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Started by #533410 at 04,Jun,21 07:20
I’ve been real curious about sucking duck and I’ve always wanted to try it. Would anyone be interested in show me the the ropes?
Send me a dm If you are interested?

Similar topics: 1.Curious in watching..   2.I'm new to this   3.Bi curious? is a stupid term   5.Bi_Curious  

New Comment

By #275407 at 18,Jun,21 21:51
You shouldn't be sucking ducks, that's cruelty to animals
By #610414 at 20,Jan,23 18:07

By thebeewolf at 12,Jun,21 20:44 other posts of thebeewolf 
If you're local, I'll unzip for you. Just for you to try it out. Satisfy your curiosity. Since you've been thinking about it so much, it's likely that you'll enjoy it. But be careful. Some say that sucking dick does not change you from a hetero guy. They say that you can suck and suck and suck and it'll be fine. But. If you let him cum in your mouth, if you taste that hot man seed on your tongue... you're done for. You'll be addicted to sperm and you'll have to suck a lot of cock to be satisfied. You have been warned.

Still want to give it a try? Like I said, I'll drop my pants, kick back, close my eyes and think of Scarlett Johansson while you experiment any way you like. For as long as you like.
By probowler298 at 20,Jan,23 17:12 other posts of probowler298 
I wish you lived closer. Love to suck you off.

By nekekal at 20,Jun,21 19:11 other posts of nekekal 
Don't know anything about doing the sucking, but I love to have my cock sucked and would be happy to let you practice on my cock. I know what I like and could tell you how I like it.

By knewbi at 18,Jun,21 21:47 other posts of knewbi 
If you were close by it would be a pleasure teaching you the ropes, so to speak!!! As long as I get a crack at the meat between your legs that is!!

By #533410 at 04,Jun,21 07:21
Of course I would misspell dick haha
By bella! at 04,Jun,21 08:25 other posts of bella! 
I believe that you can "edit" your post a correct the spelling.

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