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Started by sherryann at 19,Feb,21 20:03  other posts of sherryann
The reason on my page stated, "anyone who supports Donald Trump is no friend of mine"
Fuck you. Anyone who DOES NOT support Donald Trump is no friend of mine!

Similar topics: 1.And people here complain about being blacklisted   2.Your Blacklisted.   3.blacklisted ?   4.Reporting a dude who blacklisted me   5.⬆⬆*Reasons for being blacklisted/blocked*⬆⬆  

New Comment

By #610414 at 20,Mar,21 01:04
Bella! don't read too much into that comment. I meant that Lix participates in the forums mostly by commenting in someone else's thread.I have no knowledge if she has more than one account nor do I care.
By bella! at 20,Mar,21 02:06 other posts of bella! 
Freudian slip?
By #610414 at 20,Mar,21 02:24

By dgraff at 21,Mar,21 20:35 other posts of dgraff 
I think it’s funny lix thinks I snoop around Aussie mans page and they think that I think they don’t notice how paranoid is lix did she ever stop to think I might be looking for milk points gee I wonder and it always seems to be when he is between 600 and 1000 points meaning he’s on the excitement list
By bella! at 21,Mar,21 23:31 other posts of bella! 
What makes you believe that anyone thinks that you are "snooping"? My guess is IF you were inclined to snoop, you would engage your invisible mode and snoop and by doing so, be undetected.
By dgraff at 21,Mar,21 23:38 other posts of dgraff 
Absolutely but lix made a comment about it in aussieman187 crap just crap forum thread
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

What she should be wondering about is how i know she has a picture of her in a black Harley Davidson tee shirt with no pants on sitting on a small motorcycle used for racing on a clay oval dirt track and I bet she left shit stains on the seat
By bella! at 22,Mar,21 00:41 other posts of bella! 
She's too busy to be wondering what you're doing or how you know about her black Harley shirt, etc.
By dgraff at 22,Mar,21 02:02 other posts of dgraff 
Hey lix stick with me I will make you famous
By tecsan at 24,Mar,21 05:46 other posts of tecsan 
Doubt it, you have to be famous first...

By tecsan at 24,Mar,21 05:45 other posts of tecsan 
I am wondering here as to the meaning of the topic...

By #485312 at 21,Mar,21 19:52

By #485312 at 22,Mar,21 19:16
fucking soft CUNT, tells everyone ITS name all over forum, but hates anyone saying it, so it cries to admin????... you're as gutless as your mates.. when someone tells the truth, you run to admin and have it taken down.,. gutless crying soft cock CUNT you are... *lix*

By Sir-Skittles at 15,Mar,21 20:00 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Fat lix - keeps changing her reasons for the ban. Seems like she is obsessed with me! ZERO chance I would give the bitch any attention!

By bella! at 17,Mar,21 02:38 other posts of bella! 
Um, let me guess, is she the member that compared you to a "used tampon"? And I bet she told it her boyfriend to say that the Skittles profile is my duplicate account, the account that I use to "troll" members with, right? They can't decide how many "duplicate profiles" that I have. There was a time that they said JustWill was my profile, too. All I can say is that they are dumber than a door knob!
By dgraff at 18,Mar,21 23:36 other posts of dgraff 
It’s my understanding that lix can lick the Crome right off of that door knob
By bella! at 19,Mar,21 01:30 other posts of bella! 
I thought that this was an interesting comment and revelation made about her...

"You, on the other hand, seldom participate in the forums and never under your account name."

Hmmmm.....could it be someone has more than one profile for trolling purposes?
By dgraff at 19,Mar,21 01:35 other posts of dgraff 
I would bet on it

By Sir-Skittles at 19,Mar,21 22:08 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Bella!--- yup... she says I am your fake to troll and attack others

A solid moron. I can see her feeble mind spinning
By bella! at 20,Mar,21 02:04 other posts of bella! 
My post was a direct quote made by TWOWARM to lix. Looks like TWOWARM is aware and has disclosed that lix has more than one profile. I'm not surprised, lix was friendly with MONTED, my guess is he shared the secret of how he became king of the site. She used that intel to make herself the member with the most friends.
By Sir-Skittles at 20,Mar,21 13:56 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
For sure- the site is filled with ticks and tricks of Lix. Fat cunt has nothing else to do. Just like Monted.
By bella! at 20,Mar,21 22:34 other posts of bella! 
One of the things I've noticed with *lix* is it seems that she tends to only vote on the Evaluation Panel to support her pal, leopoldij. Should anyone other member refer a member for deletion, she rarely votes. What's up with that?
By Sir-Skittles at 22,Mar,21 01:38 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Two window lickers united- Lix and Leo.. a combined 600 pounds

By #485312 at 19,Mar,21 23:14
"A solid moron. I can see her feeble mind spinning"
mmmm sounds like the delusional moron saying this, has a few screws loose, HE CAN SEE MY MIND SPINNING, WOW, what drugs is this micro dicked moron really taking and what kind of morons would want to converse with such a drug fucked idiot???, that states he can see someones mind spinning.. would you like a tool kit to tighten some of those loose nuts pea brain??? or a needle to put you out of your misery ???
ps, your obsession is showing yet again

By #574505 at 19,Feb,21 20:35
By sherryann at 19,Feb,21 20:48 other posts of sherryann 
By dgraff at 19,Feb,21 21:19 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah I was black listed by a few of the liberal nut jobs to
By sherryann at 19,Feb,21 21:38 other posts of sherryann 
Hell yeah, nutjobs they are, they're all deranged! The worst part is they all think they're right! A bunch of crazy motherfuckers they are!
By mikeyd270 at 21,Feb,21 03:10 other posts of mikeyd270 
Let's see what they think four years from now.
By sherryann at 21,Feb,21 16:28 other posts of sherryann 

By #610414 at 18,Mar,21 20:58
Come on....give it a break. Why are Liberal Democrats nut jobs and you guys are the only ones that know what the score is. Dgraff I suspect you get blacklisted because of your attitude and not your politics.
Sherryann I don't have the equipment be a motherfucker, but, if I did I would go looking for you. As I've said once before, you are an ignorant person who can insult but have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. In this you and Dgraff are equals. And before you get highly annoyed, let me remind you that I'm a liberal, a Democrat, and someone who understands that the presidential election is over and now, right or wrong, we have to support our current president. This country has to get back to the greatness pre Trump.
By dgraff at 18,Mar,21 21:57 other posts of dgraff 
Greatness pre Trump my ass 5.00 dollars a gallon of gas being fined through your tax return if you don’t have healthcare fire safe cigarettes and a chick with a dick as our First Lady Michael Obama yeah some greatness
By #610414 at 19,Mar,21 00:30
Better than: the pandemic will be gone in two weeks; no one understands this pandemic better than me;let's inject bleach to kill covid;I'm shutting down the federal government because Ms Pelosi spanked my peepee; let me be a bottom for Putin; let over half a million Americans die while I protest the elections; let the economy flounder with the loss of millions of jobs lost. Let me grab snaches without permission; let me call for an insurrection on the steps of the capitol.

By #610414 at 19,Mar,21 00:33
Better than: the pandemic will be gone in two weeks; no one understands this pandemic than me;let's inject bleach to kill covid;I'm shutting down the federal government because Ms Pelosi spanked my peepee; let me be a bottom for Putin; let over half a million Americans die while I protest the elections; let the economy flounder with the loss of millions of jobs lost. Let me grab snaches without permission; let me call for an insurrection on the steps of the capitol.
By dgraff at 19,Mar,21 01:07 other posts of dgraff 
Oh I just love when you talk filthy to me

By phart at 20,Feb,21 01:44 other posts of phart 
I just bought 2 more Make America Great again hats,camo colored, as I don't like bright colored hats.I intend to buy some more off ebay as they are getting cheaper.
Reason being, I want to make sure people know I was not dumb enough to vote for biden!

And you know,regardless of who is in office,if the idea of Making America great again offends a person,I don't need to waste my time being around them anyway,they are part of the problem.
By sherryann at 20,Feb,21 02:53 other posts of sherryann 
I buy tons of Make America Great Again stuff. I am a Trump lover /supporter, and sick of the Trump haters. There are lots of us out here who voted for President Trump. I agree with you about not wasting your time with those that don't want what's best for America. That is why they didn't like Trump because he loves America and wanted to make it great again. The people here (in America), are shit people. Very very few good decent people left here.
By #610414 at 19,Mar,21 00:36
It's easy to hide yourself on the internet. Do you say those things in public? A majority of voters voted for Biden or against Trump. So, according to you Sherryann they are shit?

By elgato777 at 25,Feb,21 20:56 other posts of elgato777 
Why can't we all leave politics off of this site and just discuss fucking, sex and the beautiful human body
By Sir-Skittles at 25,Feb,21 21:05 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Shut your cat cunt gato

Go worship yer slag Lix mate!
By elgato777 at 25,Feb,21 21:18 other posts of elgato777 
Eat shit and die you ugly wimpy motherfucker.
By bella! at 26,Feb,21 17:15 other posts of bella! 
Now that's a real "tough guy" approach! You tell Skittles to "Eat shit and die you ugly wimpy motherfucker" and blacklist him? Why? Why not allow him the opportunity to respond?

As far as not discussing politics on the site and limiting conversations to "fucking, sex and the beautiful human body" it is not a realistic expectation. There's more to life than fucking, sex and the human form.
By elgato777 at 26,Feb,21 18:14 other posts of elgato777 
I was responding to his response to me I thought in order to prevent further conflict amd prevent escalation it best to end all contact with him. We each had our say and that should be the end of it. As for being a "Tough Guy" I spent 10 years as an airborme marine. I know what toughness is.
By phart at 26,Feb,21 19:27 other posts of phart 
Well,I understand the eat shit and die thing now,a marine.
Why is it if a marine can't eat it or fuck it,they want it dead? Not trying to be a asshole,just never have understood that attitude in every marine I have ever encountered.

By bella! at 26,Feb,21 19:27 other posts of bella! 
So to prevent further escalation, the best way to end contact with Skittles was to tell him to "eat shit and die", then call him a "wimpy motherfucker". Wow! That's how The Few. The Proud. A Marine handles something? Just my opinion, not responding and/or not reacting with vulgarity to his post would have spoken loudly of a Marine's character.
By phart at 26,Feb,21 19:35 other posts of phart 
Well I agree,I appreciate his work protecting our freedoms and our country.But that choice of words was not what I would have expected .Or at least it would have been in private,as similar to walk up to skittles and speak to him.
It could also be said that blacklisting was not a good thing either.I would have thought a marine would face a challenge,and perhaps find a positive solution,other than cuss em,stomp em,and say DIE.

By elgato777 at 26,Feb,21 20:08 other posts of elgato777 
Thank you so very much for the constructive criticism. It is greatly appreciated. I hope you have a most pleasant rest of the day.
By dgraff at 18,Mar,21 22:02 other posts of dgraff 
The crow the 8 ball and the fish hook freaking jar head

By phart at 26,Feb,21 00:32 other posts of phart 
Your mouse works similar to ours I am sure,it can clic on anything that intrest you.If it don't intrest you,don't clic on it.enjoy life and don't pay things any attention you don't like.

By #485312 at 17,Mar,21 05:22
yeah I agree, lets go to a site called 'show your dick, show your cunt, or show it off, and discuss how sexy others are with their clothes off and who have the guts to share it with other like minded people... blacklisting is for getting rid of morons, idiots, fakes and loudmouths, no matter what politics the follow... doesn't take rocket science to work out whos a fake, whos a troll and who's a fair dinkum sexy cunt around here *lix*

By Sir-Skittles at 26,Feb,21 19:35 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

A banning rat, site wimp, and a page filled with Internet pics. What winner.

By #592419 at 20,Feb,21 23:45
A clear filter of getting jackasses out of you life no question. The one's that hate trump stay away from.. They are no good.
By sherryann at 21,Feb,21 16:30 other posts of sherryann 
I couldn't have said it better. I actually said one of them was no good the other day. How right you are!
By #592419 at 21,Feb,21 19:32
:x All too easy:x You are either egoistic or altruistic. Meaning your desires are for you or for others.. When for others it makes you a good teacher, or student, or both. Someone to learn from.
By sherryann at 22,Feb,21 01:11 other posts of sherryann 
Thank you. I tried to leave post on your page but it wouldn't let me.

By Sir-Skittles at 20,Feb,21 13:37 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
By sherryann at 20,Feb,21 15:11 other posts of sherryann 

By Jim65 at 19,Feb,21 21:52 other posts of Jim65 
Go Trump!
By sherryann at 20,Feb,21 02:36 other posts of sherryann 
Go Trump! yes Jim!
By Jim65 at 20,Feb,21 04:52 other posts of Jim65 

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