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Do women enjoy or are they turned off if they can clearly see a mans cock in his jeans?

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Started by #591921 at 02,Mar,20 18:29
I'm just wondering,just the other day I ran into this very beautiful woman who I think is incredibly sexy of all places at the gas station. I di know her and she is very sexy beautiful,smart and if she ever gave me one chance in hell I would be so happy and would cherish this woman . She is exactly the kind of woman I honestly have such adoration and attraction to. However I had just thrown my jeans on to run to the store and pick up a few things and stopped to get a few bucks in gas. Well she recently bought her a new vehicle and I walked around it checking it out. Also knowing her she had a bf awhile back but as far as I know she is single and not seeing anyone right now and hasn't for a few months ir so. Well I didn't really think much about this until I got home. She while I walked around and checked out her new vehicle she stayed in front of me and a couple of times I caught her eyes pointed directly at my crotch. When I got home I thought a little about it. I went and looked in the mirror. Well I was in a rush to get dressed and said oh I'm just running to the store so I didn't wear underwear. Well I didn't realize it but in these new jeans I bought if I go commando in them my cock hangs pretty low and I have huge balls so the ball on that side pushes my cock out tight and my circumcised head is very clearly seen in these jeans. I'm somewhere between 4 3/4 to 5 1/2 inches when I'm flaccid do it hangs low in jeans and my balls hang even lower so the head of my cock is where the ball pushes my cock out the most. I'm pretty sure this beautiful woman I would really cherish if she gave me the chance I'm sure she pretty much just outright saw my cock. She was actually a little more talkative and chatty than she ever has been but that could have been because she is really proud if her new vehicle too. I'm just wondering about opinions from people and their view on the situation.

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By leopoldij at 03,Mar,20 20:04 other posts of leopoldij 
All you have to do is to let her have a look again and while she's doing that ask her out for a drink saying you'd be delighted to have her company. Guaranteed fuck.
By #591921 at 03,Mar,20 21:19
Well honestly I dont drink,my neurologist suggested I dint because after my wreck it can effect me different now. I honestly would rather just see if I coup take her out to dinner. However most the times I see her is when we are surrounded by friends so its tough to get alone with her long enough to even ask her out. I have to wait until I run into her at the gas station or the store I've run into her a few times lately just at random places. Or I could specifically go and have a conversation with her with lil 20 other folks around but I'm not comfortable doing that.
By leopoldij at 03,Mar,20 21:43 other posts of leopoldij 
"Drink" was just an expression. Dinner is equally good. Yeah, find a way to get her alone, even for a minute, and, maybe, since the time is so short, be assertive and forward. Put your arm on her shoulder or touch her hand warmly, while saying, "someday we're gonna have to go for dinner together, I know this great place and thought that of all people you'd appreciate it a lot". Of course, try to find out what she likes to eat and don't take her to an indian restaurant if she hates it. I think that being warm, straightforward, make a quick move, can work.

Just to give you an example, I met this girl yesterday, 25 years younger than me, at a small restaurant, she was behind me while ordering at the counter, and I said out loud, I wonder if this is good, "it's great", she said, "had that before". So I immediately I ordered it because I knew I had an excuse to talk to her. She sat at a nearby table and said "yeah, it's great, thanks", and so on. "Where are you from?" "Atlanta", she said. "And what are you doing here?" I found out all about her and engaged in a conversation. I then said I had to go, got off my table, but stopped at her table to say a "last" word. The "Last" word lasted 5 minutes, so she said, "why don't you sit down". And I did and continued talking and talking. The trick is never to let her think you're boring... At some point I touched her hand on purpose, and said, "oops, sorry, I've even touched your hand, ha ha, that's how interesting our discussion has been". Again, to make a long story short, I ended up getting her phone number and email. I've already texted her and will try to meet her again.

Women like sex a lot, more than men sometimes, but will go long ways to prove that they're not interested. The sure way not to fuck is to talk about fucking from the start (with rare exceptions: women who have realized that the game is silly, but those are very very few). The best way is to talk to them about everything except sex.
By #591921 at 04,Mar,20 03:24
Naa look I'm no dummy on how to pick up women man I've been with plenty of women had many women but the catch is I know this woman and I like her not just a bit I know she's a true quality woman. But I also know she is skittish about getting involved. She is super competitive but she is kind and caring. She is very smart and very perceptive. She is actually exactly what I want in a woman physically,and emotionally,she like I said is absolutely just what I want and need. But knowing what I do about her tells me I need to just go slow and not rush or push. I need to be patient. I just dint want to be to patient. She is pretty open to me because we know each other but I'm not sure just how open. I respect her and I know she isn't ready yet. She just broke it off with her Las bf a few months ago and she looked me dead in the eyes about 3 weeks after that and said I'm not going to be ready to be with anyone for a little while I want to be alone awhile so i can regroup. So I caught that she was giving me a hint. She was talking to another person as she said it but she looked me in the eyes while she said it. This time at the gas station was the first time she actually wanted to be a little talkative and I was very willing and I enjoyed it. The last couple of times I've seen her she has been a little more receptive,I'm taking my time because she knows my views on certain things that are important to both of us and we completely agree on. I wont say what that is but trust me its one reason I think she respects me. She knows I'm not some slimeball or a creep,but I think she needs a little time to clear her head. Just like when I first met her we had a nice conversation around a fire and I opened up a little to her and she saw just where I was coming from and what was inside. So knowing each other isn't a problem. I just need to be sure she is ready before I make any moves. I dont want to push her. She knows how hard i had it with my divorce and she was with her bf a long time too. I think she hinted to me she needed some time. I already discussed with her when she asked me what I was wanting in a woman before when we were the only two around once and I more or less described her. I told her I know not many women around here are like that but its just what I'm attracted to. Ever since then she has been very sweet to me. I know she knows I'm interested. I just dont want to spook her.

By jocstfr at 03,Mar,20 16:05 other posts of jocstfr 
when I wear tight jeans my dick is usually very visible. A girl once commented to me that she could tell I was circumcised by the protrusion of my head against my jeans

By spermkiss at 02,Mar,20 20:18 other posts of spermkiss 
"... if I go commando in them my cock hangs pretty low and ... my circumcised head is very clearly seen ..."

Man, don't EVER wear underpants with these jeans. This lady was eyeing your meat and she liked what she saw.

By cumcouplessa at 02,Mar,20 19:08 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Wifey here. Oh my hat, I would have had your dick in my mouth AT the gas station. I dont fuck around, if I see something I want, I simply go out and get it.

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