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Gf just told me she wants to cuckold me and make me clean up

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Started by #575802 at 19,Apr,20 10:08
Lick up the black cocks cum he shoots all in her pussy. Idk how to feel I think it’s sexy but also fucking hate it

Similar topics: 1.DICK CHEESE/SMEGMA! What are your thoughts and experiences? Do you try and build it up or struggle to keep it clean?   2.What Do You Guys Make Of This?   3.Cuckold well almost   4.Do yourself?   5.Cuckold Lifestyle  

New Comment

By lovetolickyou at 05,May,20 05:31 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I'd really get off on doing that. Getting to taste a big load and lick my lady out at the same time is the best of both worlds

By Ex__4 at 04,May,20 22:02 other posts of Ex__4 

By knewbi at 27,Apr,20 15:55 other posts of knewbi 
I'd say that you agree but only if you also get to clean that BBC

By #556187 at 26,Apr,20 14:39
If you "also fucking hate it" then don't do it.

You will regret it and probably will destroy your relationship.

By thickswingercock at 26,Apr,20 13:40 other posts of thickswingercock 
mmmm my favorite! i have many wives i fuck and their husbands and bfs always clean up. some rim me and lick my balls while im fucking their wife

i love it

By #523015 at 26,Apr,20 04:30
I am in an open relationship and I have never gotten a BBC for the two of us

By #516354 at 25,Apr,20 04:12
Tread carefully.I was a submissive to my ex wife/Mistress and she invited several Masters to our house on different occasions to learn more about b.d.s.m.On several of those visits I was made to clean both her and the Master after they had had sex.As I was in love with her both as a husband and her submissive I was more than happy to do it.But after several months of doing it she walked out on me with one of the Masters.

By wycowboy at 19,Apr,20 12:41 other posts of wycowboy 
If you aren't totally into it then don't do it. You won't enjoy and may hate your gf for making you do it.

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