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Has anyone notice that more younger girls on site site since the virus

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Started by #539111 at 30,Mar,20 13:49
We aren’t complaining at all, so many new hot bodies. They must be sex deprived from the quarantine

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New Comment

By #522791 at 14,Apr,20 18:27
Yeah but fluff on the muff then they is old enough hahaha just kidding

By #460385 at 12,Apr,20 11:14
Nope, they're all fakes. More men have time at home to play games. Don't worry, they come and go daily.
By mr_blue at 14,Apr,20 17:17 other posts of mr_blue 
all those lesbians want tributes from dudes
By bella! at 14,Apr,20 17:39 other posts of bella! 
Now that's funny! 👍

By #574505 at 12,Apr,20 11:21
How many of pics are yours

By DarkMax at 12,Apr,20 09:14 other posts of DarkMax 

By DJS at 05,Apr,20 09:24 other posts of DJS 
Yep and they all seem like amateur models,funny they all ask for tributes straight away but don't do comments

By #608173 at 30,Mar,20 16:07
perhaps they have got fed up with snapchat . Pin it . Pinterest . And all the other social media apps . And are looking for something a little bit more adventurous .

By #608173 at 30,Mar,20 15:30
Just a suggestion . Your headings could do with an "n't" . So it reads aren't . That way it would make sense .
--------------------------------------- added after 20 minutes

That's better .

By #569439 at 30,Mar,20 14:09
IDK about everyone else but I am beyond what you would call being sex deprived

Adult Discussion Forum