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Masturbation fun in the shower

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Started by knewbi at 29,Jun,20 18:15  other posts of knewbi
I just had to share this with you guys in hopes that some that do not know this might benefit. I have been jerking off and then showering after. We have one of those shower heads that is in a hose and can be taken in hand. I have always liked how it feels on my balls and cock, especially after a wank session. Well, a while back I was all horned up and the internet dropped out. So, I jumped in the shower and figured to return later to finish the job. While in the shower I used the hose and showered my balls and cock from below. It felt especially good because my cock was sensitive from the wanking but I was still so horned up. I decided to turn the heat up and found it felt even better. So, here is what I have determined.. Use the shower hand head and turn the temperature to the point of mild discomfort. Then turn it just a little past that point. The combination of the water sprinkled on your member and the burn of the heat will drive you up a wall... I come so hard doing this. Just thought I would share it. A plus... if you go back and jerk of right after this your cock and balls are so damned sensitive and it is that much better..

Similar topics: 1.In the shower   2.Shower pics   3.In the shower   4.pee while in shower   5.Shower head water jet masturbation  

New Comment

By casado at 20,Apr,23 19:29 other posts of casado 
By knewbi at 08,Jan,24 00:24 other posts of knewbi 
I know this is an older post but just saw it. That looks like it might need a helping hand or mouth.

By #685481 at 07,Jan,24 23:11
Especially with the water jets from the shower head
By knewbi at 08,Jan,24 00:21 other posts of knewbi 
You got that right. A hand wand that adjusts to different patterns is perfection at it's best.

By PITBULL at 13,Apr,23 00:29 other posts of PITBULL 
I was at the Y today. I notice they change the shower curtain to light filtering. With these new curtains, you almost can see the movement of some guys in the shower stalls. There it was a young cute guy getting in the shower stall. I notice by his movement he was jerking off. I was near him and waiting for him to come out. He finished his shower and when he came out he gave me a big smile. I got a boner and I went to the lockers to change and he was there. I notice he was checking me out, looking at my boner.

By PITBULL at 12,Apr,23 01:32 other posts of PITBULL 
I usually jerk off at the gym's showers because my dick gets hard in the locker room. I just jerk off Monday afternoon in my shower stall. I sometimes leave my shower curtain where the next stall guy saw me and he starts it to jerk off and he cum.
By knewbi at 12,Apr,23 17:33 other posts of knewbi 
Sweet... Has it led to any real action? Sounds as if it might...
By PITBULL at 12,Apr,23 23:29 other posts of PITBULL 

By #662360 at 11,Apr,23 19:34
I often masturbate in the shower at my gym. The shower cubicle doors are translucent glass so anyone really interested can guess what I’m doing but the casual observer wouldn’t. But of course best of all is a soap lubed hand job in the shower from my wife after we’ve lathered each other all over.
By knewbi at 12,Apr,23 17:34 other posts of knewbi 
What fun!! Has it led to any action for you?
By #662360 at 12,Apr,23 19:31
I’ve had plenty of hand jobs from my wife in the shower.

By #620582 at 06,Jul,20 15:14
The best thing in the world! The pulsating jet of water is especially good. who has not tried yet, be sure to do so as soon as possible!

By Jimmwang22 at 06,Jul,20 03:35 other posts of Jimmwang22 

I’m always jerking in the shower! Check out my profile I’ve got plenty of vids up

By nekekal at 05,Jul,20 21:00 other posts of nekekal 
I masturbate in the shower all the time. Part of my moring ritual. Sbower, cum, shower get ready for the day. And I have had a handheld shower for decades. Nothing like really hot water soap, and my hand on my cock. Yess.

By earthy at 05,Jul,20 18:20 other posts of earthy 
I've had a hand-held shower before. You're right, it's AMAZING! I think I'll get another one soon. Maybe today

By #172995 at 05,Jul,20 18:01
Personal shower heads are the best for washing your genitals and anus. I love to set mine where it pulses jets of water.

By #618996 at 29,Jun,20 20:16
[deleted image]

I love to masturbate in the shower, it's perfect in every aspect
By knewbi at 30,Jun,20 17:50 other posts of knewbi 
You really need to try the portable shower head I am writing about up above.

By #618975 at 01,Jul,20 04:15

By #618975 at 29,Jun,20 18:52
Oh yes , i stroke my Cock in the shower , as i finger my ass...Mmmmm
By german_guy at 29,Jun,20 20:12 other posts of german_guy 
me too and I enjoy it a lot

By knewbi at 30,Jun,20 17:51 other posts of knewbi 
You guys really need to try the portable shower head I wrote about above. It will enhance your shower experience.
By german_guy at 30,Jun,20 19:06 other posts of german_guy 
I've such and use it a lot

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