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Moral dilemma

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Started by mrnobody6039 at 14,Aug,24 17:57  other posts of mrnobody6039
I've dabbled in a little bit of man on man's sex before I was married in a little bit after. But then life kicked in, and it wasn't an option anymore. All I seem to look at these days is gay porn. I haven't really done very much. Back in the day I got my cock, sucked a couple of times, and I jerked a guy off, but I really enjoyed it. Guys are the best at sucking dick. Now comes the problem.
As much as I deram about this and really think I'm ready to do it, actually making a date with a living man to swap cocks scares the living hell out of me. So
Long as it is a fantasy, it's safe, but it isn't real, and God, I want it to be real. If I really do this, it is real. Can I deal with the idea that I actually cheated on my wife? My wife will be out of town next month, and I guess my question is a moral one. Do I break down and take the plunge? Or do I just continue to fantasize and live my safe life? And jerk off at home all week-long.

Similar topics: 1.Dilemma. please help   2.Why married men have sex with other men   3.Urgent MOM dilemma   4.Moral vs. political correctness. contest  

New Comment

By bildo1 at 14,Oct,24 20:24 other posts of bildo1 
In life, I regret the things I didn't do, more than regretting the things I did do. Trying new things won't make you gay.

By Cody8789 at 07,Oct,24 21:38 other posts of Cody8789 
If you have gay sex, there’s no turning back and you will lose your wife.

By AngelofDeath at 07,Oct,24 21:30 other posts of AngelofDeath 
You’re gay. And chances are your wife knows too. There’s no such thing as bi. Maybe curious but if you love cock you’ve always lived cock and are possible in denial about your sexuality.

By Sir-Skittles at 07,Oct,24 19:53 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I recommend you learn how to fucking spell

Your profile says bi and it says you looking for dicks to suck. Sounds like you already made your choice!

By tecsan at 26,Sep,24 09:08 other posts of tecsan 
NO. Stay with the pussy. You jeopardize losing the pussy if you do not listen. Is it worth it? This should be the question you ask yourself.

By pifad at 26,Sep,24 08:52 other posts of pifad 
Keep the fantasy alive.

By beauregard19 at 26,Sep,24 00:51 other posts of beauregard19 
It sounds like you have a happy marriage. Just bear in mind how rare that is and how lucky you are. Because it's obviously important to you, I'd just keep with the fantasies, and don't tell her about anything.

By cumcouplessa at 15,Aug,24 02:55 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. The best thing I ever did was to introduce my wife to MMF sex. In this way, we BOTH get to enjoy a little bit of cock once in a while. Unfortunatelly, not ALL women are into this, so you have to tread realy carefully when approaching this subject. Best of luck buddy

By bella! at 14,Aug,24 18:54 other posts of bella! 
It is truly a moral dilemma.

My "vote" is that you continue to fantasize, no harm, no foul.

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