throw shit piles on your page.. You want a fight??? YOu got on sister...
By #601496 at 04,Dec,19 18:45
I don't want more. I want you to cease and desist. You want to denigrate me on the forums and blogs? Go ahead. I'll give it back just as hard, but, you trash my page and I will make your stay here a miserable time. Invest on 35 points to clean my page (7 kisses) and I'll lay off. Your choise.
By #592419 at 04,Dec,19 19:49
All I'm using is your words and the consequences associated. You want to fuck with me? I'm the hardest fucker there is, especially for people like you...
I want you to apologize for what you said in forum and if you ever do anything like this again this will appear to be just a blessing.. NOW BUZZ OFF !!
By #601496 at 04,Dec,19 21:12
Fuck you, you dirty little asshole. If you think I'm going to apologize for telling the truth, you're going to be sorely disappointed. You miserable little rat, go take your monthly shower. All that cum dripping from your ass stinks
By #592419 at 04,Dec,19 21:54
NOw I know where to dump my points.. Anyone else that wants to use this toilet I'll bring the toilet paper////

By #551147 at 04,Dec,19 21:07
By #592419 at 04,Dec,19 21:51
You should pass some of that over..

By #592419 at 04,Dec,19 21:52
there is going to be a lot of Christmas presents given out for sure..

By #601496 at 03,Dec,19 23:10
You've got your nerve. You trash my page and now you want to act higher than though? Moral vs, political correctness? How about being a nicer human being.

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