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To women if you walked out your door and saw a neighbor outside stroking

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Started by #591921 at 16,Jan,20 03:38
The other day I was here and I was out on my patio. Well I got so damn excited I just had to pull my pants down and start stroking. Well I was chatting too. Well once I got to a certain point I just had to finish. Just after getting there a neighbor who lives behind me walked out of her house and I'm not positive that she saw me,at less until I blew my load. When I did it was so good I let out this big aaaaahhh and though my eyes were closed once I finished she was looking my way. She is a very cute lady and she didn't say anything or yell or anything,so I slowly just eased my way back in my house. I'm just wondering what do ladies think I they were to walk out and see a guy just stoking up a big hard dick and not worried about them watching. Can you ladies tell me.

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By cumcouplessa at 17,Jan,20 04:12 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Depends. If the neighbour is hot and I caught him before he finished, I'd most likely invite him over to finish off in the privacy of my bedroom.

By #603370 at 16,Jan,20 05:47
They'd think you were a perv exhibitionist and they'd call the cops. Jesus, don't you have any common sense or self control?

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