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Does any female like small cock

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Started by #616038 at 04,Jun,20 16:33
It's not the size it's the way you use it

Similar topics: 1.Tendency to be gay   2.tiny cock   3.can i marry without problem?   4.Why the hell does it get men off to be humiliated for their small dick?   5.I have a small cock  

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By #621616 at 13,Jul,20 02:04
Small is ok but not tiny! Guys with smaller ones tend to be better at oral
By #616038 at 16,Jul,20 17:34
Thank you for your comments my wife use to love have it up her ass because it didn't hurt her

By #556187 at 15,Jun,20 20:53
My girlfriend does

On our profile there is proof for that.
By #434617 at 16,Jun,20 01:50
Yours doesn't look that small lol.. How big is it?
By #616038 at 16,Jul,20 17:32
Can get 4.5 inch when I do get erection medical problems

By #588327 at 15,Jun,20 20:40
I'm sure some women care about size but as long as both people have an orgasm who care about size. Bodies change over a life time.

By nekekal at 15,Jun,20 17:25 other posts of nekekal 
Most women that I have known didn't really like to fuck anyway, so they didn't care much about size. Smaller is easier for them to fuck and suck so that was their preference. As long as you lick their clit and they orgasm, it is fine.

By #434617 at 15,Jun,20 16:59
I thought I also typed a comment under that but Idk what happened...

In my experience there are some girls that just can't get past you having a small penis and will either be mean about it so you will leave her so she doesn't look like she left you for being small or they will actually like it doesn't bother them and be nice about it and lie and say it's not small... I even had a girl trying to lie and say it was bigger lol.. But eventually the relationship ends because of the size... Then there are other girls like 2 of my ex gf's that have a dominant personality and while they like big cock & even admit it They were also into being the dominant one having sex and even liked to tease about the size but eventually it get a old for both and the relationship ends... Then if you are lucky you will find a girl like my gf who started out as my best friend growing up... She is the only girl I have been with that I actually believe when she says she likes my penis and the size really doesn't bother her... I think girls like her are rare tho haha

By cumcouplessa at 04,Jun,20 18:53 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. Wifey realy enjoys a small (thin) cock if we going to double penetrate. Actually, even I cannot handle a big, thick cock if I'm doing anal. Much as we both love a nice big cock to suck on, it is simply too painfull for rear entry, and sadly spoils the fun. Every cock has its place. Her pussy has NO limits, the bigger the better, but rear entry is a totally different thing all together.
By #616038 at 14,Jun,20 19:32
My wife use to love it in butt hole but both gone off sex

By Alwaysnude at 12,Jun,20 17:39 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image] I like my small cock
By #616038 at 14,Jun,20 19:31
Thanks yours looking great

By wycowboy at 13,Jun,20 03:40 other posts of wycowboy 
That's right. Mine is small but I can make my wife squirt so I guess I can use it.
By #616038 at 14,Jun,20 19:31
Good guy

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